
Best diet to have six pack abs

Common Questions and Answers about Best diet to have six pack abs


Avatar n tn We all know that no amount of sit-ups or crunches will give you a six- pack! A six-pack is the result of a clean diet as stated above, low body fat and hard, hard training. Crunches are what I consider a good "finisher" at the end of your core training, poor form often results in not much else than a sore neck. Instead, work your core with dynamic stabilizing moves.
Avatar n tn Hi Everyone, I have been trying these for months and months but it doesn’t help me anymore. I am talking about six pack abs that I am trying to get. I joined a gym for this and the trainer told me that I would get them…but NOOOO!! That did not help me and later on I have tried a few tips that I have been suggested by my friends but that also was of no use (the whole thing helped the abs a little…but not as I wanted).
Avatar n tn For a six-pack to show, you must reduce body fat. The body fat percentage necessary to reveal a cut torso varies according to your genes and body type, but for most men, a percentage of 6 to 8 percent will reveal abs, while for women require a percentage of about 11 to 13 percent. To reduce body fat, reduce calories below what you burn daily, which can be determined by finding your basal metabolic rate. A 250- to 500- deficit daily will lead to a 1/2- to 1-pound weight loss in a week.
Avatar f tn It just takes a lot of discipline, and you have to be willing to take it to the extreme! Diet is a major factor!! Avoid deep fried foods, processed foods, refined foods and foods high in saturated fats. Eat foods that are nutrient-dense, high in fiber and low in fat, eat lean meats, low fat dairy, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and legumes. No liquid calories.
Avatar f tn //www.livestrong.
Avatar m tn //]how to get six pack abs[/url] and later he found a great guide that not only made him have them but in a proper way that was comfortable to his physical and mental well-being. You can give it a look (try the link).
Avatar f tn I'm a nice guy when people aren't trying to flummox other people. What are we here for but to help other people instead of spreading misinformation, which is something you do a lot -- I don't think you do it unintentionally, I just think you do it because you read a lot of things and like to report them as if they're fact and not theory based on limited research.
Avatar f tn Not that anyone knows how to best work the abs, though, as far as I can tell. For six pack abs, quite frankly, most who have them don't get them through exercise -- it's a sure sign of steroid use, since the belly should have some fat. You'll never see agricultural or hunter-gatherer cultures with flat stomachs. Other than this, the above post is right on.
Avatar f tn s healthy for you to have a natural fat layer for pregnancy, in order to get ripped, you may actually have to starve yourself, which is obviously not recommended.
Avatar n tn Genetics have a lot to do with it. In other words, not everyone has the ability to have picture perfect 6-pack abs. What kind of ab exercises are you doing? And no, its not a waste of time. Working out is making you healthier. Something like 6 pack abs aren't always the best indicator of who is healthy and who is not.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately there isn't enough information about what you're exercise routine is. If all you're doing is cardio and legs...... You're not necessarily going to lose weight and it definitely won't get you a six pack. You're nutrition is going to be about 90% of it but if you want to see those abs you're going to need to change up your routine.
Avatar f tn I got my six pack back after my first. After my 4th, it was harder. I was able to have definition but always had a bit of a pooch in the lower area. I'm sure it will be the same after babe 5.
Avatar n tn 5 Ab-Exercise Upgrades Around-the-World Plank Place both feet on a bench, and assume a pushup position. Brace your core. Then, without dropping your hips or moving your feet, make a full revolution around the bench by "walking" your hands all the way around it. Do 4 revolutions, resting 60 seconds in between revolutions.
Avatar f tn Many articles written about the flat abs fantasy. One geneticist stated its all in the genes for having a six pack. The goal should really be to decrease belly fat. I work out a lot, but my body just will never have the Hollywood abs mythos and I am fine with that. You are right. Its not normal.
Avatar f tn You get a flat stomach by dieting, any exercise will help build some muscle there but most people have a six pack underneath the fat already, and everyone has a "flat stomach underneath the fat.. This is why and on skinny guys don't count :P Also, a lot of people's pooch or whatever you call it has a lot to do with inflammation of the digestive track.
Avatar m tn m a recently turned 18 y/o male, skinny, and my question is, how can I get my stomach in the picture shown below to a six pack? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
1292438 tn?1276120904 Assume a pushup position with your arms completely straight, but place your hands on a Swiss ball instead of the floor. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles. Tighten your core and hold it that way for the duration of the exercise [A]. Lift one foot off the floor and slowly raise your knee as close to your chest as you can without changing your lower-back posture. Then repeat with your other leg. Alternate back and forth for 30 seconds.
Avatar f tn re going to get there is to work hard at training. Do you have access to a good personal trainer? Also remember that women have a harder time getting the definition men can get because of lower testosterone. When you see anyone, though, with those really tight abs they either work incessantly at it or they're taking steroids, especially the women. Strength isn't seen in big muscles, it's seen in the results of what you do and how well you move your body into your activity.
Avatar m tn I just want to get better and not have to feel anxious every time I have to wait on testing and feel depressed knowing how weak I am right now. I've also been very self conscious because of my physical health.
Avatar n tn I have a problem with my abs. I exercise fairly regularly, and I have a balanced diet. However, my stomach is never completel flat-it still sticks out and it makes me look like I'm pregnant! Anything I can do?
Avatar m tn A push-up not only helps you to get a stronger upper body, but also a stronger midsection. It incorporates the stabilization muscles of your core, combining an upper-body pushing movement with a plank. It is, in fact, one of the best and most basic exercises for your midsection. Push-ups are a higher value plank.
Avatar f tn Did this happen to anyone else? When did you start to show with your second? I started to show by 4m with my first so I'm hoping for a little sooner this time around. I love having that cute little bump!
Avatar m tn Hi all, I think I'm in the clear, here are my Ultrasound Results. I can't see my doctor for a few weeks because she is away, but this doesn't sound like I have lymphoma. I know nobody here is going to give me doctor analysis, but please let me know your input as I would like to know if I need to follow up about this. I appreciate your help. --------------- Clinical History --------------- Multiple Lymph nodes found in the patients neck/axillae during physical exam.
3113201 tn?1341780938 Please, someone, give me an idea of how to workout and how to get this weight off! Right now, I have a normal diet and weight lift 6 times a week (abs 3 times a week). What foods should I get rid of? What should I eat and drink more of? How should I work out? PLEASE HELP! P.S. I ask here because I don't have time to see a professional. Also, do you think intermittent fasting would work?
Avatar m tn I've damned the torpedoes. I am doing the 10-week weight lifting cycles, including diet advice. I just finished the 10 week "total six-pack abs" and I'm sure I violated every rule for Hep C patients in the book (ie pure protein meals, pure carbohydrate meals, yada yada). Should you do this? don't ask me. However, I don't tell lies on this list by being super worried but still drinking alcohol and/or staying obese and glutinous.
Avatar m tn currently 190 pounds with right around 9% body fat any idea why my abs arent seen at all when i flex them they are very hard i work them out three times a week always giving them at leats 48 hours to heal and i run 2-4 miles a day i have a pretty normal i dont drink pop or alcohol and i rarely eat over 2500 calories a day and i can not figure out why i cant seem to get abs. please any advice will help, thank you.
Avatar n tn m off season now, just walking, hiking and swimming in greece- I do about 1000 abdominal exercise reps per session, however, my diet includes far too many healthy fats, to achieve that 6-pak look. Work and diet are the keys, but don't rush it and don't overdo it either.