
Angiogram eye problems

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram eye problems


Avatar n tn Hi there, I am 39 years old and suffer from SLE. I have had visual problems for more than a year now in the the form of snow/static, the sensation of light in my vision (like if you stared at a bright light and then looked around) a black floater in my right eye, sensitivity to bright light, decreased night vision. I have failed two VF tests, and seen a retinal specialist who states that I have retinitis pigmentosa. Some of the symptoms fit, but not all.
203589 tn?1267475170 I went to get a check-up yesterday with a retinal specialist. After a thorough dilated eye exam things seems to be going well. However, I explained to the doctor that when I do near tasks, like reading, things seem to go really faint. Also, sometimes my vision seems a bit hazy like looking through a thin veil of fog. The doctor was at a loss, because the exam did not show any signs of macular problems.
Avatar f tn Anyhow, two days before the test was taken I started having a sort of headache behind my right eye and after the angiogram I had very bad headaches that causeed nausea for 3 days straight. As well, I have had before some tingling sensations on my right hand side of my head and in my leg. These tingly sensations i have had off and on for about a year now though.
Avatar n tn He ran a series of test and told her to return for an Angiogram on the eye with the Fovea. Why is an Angiogram necessary for this type of problem and if the Fovea is still there, is there a cure for it? What can they do for her Fovea? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Cataract Complication: Fovea leakage </a>.
Avatar f tn Hi, A couple of weeks ago I was referred to Hospital by my optician with suspected CSR in one eye . I have all the classic symptoms, blurred central vision, slightly wavy lines and this followed a period of extreme stress / bad sleep. However OCT shows that the swelling (no blood, just clear fluid) is above the RPE layer which I am told means it can't be CSR , instead it is an 'intraretinal spatial cyst' which I am waiting for a further appointment for to be differentiated.
Avatar n tn I have been given dilated eye exam 6 times plus twice was given fluorecent angiogram within less than one year time. One of the doctors had told me that I have retinopathy and some aneurysms. The second last time I went to see him, he gave me my second angiogram. After that, My eyes become very sensitive to light. Any sunlight, ipad glare, night lights, sometimes even room lights. it has been more than two weeks this condition still remains and I got headache while in the sun today.
Avatar m tn About the only thing I have gotten from my Opthamologist is that I have degeneration of the retina - deeper and more degeneration in the right eye (which has the blind spot), but also some in the left eye. The blind spot is to the right of center. In trying to read the eye chart with my right eye, I have only been able to see the left side - and can only read the 1st two letters, and usually only about half-way down the chart.
Avatar n tn I have had a chest pain 2 months and went and admitted in the hospita under observation and they have taken all the tests related to heart(ECG,Thread Mill,Blood tests,ultra sound and angiogram).After checking all these tests doctors told every thing is normal and you dont need to worry.But in angiogram it is showing 30% blockage.
Avatar m tn Has anyone been prescribed Nevanac eye drops for post Vitrectomy/ERM peel surgery ? I was prescribed to take this for 3 months (didn't even have the surgery yet) but the online medical information on it says not to take it for more than 14 days or there could be serious side effects. I'm not big on "blind faith" with what any Doctor just says, especially when it contradicts the warnings to this extreme.
Avatar n tn I have blurred vision in 1 eye. It has come and went for the past 3 years. I did see a doctor initially who said there was bleeding behind the retina caused by stress. He said it may come and go but was not serious. It is troublesome that it comes back. It had been atleast a year of clear vision until now.
Avatar n tn my 18 y/o daughter in good health has experienced sudden central vision loss in 1 eye. her other eye is fine. the retina specialist can see no problem. the neurophlamologist sees no obvious problems. the mri is normal. what other tests should be done?
Avatar f tn The new test that usually gives the answer is very easy to do and is called a macular OCT if that is indeterminate than a retinal fluoriscene angiogram (of the eye not brain and carotids) is usally done at the same time. I don't know where you live but retina ophthalmologists would not let your mom walk out the door without one or both tests being done. See if you get her to a retina MD tomorrow. ERs are not equipped to do this testing.
Avatar m tn I went to the Casey Eye Institute right away (because I do have actual eye problems, including non-age-related macular problems.) However, they did every conceivable kind of exam, including a dye-enhanced angiogram, and then said that the pre-existing problems I already had were basically stable and just did not explain what I was now seeing at all.
Avatar f tn Anyhow, two days before the test was taken I started having a sort of headache behind my right eye and after the angiogram I had very bad headaches that causeed nausea for 3 days straight. As well, I have had before some tingling sensations on my right hand side of my head and in my leg. These tingly sensations i have had off and on for about a year now though.
Avatar f tn This could be due to carotid artery or cardiac disease or an ocular problem related to your other eye problems. It could also be due to posterior circulation problems (not likely since you do not have any other symptoms. Dr. O.
275184 tn?1211224813 The Ophthalmologist did not see anything wrong in the dilated eye exam. I further described how the spot mimics the colors around it and blurs them in. He decided to do an OCT. The test giver looked at the results and said that he saw some fluid in the retina, but he said my retina looked great and that the amount of abnormal fluid I had is seen in people who have no vision problems.
Avatar n tn s case the CT angiogram may also be considered risky because of kidney problems. His kidneys may not be able to deal with the dye used for CT angiogram. I am not a doctor so here I am just giving advice based on my on experience.
Avatar n tn I am 5 weeks post-op for a Jan. 27th vitrectomy to remove a macular pucker. My vision is much worse than ever, can't see the big "E" on the eye chart, and have a gray, opaque area in the center of my operated eye when I cover the other one. I did notice the gray area prior to the vitrectomy, after cataract removal on Nov. 11th. I can see no noticeable improvement in my vision during the 5 weeks, and it is really scaring me that the vision is so much worse..
Avatar n tn I have a blurry / blind spot in my vision as well that is not in the natural place. They did an angiogram on my eye a week or so ago and found a spot that shows that my retina my be changing. I wonder if they will do an angiogram on your eye as well. The doctors were not able to see the spot on my retinal using any other test but that one. The full name of the test is a fluorescein [FLOR-eh-seen] angiogram.
Avatar n tn 2011 she got admitted in hospital for neuro stroke,now dr suggested to take mri angiogram of brain.these are findings of mri angiogram of brain 1)Lacunar infarcts in bilateral subcortical frontal,parietal & occipital white matter.2)Acute infarct in left ACA territory.3)Diffuse cerebral & cerebellar atrophy.4)Occluded right ICA with reformation of MCA by PCOM.5)Atheromatous disease in left M1 with reduced calibre of M2/M3 and focal narrowing at M2.
Avatar n tn I have the choice of reading clearly with my right eye only, slowly reading distorted text with my left eye only, and not being able to read at all with both eyes open. I "expressed quite strongly" my exasperation regarding the lack of attention to my complaints to the doctor, who then ordered an OCT and regular visible light photos of my retina. The photos looked fine, but when he then looked at the OCT, he said "Oh, gee, we do have an explanation for this now!
Avatar f tn had magnetic reasonnance angiogram no significant abnormalties found wats the definition of this doeas it say its clear or just ok wat were they looking for and have i any worries never explained didnt go bk 2 neurologist.
974371 tn?1424653129 Ok, I haven't even seen a cardiologist yet. Actually, I've had chronic mouth and throat problems no doctor is able to diagnose. In the mean time, I've been complaining of a *hard* heart beat for a while. My doc, as usual, attributes it to nerves. I mentioned it yet again so he finally sent me for a halter monitor and an ECHO treadmill stress test. I knew I didn't do to well on the stress test.