
Break up your friends relationship

Common Questions and Answers about Break up your friends relationship


Avatar f tn So I broke up with my boyfriend after a somewhat rocky seven year relationship. The guy didnt treat me great. I often heard (mostly in rocky times) "your a ****** joke" and well he could yell for hours. Just couldnt calm down. There were lost of trust issues, compatibility issues but we were crazy about each other. We had so much history. So I persevered through the years with a positive outlook that has caused me palpitations and constant anxiety about the future.
Avatar m tn it definetly helps to let yourself cry, i would also suggest talking to a counselor or a close friend so you can share your feelings of grief out rather than bottling it up. give yourself the kindness of time to feel this way, to mourn and feel the grief. things will change, and will be brighter.
Avatar f tn I have the hardest time when i try and fall asleep. How did all of you get through your break up/ heart breaks in a positive way?
Avatar f tn Being attracted to other people is not something to break up over. Have you never looked at another guy while in a relationship? The point is that he's not acting on these things. I know one thing that helps my husband I is talking about our fantisies or attractions. The hubs has a weird thing for redheads so once in a while I'll buy a box of washout hair dye to surprise him. The point is give him some slack he's normal, it doesn't mean he's cheating or will cheat.
Avatar m tn I think people do respond differently---------- and I also think this is inidicative of where she views your relationship. Not saying this is a bad thing-------- you were in a fairly new relationship. I see relationships kind of like on tiers or steps. Those you are closest to----------- like your parents, maybe one friend, and eventually your spouse----- those top relationships sit on the top. And it moves down from there.
Avatar m tn Well I am entering my first year in college and my girlfriend is doing the same thing. We are going to schools 6 hours apart and she is playing a sport there. We've been dating for 5 months but we've been best friends forever. I know everything about her as she does of me, we have actual life conversations and stuff. It's not like a normal highschool relationship. When we agreed to start dating, I was adamant on no long distance relationship.
Avatar f tn d be happy to spend time talking to you on private email should you feel the need to talk it out anonymously, allowing you to spend your time with your friends and family in the here and now, mindfully moving forward.
6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn People are not good partners usually so soon after a relationship. And very often, they do not end up long term with their rebound relationship person. I really can't explain why other than to say that they get with someone quickly without doing as much work as usual in picking them (no offense to you), they still have hang ups and baggage from the divorce, etc. and it just often doesn't work. Last, he is going out with someone else.
502065 tn?1329187519 Yesterday however she was already in a new relationship, I want her to be happy, I truly do, but how does one move on so quickly after a crushing break up? I've not eaten fully for 3 days, I had one small meal on Sunday and since then I've tried to eat some bread which I couldn't keep down. I've eaten a yoghurt which is the only thing I can seem to tolerate for now. Where do I go from here?
5696127 tn?1381086197 t defend me and I saw her phone and I realized her relationship with her boss is not normal and healthy. But as you all know break up is though and now I'm getting sick and I can't work on my thesis and I can't work at my workplace, I just sit somewhere and do cross word puzzles all the time. I talk with a girl that she broke up too and we try to help each other but it can't help me all the time through the day. Do you think I need medicine?
Avatar m tn It could be any number of reasons - it would help you explain what your relationship is like in more detail first. Has something happened that would make her want this break? Anything, like a loss of interest in this relationship, due to not having much time together lately, that may be the cause. Perhaps she feels it's not completely working out? You need to make more time for her if you want to keep her interested....??
1762399 tn?1327878829 It is your choice if you want to break up with him or not, but keep in mind that this has not been a healthy relationship. He laughed in your face when you were crying, he messed around with other girls, and he had gotten sex from you, while also looking to get with his ex. Not exactly the best past to look back at. If you want to break up with him, then you will have to be straight with him and tell him it is over. Then make yourself busy.
349458 tn?1214533232 I guess everyone posting here has much more significant relationships than mine but i just wanted some feedback. My boyfriend and I were together just over 5 months and he broke it off with me last night. (before we dated we were best friends for 2 years and liked each other at least a year of that time) The past 2 days I kinda fell into this funk where I felt like he settled for me because I don't find myself as attractive as the last 2 girls he liked.
1325878 tn?1282866150 Hm. You are of the age in which I would expect relationships to be happy or they are not worth it. At 17, you should be having fun and living life and not waiting around for your inattentive boyfriend to call. What about your friends? What about your school work? What about your hobbies? I'd get really involved with those. I think that the end of this relationship is near. I don't say that to hurt you but to help you mentally prepare.
697574 tn?1273955747 I am so confused and its so hard to know what to do. My friend said we didnt offically break up? I have never been in this situation before and its so hard for me.
1605559 tn?1314793078 If you are the one that might still have some feelings, then it is risky because you open yourself up to getting hurt. Even if your mind tricks you into thinking you just want to be friends---------- make sure there are no feelings of a romantic nature there. And make sure the same can be said for her. Usually time helps this and the longer amount of time since the break up, the better chances of a true friendship being had. As to your second question, it hasn't been that long.
Avatar f tn Focus on career. Focus on making some good friends. Focus on YOU. This is YOUR time to grow. And then down the road, you will meet someone new that does not have the hang ups that this guy did. And he will be a distant memory. Let us know how you are doing.
Avatar f tn If you talked for months about the future of your relationship with someone, and then it ends unexpectedly after a fight, and "no contact" is in place immediately after the fight by your ex being unresponsive (It's been about 20 days since the initial night of the fight), is it likely at all for communication to happen again? (The response choices I used are based off general statements I've heard people give to others in this situation).
973741 tn?1342342773 And the more you have intertwined your life with someone, the more complex a break up can be. I thought we could list TOP WAYS TO GET OVER A BREAK UP. ** take time to mourn. It's very important to go ahead and feel the loss. There is no way around it. Allow yourself to be sad for a bit. NOTE: should you have signs of depression such as having 2 weeks of more of not being able to function, feeling hopeless, sleep disturbance among other things, please talk to your doctor.
Avatar m tn Yeah I ve never done the friends part bc its so painful,I hear the reason why some women do it it is bc they have not let go yet
Avatar n tn When someone tells you not to think about something, what do you do? You think about it! It's human nature. Telling yourself not to do something immediately puts pressure on you, setting you up for guilt if you break your own "rules." Bottom line: it is OKAY to look at, talk to, be friends with, hang out with, and even be attracted to other guys while you are in a relationship. You can't help it. It's human. It's natural.
Avatar n tn Ending a relationship is always hard! But who u really.need r your friends right now go out do something keep ur mind of the old relationship u could even talk to ur parents if ur close!
Avatar f tn My bd did the same....he let his friends influence him and we ended up breaking up...he said he would never go to outside help but for some reason re broke that trust and it eventually broke us up...I was torn like you and still is kind of...because I do want that family for my daughter :/ ***** but just show him can live without him and be just as happy!!! Don't show him your weak side and I agree with the other ladies...if it isn't about The baby don't talk to him..
Avatar f tn That can add a lot of new stress to a relationship; not that you two intended to complicate your lives and relationship more, but you have. What both of you are going through, is basically the 'growing up' process. You both are getting older, taking on more responsibilities, and your relationship is changing. You two can either grow together and learn how to cope with the changes happening in your relationship, or both of you can choose to go your separate ways.