
Are carb blockers safe

Common Questions and Answers about Are carb blockers safe


Avatar n tn If your cardiologist recommends, consider it safe unless he notes some specific high risk factor in your case. I assume you are asking about an electrocardioversion... conversion with just medication is usually tried first. Beta Blockers, then Anti-Arrhythmic drugs. If these do not stop your AFib my experience is electrocardioversion is next. With the severity of the symptoms you have something needs to be done.
Avatar f tn Carb Blockers are diet pills that work by inhibiting the metabolism of carbohydrates into stored fat. Brand names include Carb Intercept, Anatril,C Block and Carb Cutter.
Avatar n tn My question is even though Im on beta blockers, is it safe to also take diet pills (metabolism boosters)?
Avatar f tn I have some erectile dysfunction due to having to be on beta blockers. I've been prescribed Cialis 5mg once a day, but haven't gotten up the courage to take one yet. Kind of afraid to be honest. I know many many take it with no problem, but I have a tendancy to feel my heart race more than usual during sex and at random times, which is why I take the beta blockers, but I'm not having a normal sex life. I know my doctor knows what's best.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have been on Atenolol for the past 10 years. Beta blockers are known for causing weight gain, which is something I didn't know when I was put on this medication. I have gained 50 pounds over the last 10 years and I definitely believe it is because of the atenolol. Prior to taking beta blockers, I NEVER had a weight problem.
492869 tn?1285018933 Is there a medication safe for treating nausea in patients with Long QT Syndrome? I'm currently taking Zofran despite the warnings, but taking an extra beta blocker with each dose. Is there something safer I can be taking to treat my nausea? Every nausea medication I look at seems to have a "prolonged QT" warning. I'd appreciate any insight.
Avatar f tn PACs are usually caused or worsened by some sort of adrenaline excess. Often it's easier to determine the reason for having PACs than having PVCs. If the PACs are caused by excess adrenaline or other stress hormones, they often respond to beta blockers. PVCs are more "50/50" if they respond to treatment. In some cases, beta blockers even make them worse.
Avatar m tn Hello, It is not correct that she cannot eat after the correction (the correction should have corrected for the high sugar), however, you will need to dose her insulin based on the carbs she eats for dinner. Please follow the Drs advice. Are you following a lower carb diet with your daughter? A high carb diet can make blood sugars very hard to control (and need lots of insulin).
Avatar f tn IST is exceptionally hard to manage, and often is either just tolerated or managed with medications such as beta blockers (which if the asthma is very severe, can be exacerbated by beta blockers). Ablation of the sinus node is rarely performed and done and if so, only in the most severe cases. This is because the sinus node is smaller in size, and management of IST often means that the entire sinus node can be damaged.
Avatar m tn Dr. W. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "fat and happy." Well, it's not just folklore. The same carbs that make you fat (and contribute to diabetes and other problems) also make you happy. It's simple science: Carbs allow more of the amino acid L-tryptophan to penetrate your brain. The L-tryptophan triggers your brain to make more serotonin, and the serotonin makes you feel happier. It's as simple as that!
Avatar m tn s little doubt that Beta Blockers are safer, but there is some question on how effective they are. They slow the heart rate, which for many, including myself, translates into fewer ectopics, but some get more upon slowing. And Beta Blockers make the heart beat less forcefully, which reduces how hard the ectopics feel when they occur. Some people get direct relief from them, others subjective relief. I was on Atenolol when my recent bout occurred, and I switched to Acebutolol.
225237 tn?1333138999 Here is something I learned from sugar blockers, if you plan on eating a dessert after dinner eat a salad before. You see in sugar blockers it tells you that vegetables when they are digested blow up and suck in any sugars in your body and release it slowly if it is released slowly then you will not get that sugar spike. Diabetes is a disease but for most it is a curse and a nightmare. It will be hard cause now you have to make your food yourself.
Avatar n tn hiya im early pregnant and was wondering if its safe to do a low carb pregnancy whilst pregnant i did it for a while before i knew i was pregnant and lost quite a bit of weight. how much carbs does baby need a day? does anyone have any other safe diets im like a stone overweight.
Avatar f tn Low carb no carb diet! It's perfectly safe.
1756367 tn?1400884364 There are now many other popular low carb diets available - many are very similar to Atkins. There are the Paleo diets (Caveman diets) that emphasize primarily proteins, fats and vegetables. There is the Glycemic index diet that does not limit carb content but does recommend complex carbs over simple carbs. There are the higher fat diets, that recommend low carb, moderate protein and high fats. All of these would benefit a food addict.
Avatar m tn I believe Calcium Channel Blockers are as safe as Beta Blockers, although you shouldn't take Beta Blockers if you have asthma. They have different side effects which you can easily find by doing a simple google search. A couple of the more common ones are constipation, headache and leg edema (swelling). I could not tolerate Beta Blockers so was switched to a CCB. Unfortunately, it eventually stopped working but for awhile gave me my life back.
Avatar m tn Beta blockers in no way are a cure for PVC's but they reduce blood pressure and therefore reduce the force of the contractions of the heart. You should become less aware of your heart beating while you are on beta blockers. Sometimes beta blockers can reduce the frequency and numbers of PVC's but usually do not get rid of them completely. Someone that is plagued by PVC's a beta blocker is a good safe choice.
Avatar n tn ve encountered are mild headaches. I believe that calcium channel blockers are designed to accomplish much of the same as BBs in terms of lower heart rate and blood pressure so I would check with Doc and see if he/she thinks it would be worth a try substituting.
1124887 tn?1313754891 I should mention that I immediately stopped my low carb diet when the PACs were at the worst. I also tried to take some rapidly acting beta blockers (propranolol) which had always been effective in the past. It didn't help. I keep having this nagging fear that my PACs will return, because 1) I have no idea what really triggered them, and 2) beta blockers did not help.
Avatar n tn I am newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I used an old meter from Precision Neo and my numbers were around 130 no higher than 158. My endocrinologist gave me a One Touch and my numbers are at 174 all week. Mornings are 130 or 113. Either my new meter is more sensitive, or I'm struggling..I'm very thirsty and my fingers are numb. I've walked and I eat a good diet. I meet a nutritionist on Tuesday. I stick to a low carb and high protein diet. I do enjoy fresh fruit.
3885607 tn?1348508726 They are also safe for most of us. Calcium channel blockers are often effective in the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias, except atrial fibrillation. However, they are often used as rate control in atrial fibrillation, to keep the heart from pumping inappropriately fast. So are beta blockers. They both also lower blood pressure. Class 1 and 3 are often used if there are changes in the heart that enables the development of an arrhythmia.
Avatar m tn Mead? is that beer? bear is also a very dense carb If I drink beer I drink low carb bear.
451075 tn?1210258648 The thing is, if you go back to your regular way of eating, chances are very good you will regain those 4-5 pounds in no time. I love eating low-carb. I've done it on and off for several years. It keeps me away from things that 'sound' healthy for me, like whole wheat crackers, which I might as well staple to my belly for all the good they do me! I recently had my cholesterol checked and my numbers were terrific. And I actually feel better eating low-carb!
Avatar f tn Losing 8-10 pounds in 2 weeks is not safe. Safe weight loss is 1-2 pounds/week. You should be able to do this using a combination of healthy diet and exercise.
Avatar f tn Try low carb diet. Diet pills are not so safe to use and definitely are not a long-term solution.