
Carb free grains

Common Questions and Answers about Carb free grains


Avatar n tn I went low carb (carbohydrate) Diet that necessitates low grain.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, it would be really difficult to do that, what with everyone having different restrictions (low sodium, low carb, low sugar, sugar free, lactose intolerance, gluten free, etc.), allergies, taste preferences, cooking skills, and the like. Perhaps visiting with a nutritionist would benefit you, so your diet can be personally tailored to you and your needs. I'm sorry we can't be of more service.
Avatar m tn Some of their choices DO have grains, but they are whole grains like Oats, Rye, or Quinoa...These are still considered low carb.....There's a difference here as opposed to typical dog foods that are full of cheap grains such as corn, wheat & soy making up the bulk of the product.....Actually, there is no comparison! Their line also includes many grain free choices. You might want to visit their web sight for further information.....
Avatar f tn I like the paleo diet. My weight loss had stalled for a long time, and now I'm losing again on the paleo diet. There's a lot of information out there about the paleo diet, nowadays. A book called The Paleo Approach is a good introduction. I also like the PaleoMom website, and she also has a book that has just come out. Nom Nom Paleo is another good source. In effect, the paleo diet is a low-carb diet, because you don't eat any grains.
Tbd Carbs from whole grains and/or carbs with fiber will help you maintain more stable blood sugar. Here is some information on better carbs for diabetes. You can find these articles in the Eat Right section of the Sugar Sense app; tap the bar menu in the upper lefthand corner and scroll down to find the Health Guide.
1401296 tn?1280799533 however, my feeling is that your body needs all of the food groups, so by cutting out carbs, you could be depriving your body of necessary nutrients, etc. If you do go on a carb free diet and lose weight, most likely, you will gain it back if you go off the plan. If you stick with the complex carbs - fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc - and eliminate the simple carbs - such as sugar, white flour, regular pasta, etc, - you should do better. Of course, you still have to limit your portions.
Avatar n tn The high levels of fat in my diet help keep me satiated and promotes weight loss. I also tend to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible. I eat gluten free and grain free.
Avatar n tn I can't believe you don't eat grains & fruit, grains are bread, & isn't some fruit better for you berry family?
Avatar f tn When choosing carbs, the focus should be on healthy carb. sources, like fruits and vegetables, along with healthier complex carbs like whole grains. Healthy carbs. provide fuel for the body and they also contain fiber. whole grains cannot be identified by the color of the food, look for products that have 5 grams, or 20 percent of the daily value of fiber, per serving.
594189 tn?1386916607 Is 100% whole wheat bread a simple carb? Is milk a simple carb? or is it only white bread and pasta's?
1301482 tn?1325722991 Who has done a low carb diet that worked well? Can you give me any tips for low carb snacks/meals?
988694 tn?1332359479 Hi, low carb diet works wonders for diabetics. I went on a low carb diet, lost approx 100 lbs ! which put my diabetic levels back into normal range. As for thyroid function, I never noticed any changes in my hormone labs, due to low carb diet.
Avatar f tn Haven't had it but there will be tons of info if you Google "low carb diets". If you could completely cut all sugar and basically all grains and not overdo your fruit intake, you would be eating a perfect diet for GD. (and a really awesomely healthy diet in general!
Avatar f tn I have no beef with anything going on here, just wanted to clarify some things that are often misstated these days (not necessarily on here). The Japanese and Scandinavians have the longest life spans right now and the best health, and both cultures consume a lot of grain. The macrobiotic diet is very grain based, probably because it's based largely on Japanese principles. The much lauded Mediterranean diets are all full of grains.
Avatar f tn The paleo diet is the healthiest form of low-carb diet, IMO. I would not go on a low-carb diet that was composed of low-carb junk food. If you eat a paleo diet, you are only eating real, whole foods (no junk food) and no grains. It's a lot of meat, vegetables, and healthy fats.
Avatar m tn Dr. W. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "fat and happy." Well, it's not just folklore. The same carbs that make you fat (and contribute to diabetes and other problems) also make you happy. It's simple science: Carbs allow more of the amino acid L-tryptophan to penetrate your brain. The L-tryptophan triggers your brain to make more serotonin, and the serotonin makes you feel happier. It's as simple as that!
Tbd It usually involves cutting all added sugars, grains, sweet fruits and starchy veges. Low carb is defined as less than 100g of carbs per day. Very low carb is 25 - 50 g of carb per day. When you cut carbs you still energy so you get this from increasing your fat intake and making sure you have enough protein. Enough protein can be at least 100g for a woman and probably about 120g for a man. You can use a diet tracker to work out which foods have how much carbs, protein, and fats.
Avatar n tn hiya im early pregnant and was wondering if its safe to do a low carb pregnancy whilst pregnant i did it for a while before i knew i was pregnant and lost quite a bit of weight. how much carbs does baby need a day? does anyone have any other safe diets im like a stone overweight.
Tbd Eat low carb / ketogenic diet. Avoid or strictly sugars, grains, starchy vegetables, and sweet fruits. Use a blood glucose meter to determine the effect of your diet on your blood sugar. This will help you fine tune what foods do and don't affect your blood sugars, and to what degree.
10570408 tn?1412078257 Try leaving out the sugar, junk food, and grains, but add back in two or three servings a day of healthy but carb-y vegetables, and see what happens.
Avatar n tn As a general guideline when eating low carb the easiest way is to cut out all grains and added sugars. No sweetened foods either. Fruits will be limited to small portions of low carb fruits such as berries. Plenty of salad and non-starchy vegetables, particularly green vegetables. Fats should come naturally with the foods (such as fatty meats, avocado, nuts, full-fat dairy) and avoid processed fats. Let us know what your a1c is. Hope this response is helpful for you.
Avatar f tn Remember that all vegetables are carbs, too. Different people require different diets. Avoiding grains, for example -- whole grains are actually fine, it's the simple carbs that are the problem. Permanent weight maintenance is more complicated than a fad diet. See a holistic nutritionist and figure out what suits you best -- might be a vegetarian diet high in grains. Have you seen many fat macrobiotics? They mostly eat whole grains.
976897 tn?1379167602 I looked up the starch diet when you first posted that you were doing it, and I couldn't understand how it could be great, but I trusted that you had researched it and didn't say anything. Now, I think maybe this starch diet just doesn't agree with you. For myself, I'm on board with the newer findings that healthy fats are good for you and that we eat too many grains. You might be interested in a book called Perfect Health Diet, by Paul Jaminet and Shou-Ching Jaminet.
Tbd The principle of low carb diet is restricting carbs, particularly all grains, sugars, starchy veges and sweet fruits, and eating a diet that focusses more on protein, low carb plant foods (veges and non-sweet fruits), some nuts, and healthy fats. While this may sound a little intimidating it is actually pretty easy and there are lots of great recipe ideas online easily accessible. key words will be low-carb, and keto.