
Acyclovir for meniere's disease

Common Questions and Answers about Acyclovir for meniere's disease


230948 tn?1235844329 Hi uk2--I am by no means an expert on Meniere's, but I believe the MOST COMMON and basic treatment is a low-salt diet and use of a diuretic to keep the level of body fluids evened out over the day (because, traditionally at least, Meniere's is considered a type of endolymphatic hydrops and thus is affected by level of body fluids--as you may know, the inner ear is filled with fluid).
Avatar n tn What is the best way to keep Meniere's disease under control? Does it usually go away?
Avatar f tn Oh, I apologize, I understand now. He has Meniere's. Sometimes diuretics help people with Meniere's Disease to control the fluid levels in the inner ears. Currently there is a shortage of generic medications from several companies, and your boyfriend's usual brand may have been substituted with a different brand. Although it is technically the same medication, people can have different side effects from different brands. This is true for medications in general.
Avatar f tn Hi Dr. I was diagnosed with HSV1 and HSV2 in April 2008, but I have been having rashes on the left side of my head and on my buttock for at least 10 years now. In 2005 I was rushed to the EMR with my whole left side of the body paralized. After been tested for strokes, tumors etc. I was referred to an ENT clinic where I was diagnosed with Meniere's disease, and treated for it with no success.
Avatar m tn I was diagnosed with meniere's disease about 3 yrs ago. I've done tons of research on natural healing because I refuse to take prescription medications. So here's were I would start - start taking a vitamin B supplement along with gigko biloba and maganese. These supplements aid in blood circulation but you also have to commit to changing you diet.
Avatar f tn Meniere's is a very complicated disease at best...I was first diagnosed with it in 1983 and four years later had lost my hearing to it altogether...(that and a toxic reaction i had to streptomycin therapy that was given for the vertigo and disequillibrium...I have shuts on either side of my head that effectively never worked from the get go...In 1986, I underwent a mid-cranial vestibular fossa...that surgery is now referred to as vestibular abblation....
Avatar m tn He put me on a fluid pill Dyazide once a day taken along with potassium tablets, and lipoflavinoid vitamins for inner ear and I take an Antivert for my sudden attacks of vertigo. Antivert makes me drowsy but takes care of my dizziness. Meniere's is not curable but they can treat your symptoms. Good Luck!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn Your question doesn't entirely make sense -- "the best alternative for meniere's"? Do you mean the best treatment? Hearing aids or implants are only potentially appropriate for later stage disease in which the patient has permanently lost significant hearing. One of the defining features of Meniere's is that the hearing loss is fluctuating (early on) -- it goes away (to a degree) and then comes back.
961466 tn?1247550382 Hi, "Nice photo of you couple over there." When was your Meniere's disease diagnosed? Are you taking any medicines for that? Mumbai is a heaven for surgeons and physicians I believe, so hope they have diagnosed it correctly. Meniere's disease (endolymphatic hydrops) is one the commonest inner ear problem. Mostly it is idiopathic (i.e. no actual cause is found), can also be due to viral infection/head injury.
Avatar f tn Does anyone have hypothyroid and Meniere's Disease? Do you suffer from severe cramping? Have you found a solution?
Avatar m tn Hi i have meniere's disease for 11 years. The last 5 years, no symptoms at all except for the hearing lost. Since feb 8, 2012, i have extremely loud tinnitus everyday with days of unsteadyness. I had steroid injection done feb 23, didn't work, made my tinnitus worse for a few days. I'm 36 yo, did some blood test, everything is perfect, i'm in good health.
Avatar m tn Finally found a cure for my Sudden Hearing Loss & Meniere’s Disease - so I'm sharing with as many people as I can in the hopes it will help others (also helped cure my tinnitus, arthritis, bleeding gums, and other less serious symptoms). In 2006 I suffered a 60db single-sided sudden sensorineural hearing loss, followed later by vertigo attacks and a diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease. I have since made a *full* recovery after suffering for 3 years.
Avatar f tn I was diagnoses with Meniere's Disease 8 years ago. I have levels of hearing loss in both ears. I recently saw an ENT Doctor who specializes specifically in diseases of the ears. He reviewed all old tests and disagreed with previous diagnosis. I was scheduled for many audiology tests. The results revealed I did not have Meniere's Disease. He told me I have a disease of the central nervous system and referred me back to my Neurologist for a final diagnosis.
Avatar n tn I would also guess Meniere's disease. I found out I had it when I went to an otolaryngologist. Sounds like the same symptoms I had. You also mentioned having glue ear when you were younger. I also had that. My "cure" came when I went gluten free (no wheat, barley, rye or oats). I suspect Meniere's is part hormone imbalance and the diet (in my case) corrected the problem. Hope this helps.
Avatar n tn I've been preliminarilly diagnossed with Meniere's Disease. I'm 31 years old with no other health problems (other than history of alergies and asthma several years ago). The diuretics that the doctor perscribed are making me feel really bad. Short of breath, fatigue, blood red and buning eyes. Is this common? Other types of meds that should be tried instead? Any ideas? Thanks.
1920497 tn?1322601927 Well, Meniere's disease is not fully understood, so you will find the information limited about this disease. To answer your questions: High possibility that this could get progressively worse as time goes on and high possibility symptoms and episodes will get worse and/or occur more frequent as time goes on. This is a POSSIBILITY not a given. This disease has a high unpredictability.
1394445 tn?1351023345 Can someone tell me if there is a difference between Meniere's Disease and hydrops? My ENT ran neuro-audio tests and discovered some fluid in the inner ear. I'm not sure if they actually diagnosed it as Meniere's or hydrops. Are they basically the same? I was prescribed a diuretic for a few months and told to watch the diet (salt and caffeine).
Avatar m tn Thank you for using this forum. There are several medical conditions that could cause this symptom. When you visited an ENT specialist did they do any imaging such as an MRI or CT scan? Here are a few things that could cause that symptom and you would want to talk to your physician for medical management. 1. If you are also having dizziness or vertigo, it could be Meniere's Disease.
Avatar m tn Ugh...I'll try to make this brief, but for the third year in a row--and the exact same time of year--my left ear has suddenly gone almost completely deaf with on/off tinnitus, and all day yesterday I stumbled around like a drunk because of severe vertigo that came out of nowhere. It's about 50% better now. I googled these symptoms together and kept landing on Meniere's disease I am tempted to see an ENT or audiologist, but there's a big catch.
Avatar f tn Hi I have been suffering from recurring vertigo attacks for the last 4 years with tinnitus andhave recently had a decrease in hearing. 4 months ago I was diagnosed wit meniere's disease and am really struggling to cope. Anyone have any tips on how to manage day to day life.
Avatar f tn I was diognosed with ACMtype 1 17 yrs ago.been coping on my own. Had to have neck surgery last year, do to stenosis.It was nessary do to compression of spinal cord and vertrabal arteries. Now do to vertigo, the ear DR diognosed me with meniere's disease. could this be one complecation of the ACM.? Neurogist and neurosurgen said ACM was mild and not to worry about it.