
Carb intake bulk

Common Questions and Answers about Carb intake bulk


1330395 tn?1275233710 re working on a calorie-restricted diet or zone/low carb diet, you can make allowances in your intake to include a mid-evening snack. For me, I allow 100 extra calories in my intake so that at about 8pm I have something satisfying that kills cravings, like a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and a double handful of blueberries. The small fat content in the cheese, and modest protein content, prevents me from coming back an hour later to empty the fridge.
969163 tn?1281105479 Fat is not what you want on an older inactive dog. Balance carb intake with protein and you will be better off. All dog foods are pretty well balanced in this regard off the shelf. However as soon as you add potatoes and cheerios you have ONLY added carbs that will cause her insulin levels to go up and store the carb energy as fat. I would try to find a high quality canned or dry food that is - in and of itself - balanced and will be properly digested.
Tbd It usually involves cutting all added sugars, grains, sweet fruits and starchy veges. Low carb is defined as less than 100g of carbs per day. Very low carb is 25 - 50 g of carb per day. When you cut carbs you still energy so you get this from increasing your fat intake and making sure you have enough protein. Enough protein can be at least 100g for a woman and probably about 120g for a man. You can use a diet tracker to work out which foods have how much carbs, protein, and fats.
435762 tn?1244682620 During breast feeding it is always advised that the lady should take 500 calories more than the calorie intake advised for her age/height/work. Now as you stopped breast feeding assessing your diet chart is important as you want to decrease that 3 kgs. As you have children you do enough work at home. To add that you do regular cardio for an hour for 6 days a week with proper diet control. Proper diet control is not dieting, it is choosing proper food. Take care!
Avatar m tn Depending on your results from your blood sugar meter you may need to eat much lower carb to manage blood sugars. This is called "eat to your meter" appraoch. An alternative low carb approach recommended by Dr. Bernstein is detailed in his book "Diabetes Solutions" and also discussed on Utube at "Bernstein Diabetes University". He recommends typically about 30 g of carbs / day mostly from non-starchy veges. You will need to experiment and see what works for you.
4322328 tn?1353998038 Watch your carb intake as well that will shoot it up
Avatar f tn I have read I should increase my caloric intake by 300, but I am wondering what is the best carb to protein to fat ratio for a pregnant woman?
Avatar n tn It's not really constipation, although I'm sure it feels like it. The problem is when you've got soft fecal material it doesn't 'bulk' up in the inside of the 'tube' of the colon, and that lack of bulk doesn't stretch the walls of the colon signaling the colon that it needs to move stuff forward. You may want to consider trying to bulk up your stool with some fiber and see if that helps things along.
8526246 tn?1405601876 I just got diagnosed today ,the dr told me to lay off carbs , sugary drinks
Avatar m tn Someone adviced me to takeup meal supplement like mass gainer which will provide high carb and protein to bulk up in couple of months and after that I can stop using it. I go to gym everyday. However, there is no luck in gaining upper body muscle. I was having chubby cheeks, but now I look gaunt with narrow bony shoulders, sunken cheeks and eyes. However, I have some fat in the waistline and things which I think is because of low t.
Avatar m tn Cancer Diets are always low carb...I would suggest using the "Honest Kitchen" foods....These are dehydrated whole foods.....Some of their choices DO have grains, but they are whole grains like Oats, Rye, or Quinoa...These are still considered low carb.....There's a difference here as opposed to typical dog foods that are full of cheap grains such as corn, wheat & soy making up the bulk of the product.....Actually, there is no comparison!
Avatar n tn I eat breakfast 15 gram carbs, snack 15 grams carb, lunch 60 grams carb, snack 30 grams carb, dinner 60 grams carb, snack 15 grams carb. Its crazy. This is my first pregnancy.
1519983 tn?1401046428 I decided to limit my carb intake, but am not really sure what I could eat that would be good subs. I don't want to do anything extreme like the atkins or anything, but cut my carb intake by like half. I eat way too many. i love potatoes, bread, pasta, rice all of that, so any advice or tips on this would be great.
Avatar n tn I eat under 50gr of carbs a day. Reasonable or not depends on who you ask. We do know carbs are what your body turns to Blood Glucose (BG). Dont confuse the carb with the stuff its mixed with, vitamins, minerals. All those are available in other foods without the carbs.
Avatar m tn Thank you for the suggestion (and welcome to MedHelp!). We've actually had a lot of requests for a food or nutrition tracker. When we launch that, we'll likely include carb intake in that tracker. We'll let you know when it's available.
Avatar n tn Hi. Is this app helpful for you when you log in your carb intake? Or is there other things that you do? I noticed I can only put if my carb is low , medium or high and it fills the plate but I'm not sure what is considered low , etc...
17593698 tn?1458185817 The best advice I can give is to start thinking in terms of Carb units (15 grams of carb = 1 carb unit) and try to balance your carb intake with fiber. Soluble fiber helps slow digestion and as a result minimizes spikes in blood sugar. Also meet with a diabetes educator and nutritionalist they are a great resource and can get you started on the right path. Good luck with the new adjustments, and now that you have millions of friends to lean on for support.
Avatar f tn Hiya - I agree with the comments above. I've just been introduced to this reduced carb lifestyle by my daughter-in-law in New Zealand who calls it the paleo lifestyle - the more gentle version is the primal diet. (There's loads on the web with recipes and ideas.) They've been doing it for nearly a year now and look fantastic! They have masses of energy and my son just completed the Auckland marathon recently. The cat is even on it and has lost weight!!
591470 tn?1218975186 I have been on a low carb diet sinse april and my weight loss has plateued at 124, which is fine. I eat 150-200 carbs a day. and am very active at work on my feet all day. My question is I recently started to los my hair. Now female baldness does not run in the family. What Vitamon or nutrient am I missing that would cause this? It has gown thin in it's strand size,and dry as well. what is missing from my diet?
Tbd In some cases, it absolutely can be controlled by watching your diet- making sure to eat those things that are not just 'healthy' but watching the carb intake in those things too. There are some cases that you will need the medications for- but regardless, healthy eating habits can only improve your condition.
973741 tn?1342342773 However, a mounting figure of authorities believe people with diabetes should intake far fewer carb than this. In fact, many praise fewer carbs per day than what the ADA allows per meal. Studies recommend that certain higher-carb foods may be operative for diabetes management. However, study associating these regimes to low-carb supplies is needed.
Avatar f tn I had it bad my first pregnancy I ate three meals and two snacks a day the trick is to watch your carb intake I seen a dietician and was told for breakfast to eat no more than two carb allowance which was thirty grams each fifteen grams is equal to one carb. The best things to eat was meat and veggies salads and morning eggs and bacon.
Avatar n tn Many of us believe in low carb eating and the lower carb you eat you will also lose weight. Be sure if you do this to reduce your insulin intake as it will also lower your blood sugar. Obviously lowering fat intake will also help lose weight and you will have to eat a lot more vegies, salads, and more lean meat (skinless chicken or fish) to compensate. If you want to talk with more Type 1's who are looking to lose weight send me a private message and I'll give you a website.
10570408 tn?1412078257 I am sorry to hear that. Try and cut down on your intake of red meat and processed food as well. Replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables. If it still fails to get your weight shifting, try Liproxenol max. It was very effective for me.