
Acyclovir hiv

Common Questions and Answers about Acyclovir hiv


Avatar m tn Jared M Baeten, Associate Professor, International Clinical Research Center [University of Washington just said to me: "Acyclovir does not block HIV infection, delay the development of HIV antibodies, or reverse such development. Acyclovir does not cause false negative HIV results. Acyclovir would also not make the DNA PCR falsely negative." Dr Baeten was in the group that studied the effect of Acyclovir on HIV-infected bodies in Africa in 2009/2010.
Avatar f tn I am not sure what doctor you are referring to however the data are that acyclovir is thought by some to reduce risk for HIV. There are no data to suggest that acyclovir slows or prevents development of positive HIV tests. Believe your test results. I hope my comments are helpful.
Avatar f tn Hi Lizzie Should note that I only took Acyclovir for 3 Full Days (21-23) before having the HIV Duo test after 27 days. GP has advised that if I had been taking Acyclovir for a couple of months before, viral load may have been reduced, but as things stand, popping x15 Acyclovir tablets over 3 days shouldn't affect the HIV Duo Test result. Does this sound about right?
Avatar m tn Acyclovir wouldn't affect an HIV test at all. If you are still having symptoms of herpes, you need to follow up with your doctor. You might need more meds. See our herpes forum for more info on this.
Avatar n tn Does Acyclovir alter or make a HIV TEST false negative. Does Omperazole alter it as well. I still have a purple and red color rash on both sides of my thighs. I noticed the some of the hair follicles have dry white stuff, also there are bumps in some areas of the thigh. Thigh looks wrinkle. No sores. At 10 Weeks I took a Proviral DNA by PCR Test and Elisa Test negative. At 13 weeks, I took an Home Access test which I was HIV negative.
Avatar n tn I had unprotected sex with a CSW, 4 months ago. from 8 week to 12 week I was under high dose of acyclovir. I had a herpes break out and also 2 weeks after I got chicken pox. Therefore I went through longer acyclovir course. Then I had my test at 14 week. It was a P24 antigen and antibody test (Hiv duo test) It came back negative but I'm still worried as high dose of acyclovir might alter the result. Will it effect the virus replication and antibody production?
Avatar f tn does valtrex have any effect on the hiv window period seeing that study finds that valtrex lowers hiv viral load Also,would taking valtrex shortly after exsposure to hiv delay hiv window period like pep does . I don't understand how it could not .
Avatar n tn Does Acyclovir alter or make a HIV TEST false negative. Does Omperazole alter it as well. I still have a red color rash on both sides of my thighs. I noticed the some of the hair follicles have dry white stuff, also there are bumps in some areas of the thigh. Thigh looks wrinkle. No sores. aT 10 Weeks I took a Proviral DNA by PCR Test and Elisa Test negative. At 13 weeks, I took an Home Access test which I was HIV negative.
Avatar f tn if i drunk acyclovir because of hsv1 can that affect on my hiv testing? i was tested 7 weeks after the exposure. i had only 1 risk sexual contact and this person was also tested after 1 week of exposure and found negative for hiv and hcv and hbsag. the test that was used was elisa test 4. generation for bouth of us. is it possible that the result is false negative because of the acyclovir use (this person did not take any medicine at the time)?
Avatar f tn 12 weeks after my last realtionship (because of his affairs) I tested HIV negativ - so this can not be the trigger. The docors in the HIV forum told me that acyclovir does not inhibit the HI virus so that I can trust in my negativ result although being ón acyclovir. Would you agree? I hope my question is not too long. But I really think that you will take my problems seriously as you did it with all the other Users!
Avatar n tn I know there is discussion about acyclovir possibly interfering with HIV production, but I cannot find any study about the seroconversion rates of HIV when already taking acyclovir. Would it be too soon to test at 60 days just for piece of mind?
Avatar n tn Greetings Dr. HHH. Hope you’re doing good. I had an outbreak of genital herpes 2months ago. Prompt care doctor said i might have acquired the virus just recently, 2-3weeks before . BUT, the last time that i had unprotected sex was 2years ago and THAT’S IT. That same day, my blood tested NEGATIVE on both STD&HIV. Doc said it might not be on my blood stream yet. I was given acyclovir and it healed. 1. Is this RARE or unusual it took 2years before the outbreak came out? In your 30yrs.
Avatar m tn I had an elisa test at 6weeks,15 weeks and 18 weeks which was negative and lastly rapid blood tests at 24weeks which was negative as well.Could the suppresive theraphy of acyclovir delay the detection of hiv antibodies.Im suffering from panic disorder since mar 2012,pls help.
Avatar f tn I used Acyclovir Antibiotic(Tablets) before i got test hiv test does that affect on my test??
Avatar m tn As far as HIV is concerned, the sorts of bumps that you describe is not suggestive at all of HIV. Your risk of HIV from the exposure you describe is low. A standard HIV antibody test will detect about 90% of infections acquired 4 weeks earlier and would be strong evidence that you did not get HIV from the exposure you describe.
Avatar f tn previously it reccurs aftr 6months bt from 5months it recurrs frequently [2times/month]iam using acyclovir topical and oral from 1month it subsiding for a while and recurring while iam stressed,gastritis and im also having intermittent cough from 3moths.i got herpes genitalis when i had sex with my 4th boyfriend 5months back.
Avatar n tn Diagnosed hsv2 10 days later and took acyclovir 5 times a day for 10 days, may 16. I had hiv test on day 16 was negative. I also contacted person regarding history states she had test a month before our encounter not hiv? I was tested for clamidia , Ghonneria and syphillis. I still have this burning worse at night and am concerned it could be dangerous sometimes hard to sleep. I am on 500mg of acyclovir.
Avatar m tn There have been no studies of this question. The frequency with which treatment has any effect at all isn't clearly known; all we can go on is the fairly common experience in herpes experts that they not infrequently see patients with probable or proved new HSV infections who, on treatment, have delayed positive blood test results, or never develop positive results at all. As a guess, this occurs less than 10% of the time.
Avatar m tn I saw a doctor and he thinks it might be herpes and have done several test. Should get the results Monday. I am thinking it could be HIV..Scare. I had unprotected vaginal sex. A week later, I develop a the uclers on both cheeks. Then a week later the the thrush followed by the sore throat. However the sore throat doesn't hurt. It been about 3 week now and the uclers, sore throat and thrust have not gone away.
Avatar f tn you had no risk for hiv from this encounter since it was protected. if you have questions about your hiv testing, post them on the hiv forum. herpes igm testing is inaccurate and we don't recommend its use. A negative igm isn't always a sign that you didn't contract herpes. Igg herpes testing has to be done any time after 3 months post encounter to be accurate. A one time protected encounter is very low risk and we don't routinely recommend testing from it.
Avatar m tn (Planned parenthood gave me a prescription for Acyclovir but my primary care doctor said that acyclovir is only used as suppressive therapy for people with many outbreaks or to help alleviate outbreaks faster (since I have never had an outbreak I don't know if I should take it) 8. Could this symptoms be related to a more serious condition that has nothing to do with the current diagnosis of HSV2?
Avatar m tn To save money, my insurance switched me to acyclovir (400 mg twice a day) with similar results as the Valtrex. Then starting about 3 months ago, I began to have outbreaks every two weeks even with the suppression therapy. My doctor changed me to famciclovir with no change in the frequency of the outbreaks. In addition to the antiviral therapies I also receive hormonal replacement therapy (testosterone injections) every two weeks. I started this a little over a year ago.
Avatar f tn In fact, HIV test results are definitive at 8 weeks, thus your results at 9, 12 an 14 weeks all confirm that you did not get HIV. That you were taking acyclovir does not change this either. No need to worry an no need for further testing.