
Zyrtec and singular

Common Questions and Answers about Zyrtec and singular


Avatar f tn Hello all. I have had hives all over my body in as many as 15 different locations at the same time. I've tried singular, zyrtec, Claritin, benadryl, oatmeal baths and nothing helps in the least. In the last day I've also experienced headache and nausea. No new foods, drinks or environmental changes. Please note I also have multiple diseases such as Lupus, Posteral orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, gastroparisis, etc. Any help would be appreciated.
Avatar n tn Every body is different though and if you notice it everytime you take the drug, maybe discontinue and try something else like Zyrtec.
Avatar f tn My doctor said the classic claritin was okay to take.
Avatar f tn My nephew goes outside and starts getting red from allergies. He uses them and it helps him so much!
Avatar n tn Hello I'm a 17 year old male, I've been having a warm feeling in my lower left leg, mostly in my left foot. I've also had this feeling on my upper left chest as well as in my ears, it feels like that part of my body is being soaked in warm water, my doctor didn't pay much attention to this and was clueless. I'm kind of freaked out at the moment seeing this has been going on for weeks and feels very unnatural, could a blood clot cause this? and any ideas?
4966438 tn?1367027650 Im in florida n my allergies are always crazy but worse when im preggo i take zyrtec (however its spelled) and perscribed singular it helps also u can try saline spray for nose i was told helps sometimes but i would ask your doc if they can give u anything to help. ..Hope that helps hun.
Avatar m tn While waiting for our appointments I have decided to keep her on the generic Zyrtec daily and her attitude is better and the skin picking has nearly stopped. Could the scab picking and her allergies be related or is the Zyrtec treating a psycological issue? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/275320'>RE:RE: Compulsive scab picking</a>.
Avatar n tn Is it OK to give a toddler benedryl at night to help with the constant post nasal drip if he has reactive airway disease? Does this restrict the cough and make it worse? He had a very bad reaction to singular...I feel terrible for him, he is unable to sleep with he gets this drip...
Avatar n tn I have been on Rhinocort, Zyrtec, and Singular. Some of my allergies are being controlled like itchy eyes, congestion, and runny nose but the ear ringing, pain, clogging persists. Since my medicine is addressing some issues but not all should I assume my ear problems are not allergies or is it possible my medicine just isn't covering all symptoms. Should I consider shots as a next step?
Avatar f tn As the only ones that work for me are Zyrtec and singular. I also use advair 500/50 when I have a flair or during my worst time of the year for me (April-may). But that cough is the frigging worst I have to get prescribe opioids for the cough at night just so I can sleep. I hope you have found your answer as I am responding to a old post.
Avatar f tn 3 years, along with Qvar, Albuterol, Singular, Zyrtec and Flonase.
Avatar f tn I have allergies and just figured out that I have postnasal drip, eardrainage issues, and stomach issues due to the mucus.. I wonder will Singular work with this ? The last time I tried taking antihistamines I felt drugged. I have been enjoying the better relief with a nasal steroid I have been using twice a day, is this safe for long term use? I have tried all of the antihistamines around, none with a decongestant.
Avatar m tn it revealed several polyps through out my sinuses,pus in my left cheek sinus,and airpocket in another sinus,deviated septum and my turbinates are 4x larger then they should be .im on xyzyal which is like zyrtec,veramyst,singular and i take claritin every day...
Avatar f tn I have been dealing with hives since 2000. All i have to do is be in the sun and i break out. I have tried Zyrtec, Allegra, Singular and now i'm on Xyzal. The Xyzal i only tried one time and woke up the next morning feeling like i was drunk and hit by a train. It left a horrible taste in my mouth. I am so sick of these hives. I'm getting married in August and have a terrible farmers tan and i am asking for any advice on what to do.
Avatar n tn Good luck with this my daughter is 16 and we have been dealing with this for 2 years now and they call it chronic hives and she had been on prednisone,allegra,singular,zyrtec and benadryl all at the same time and is breaking through all of that. We have even seen a specialist in Charleston, SC but it is still an ongoing battle. I hope they can get your sons under control because it truely burdens their lives. Good luck to you!!!
Avatar n tn We will try to stop Singular to see if this is so but I believe this started before Singular was administered for his allergy/asthma therapy and logn before his new brother arrived two months ago. Please advise at I am at my wits end.
Avatar f tn He seems really excited to atleast TRY and help me. I am currently taking Singular, Zyrtec, Hydroxyzine,(been on those for 3+ months) and now started Butterbur, Slippery Elm, a probiotic and Royal Jelly (for a week so far( and have ZERO relief! Let week I went to go get a couple of tests so I'm excited to keep ruling things out! In addition I am trying some things I read on the web, for example: Apple coder vinegar (did NOT work, made it worse!!) essential oils Lavender & Lemon.
Avatar f tn Hello, I'm 36 years old - good health and had sudden onset vertigo/slight hearing loss/pressure in one ear. I went to the doctor immediately and was given prednisone (steroid). The vertigo has gone away almost completely but, the hearing loss has remained. I had a MRI check and several blood tests that checked out completely normal. The doctor suggested I have Labrythintitis. It has been almost 4 weeks and the hearing is still about 75%.
Avatar m tn I was wonder how Singular works and if it will help me with itchy allergies and a nose that is always stuffy?
Avatar f tn I take the medication singular to help me breathe I also use an inhaler is it still okay to take my pills?
Avatar n tn s never quite in the same place, and lasts only for about 45 minutes, but it is always over/under one of my lips and is quite painful during the duration. The fact that it occurs sometimes when I wake up before I have ingested anything seems to rule out an allergic food reaction (to me at least), and the fact that it sometimes occurs when I'm simply driving or sitting in class seems to rule out a bug bite or something of the sort.
Avatar f tn Also he is a very hyper and sometimes angry child who is very stuburn,hard headed and dosent want to mind, could this be from some of the meds he has been taking. He has been taking zyrtec(for allergies) and zantac (for reflux) all his life every day, abutorol breathing treatment ( I think is how it is spelled) but not everyday just when he has breathing problems, and has been on and off steroids several times. Right now he is taking....
Avatar m tn Thanks everyone; we just got back from his doctor. After a very persistent conversation, we came home with a nebulizer, script for zyrtec & singular, as well as an appointment with a pulmonologist. Hopefully, we will find out very soon what the real problem is. My son is quite upset because the doctor has confined him to our home; no school, no church or anything else. But, if it controls the attacks; it is worth it!
Avatar n tn I take Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin, Flonase and singular, albuterol nebs and inhaler, also famotidine 2x daily I was on advair for 2months and he said stop because it did nothing for me other than change sputum from slimy to chunky and is quite pricey for no results. For kicks and giggles I have started taking garden of life immune sinus balance and clearlungs which I can honestly say for a month I felt a little different 20min after taking the herbal stuff but not so much anymore.
Avatar n tn I was also advised to take Zyrtec and wondered if Zyrtec had any more benefit for skin reactions thank Claritin. Claritin didn't help at all. Two dermatologists suggested Zyrtec over Claritin . I hesitate to try the Zyrtec as I took it once a few years ago and promptly feel into a deep sleep. If it is better for the skin than Claritin can it be taken at night and do any good? Your help is greatly appreciated. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn My doctor was OK with me taking zyrtec. You just have to make sure to drink lots and lots of water.