
Break up your ex's new relationship

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Avatar f tn So last year I was with this guy for about 2 months. I moved in with him we had sex. he was my first. I was NOT his first. he left me to visit his family and never came back. We tried the long distance thing for awhile but it didn't work out when my religious beliefs "got in the way." So we stopped talking. Then 6 months after the break up he calls m to see how I am doing. Of course I was still pissed and heart broken that the conversation did not go well.
Avatar m tn I think people do respond differently---------- and I also think this is inidicative of where she views your relationship. Not saying this is a bad thing-------- you were in a fairly new relationship. I see relationships kind of like on tiers or steps. Those you are closest to----------- like your parents, maybe one friend, and eventually your spouse----- those top relationships sit on the top. And it moves down from there.
Avatar m tn it definetly helps to let yourself cry, i would also suggest talking to a counselor or a close friend so you can share your feelings of grief out rather than bottling it up. give yourself the kindness of time to feel this way, to mourn and feel the grief. things will change, and will be brighter.
Avatar f tn So I broke up with my boyfriend after a somewhat rocky seven year relationship. The guy didnt treat me great. I often heard (mostly in rocky times) "your a ****** joke" and well he could yell for hours. Just couldnt calm down. There were lost of trust issues, compatibility issues but we were crazy about each other. We had so much history. So I persevered through the years with a positive outlook that has caused me palpitations and constant anxiety about the future.
Avatar m tn My relationship with one of my exes ended on bad terms. What do I do with the cards and gifts I received?
Avatar f tn )----------- throw yourself into all of these things and build your self esteem up. Build up your own identity. This will help you the rest of your life. Hey, I'm proud of you for not being with this guy. Take one day at a time. You've learned a lesson that will help you in the future----------- this is that dating is for finding out what you need to know to take the relationship to the next level. If someone shows themselves to be abusive, they do not qualify.
Avatar m tn It took a lot to get over him, we were together for a year, and i swore he was my soul mate and for a while he felt the same. Anyways. about 4 months after the break up i got a new bf who i am still with, now unhappily. well my ex has a gf now too who he has been with almost as long as my bf and i have. well shes 5 months prego. and me and my ex have been friends since childhood. and we said no matter what happend to our relationship we'd always be friends.
Avatar f tn Btw (I was on a break from my cuttent bf when me and him started talking up until march 3 then march 14 me and my current bf got back together and been together ever since) just so it won't be no confusion
Avatar f tn I have the hardest time when i try and fall asleep. How did all of you get through your break up/ heart breaks in a positive way?
6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
676032 tn?1315674063 Closure can sometimes be helpful if you get the opportunity to do so but only time will take away the pain and grief of a relationship break up. There is no quick fix you just have to work through it the best you can and wait for the wounds to heal.
Avatar f tn Do you actually get over the previous relationship when you are in a current relationship with someone? Or does the intimate moments of your previous relationship still haunt you? I know its not possible for anyone to forget the past but is there any subconcious or concious comparison going on? I guess there would be - but yet I would like to know.
Avatar f tn I agree there's no reason for your child to be dropped off at the ex's house. Communication and being civil with each other is important...but I would not have my fiances ex keep my baby either. My fiance is luckily with me on this.
Avatar f tn I'm sorry you are hurting. I've been in love too and been broken up with. It, of course, really really hurts. It takes some time to move past it. But the bottom line is that you want a person that loves you like you love them or the relationship isn't good enough for you. People do this. They date and like the person but know deep down they are just enjoying it for the moment and it isn't "THE" relationship.
Avatar m tn It could be any number of reasons - it would help you explain what your relationship is like in more detail first. Has something happened that would make her want this break? Anything, like a loss of interest in this relationship, due to not having much time together lately, that may be the cause. Perhaps she feels it's not completely working out? You need to make more time for her if you want to keep her interested....??
Avatar f tn m sure you are aware that overlapping guys is really cheating. And sadly, it sends a message to your new guy as well as your old. Your new guy now knows the truth which is that when you feel like things aren't going well, you may look around for someone new to be with. Things are great now because it is hot and heavy but I'm afraid these things do stick in people's minds. The better thing to do would have been to end things prior to starting something new with the work guy.
6710217 tn?1386110892 so wen those homewreakers do come around cant nobody break ur relationship up .. it made mine n my hubbys stronger ... n now we are expecting our first child together ..
697574 tn?1273955747 When you break up with someone what do you do with all of your pictures together on facebook? and pictures you have in albums?
Avatar f tn I think we often have a normal curiousity about our ex's. One thing you can do to stop yourself from doing it officially if you can't stop on your own is to block your ex. Then you can't access his page. It doesn't mean you want to be with him. It just means you are curious. And it kind of hurts or makes us happy at various moments depending on what they are doing with their lives. It is all normla and natural. But I agree that it isn't always great.
Avatar m tn Let me just say this. It is okay to leave a relationship. It is not wise to start a new relationship before leaving. Here is the problem (besides the moral issues which are huge)-------- your new guy knows you are a cheater. He will never fully trust you. Also, moving from one relationship to the next as you seem to want to do is statistically relationship suicide. You would be shocked at their failure rate . . . or maybe that doesn't matter to you. I don't know.
Avatar m tn I'm not hung up on any of my ex's so I wouldn't care about their weddings one way or another. I don't consider any of them the one that got away. I am only friends with one of my ex boyfriends who is already married and I like his wife and they have the most adorable daughter. They are a very good match. I like being his friend and have no desire to ever be involved with him relationship wise so his marriage is not an issue for me.
Avatar f tn with the opposite sex while in a relationship when in a relationship and your making a commitment to that person shouldnt you treat that relationship just as if you were married or is it ok to screw up bcuz your not in a marriage.
Avatar m tn She dated around at the end of our relationship. Trying to be responsible, I asked her to meet up for a paternity test. She said ok. Few days later, I was unable to to get a hold of her, and she never returned my calls. So I just threw up my hands and said whatever, and i considered the source. 3 years later i came across her name. I did some digging and found out she DID have a daughter like she initially told me. I was shocked.
Avatar n tn Like everyone else stated, you really need to slow down and allow your heart to open up to this new guy. I do find it very odd that you are not allowed to be in his bedroom alone.That would be a bit of a turn-off for me. He is a grown, mature man. Yes I understand the religious aspect of it, but he's not a virgin, right? He has a good job, and maybe it's time he get a place of his own. Just tread lightly with this one.