
Carb intake gain weight

Common Questions and Answers about Carb intake gain weight


Avatar n tn this starts a vicious cycle of more insulin, more carbs and of course weight gain. You want to lower your carb intake as low as you can and lower your insulin dose accordingly. To do this you need to figure out your insulin:Carb ratio. Some doctors put their patients on set doses or sliding scales for their mealtime insulin and this also leads to weight gain. I recommend the book Using Insulin by John Walsh which teaches you to use insulin:carb ratios.
Avatar n tn Generally speaking, to lose weight calorie intake must be less than you burn with activity, and to gain weight you must take in more calories than you burn. This situation (being underweight and pregnant) is about the only time women have to work to get more calories, but to do so, find foods you like and eat a lot of them. Sometimes pregnant women lose their appetite, so this will be a very individualized thing.
Avatar n tn I eat breakfast 15 gram carbs, snack 15 grams carb, lunch 60 grams carb, snack 30 grams carb, dinner 60 grams carb, snack 15 grams carb. Its crazy. This is my first pregnancy.
443862 tn?1237999439 I am type 2 now on insulin since May 09 and have put on 30 pounds, but sugar is well controlled unless I do somethign stupid like stop taking my insulin in order to not gain weight. ok, well, i'll never do that then, since i hae gained 30 pouns since last may form the insulin (possibly also becaue i stoppe smoking) but how can i control my wieght? the 30 piound weight gain is not good!!!! any help pelase?
Avatar f tn Low carb! meaning no simple carbs! google simple carbs and complex carbs! You could try the Atkins diet. Before doing anything get the OK from your doctor.
Avatar n tn reduction in carb intake. The lower carb you can eat the more you can lose weight and lower insulin intake. Many people who eat low carb for diabetes advocate high fat. I personally don't think this makes sense, but it especially doesn't make sense if you want to lose weight so the less fat the more you can lose weight. So non-fat yogurt, milk, etc. And of course exercise is especially helpful in combatting the insulin resistance that makes it hard to lose weight.
Avatar f tn I think there are two types of Weight Watchers plans you can do, the plan where you count points and the one where it is a lower carb diet. Anyways, I gained weight on weight watchers before, when there wasn't the lower carb choice. I am now doign South Beach and have had success this week.
Avatar f tn Your carb intake can also be effective with your weight gain.
Avatar m tn This sounds hard to believe but every year since he was a toddler, he goes through tremendous weight gain during the winter months. Three years ago he gained 14 pounds in about 3-4 months. Last year it was 10 pounds. This year he was 79 pounds in the fall and now is 89 pounds. His face appears puffy and most of the weight is in the belly. We have had his thyroid checked and his TSH levels were 2.996 which falls in the normal range. His sugar was checked and that was normal as well.
Avatar m tn Cannot be controlled if you gain or maintain an above normal weight level. As diabetes86 stated, reduce your carb intake. This will help lower your blood sugar levels. For low carb meal planning go here for ideas . Start a written log of what you eat/drink and portion size, next to it your blood sugar levels. Test before you eat [preprandial] for a baseline measurement and then 2-3 hours after you finish your meal [postprandial].
Avatar f tn I have diabetes, and now my doctors has prescribe insulin, but they also say that I wont loose weight but should not gain either. What do I do to loose weight. I walk everyday for a half hour.
Avatar f tn t agree with your first comment. Carbs are the problem, they are the reason 100% why we gain weight.. You need to concentrate on lowering your carbs in the form of grains and sugar..not the carbs(fibre) you get from fruits and vegetables.. Up the amount of protein and FAT that you take in. You need the healthy fats to give you energy.. your body won't use protein as energy but it will use the fat very easily as energy..
Avatar f tn Ive been on a low carb diet and watching my sugar intake etc. Like i said the doctor just told me to watch my weight gain and what i eat which i have been.
Avatar f tn The best way is to follow a low carb diet. Right now, even though you are only eating fruits and rice and chapati, your diet is mainly sugars and carbs. I know how important rice is for an Asian diet. But honestly... to control weight gain you have to reduce it to very little or none at all. It's only 9 months. Try to reduce your rice/chapati to once a weeks at the most. In order to control my own weight, I ate cooked vegetables, lean meats, and fish.
Avatar m tn Hi forum experts, I'm a 30 years old Hispanic male (5'10'' - 203 lbs mesomorph) and Diabetes runs in my family on both sides of my family: both grandmothers developed diabetes in their 50s and all of my uncles on my mother's side (3 brothers out of 6 siblings) developed diabetes in their 40s. I get tested annually and my A1 level (about a yr and a half ago) was a 5.1 and my last 3 fasting tests (all within the last year) ranged from 89-98. I'm told thats normal.
Avatar m tn Harvard researchers put pre-obese people (they had just lost 10-15 percent of their body weight) on three different diets—a low-fat, high-carb diet; a low-glycemic diet with fewer carbs; and a high-protein, high-fat, Atkins-style diet. Each participant ate the same number of calories on each diet, yet at the end of the study, they found that people burned the most calories at rest while on the Atkins diet.
Avatar f tn thank you so much for your speedy response,i was really feeling down about it and was really worried it wudnt stop....and i hav been eating properly,but added fruit.On your advice i will clean it up...the eating tho and get very strict for a while atleast,no sneak ins of any kind ;.)I will let you know how i long ,on average did you take to recover from this change tho?
Avatar f tn I was the same way as you ore pregnancy and ever since finding out I have GD I've been out on a pregnancy approved diet that limits your carb intake. I've maintained the same weight now for five weeks which in pregnancy reality it means I've lost weight while the baby continues to gain weight. It's perfectly healthy and all you have to do is eat frequently but limit out carbs and sugars. Even this late in my pregnancy I feel much better about myself than I did months ago!
Avatar f tn fat around my tummy but the weight gain is all over. Is this normal? What do I have to do to lose it - starve myself?? I am thinking of adding a few extra workouts per week to my schedule and try cutting back some calories. I've never had to deal with this before and just wondering if this is a normal part of coming closer to menopause. Help!
Avatar f tn The problem with taking a pill to lose weight is that this is often not a long term health solution. People typically gain the weight right back and then some just like if they lose from a fad diet. What about significant life style changes Change your diet, exercise more? Over time, doing this slowly has the best chance of permanent weight loss.
Avatar f tn I used to worry about gaining to much weight, I'm 37 weeks and i gained 30 pounds, my doctor says that my weight gain is normal, and right about week 35 i just stopped caring how much i gained... with all the BH, and back pain and pelvic pain i don't have time to think about the weight. ...just don't care anymore. ..
Avatar f tn I lost from over 240 to low 160s by limiting carbs per meal to 60. It got to the point where I was concerned about the loss that I was considering posting here how to gain weight. What's your BMI. If It's less than 25, I would be happy.
Avatar f tn 45 to 65 percent of your daily cal. intake should be from carbohydrates. If following a 1,500-calorie diet then 675 to 975 of those calories should be from carbs 168 to 240 grams of carbohydrate. On a 2,000-calorie diet, it would be between 900 and 1,300 calories or 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrate. When choosing carbs, the focus should be on healthy carb. sources, like fruits and vegetables, along with healthier complex carbs like whole grains. Healthy carbs.
Avatar n tn If so, how can I help her? Power bars, protein shakes. I think I need to increase carb intake, but where do I find a list of good carbs and there values and how much should she have a day? I have heard 250 -300 grams a day???
6918143 tn?1386340447 I am usually FAR below (suggested 1900 or so and I usually stay in the 1200-1500 range for caloric intake). Yet, I continue to gain weight. I got back on Metformin but haven't noticed any results yet. In the past, I was put on Adipex for a little while and only lost 6 lbs (while maintaining this food/workout regimen). Got off of Adipex and have gained it back. Honestly, I get so frustrated. I am putting in lots of effort and food sacrifices for nothing.