
Zyrtec and diabetes

Common Questions and Answers about Zyrtec and diabetes


Avatar m tn It could take up to four weeks for the swelling and inflammation to subside. In Addition to Zyrtec, you could use saline nasal sprays. Also, try to sleep on your side, this will help to open up the nasal passages. Hope diabetes has been ruled out. If your symptoms worsen, or if there is discharge or if you develop fever, consult your doctor to rule out an infection. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Well I didn't go see the doctor by I called him the day before yesterday and started taking Zyrtec and I took some Tylenol. So far my fever has broken and came down out of the 100's and down to 98.8. The only thing is I'm still congested with vomiting if I eat regular food. As of right now I'm still drinking lots of water, eating light soups, and eating jell-o. Lately it seems like I go to the doctor like every week.
Avatar m tn Considerations In 2008, a joint medical panel of members from the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes released a statement advising against the use of GSK's diabetes medication, Avandia. This came one year after public charges of cardiac and liver safety were leveled against GlaxoSmithKline regarding the drug. GSK continues to maintain that Avandia is no less a threat to the liver than its competitors.
Avatar f tn His internal organs have all come forward and are pushing on his lungs and heart. He is otherwise healthy, runs, jumps eats drinks and eliminates. I am just nervous about the prednisone. Thanks for any advice you might have.
5449245 tn?1368135459 For the last year and a half, maybe 2 years the skin between my eyebrows & eyelids has been very swollen. I have taken water pills, put tea bags & cucumber slices on my eyes, and have even put Preparation H on and nothing has helped. I have also cut down on my salt intake.
1161616 tn?1262747549 I am allergic to pcn. I am taking Depo Perva injection, Zyrtec-D qhs, Fluticasone 16GM bid (generic for Flonase,) Nitrofurantion100MG qhs (generic for Macrodantin,) & Ibuprofen 200MG as needed for inflammation.I have been experiencing almost constant swelling of my hands accompanied w/ an intermittent tingling sensation. I have frequent urination, extreme thirst, & bloating. I seem to be exhausted 90% of the time. I also have lots of varicose veins in both my legs.
Avatar n tn I was also advised to take Zyrtec and wondered if Zyrtec had any more benefit for skin reactions thank Claritin. Claritin didn't help at all. Two dermatologists suggested Zyrtec over Claritin . I hesitate to try the Zyrtec as I took it once a few years ago and promptly feel into a deep sleep. If it is better for the skin than Claritin can it be taken at night and do any good? Your help is greatly appreciated. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn My doctor was OK with me taking zyrtec. You just have to make sure to drink lots and lots of water.
Avatar n tn If the symptoms persist then other possibilities like dermatitis,lice,scabies internal diseases like liver and kidney disorders,diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, irritation and allergic reactions to chemicals,wool,soaps,cosmetics and certain foods have to be ruled out. Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional queries.
681148 tn?1437661591 It seems like Akira has seasonal allergies and dust allergies in addition to her food allergies. Because I really don't want to give her long term steroids, I decided to only give her the 1/4 tablet of Zyrtec that the vet told me to give her before. I try to wait 'til I just have to give it to her, because I know that people can build up a tolerance to antihistamines, so I figure that animals can, too.
Avatar m tn Both Allegra and Zyrtec are 24 hour medications in my area. I have known several people who took 3 Zyrtec in one day, and my allergist says that you can't really OD on antihistimines. You should be sure to drink PLENTY of water and watch for signs of constipation and dehydration. You should make sure that your dr is well aware of how much of these meds you are taking to make sure that they are ok with any other medications you maybe taking.
Avatar n tn I have a cough, and feel fatigued... but no fever at all... what could that be?
689528 tn?1364135841 10mg every day for the first five days and then every other day for the next five, in addition he gets a generic Zyrtec everyday. Now he just gets a zyrtec every day, and if his allergies act up beyond the zyrtec's control, like this time of year ,he gets a prednisone per day for 3 or 4 days and then every other day for two or until things calm down. Zyrtec can be expensive, but we actually found a generic brand at the dollar store! $1. for 14 pills, so we clear their shelves!
Avatar f tn Had been on Augmentin for a sinus infection, just finishing up the script, and take Crestor, Nexium, and Zyrtec on a regular basis. Symptoms started a few days after starting generic Zyrtec, which also caused unbelievable dryness that felt like I was dehydrated (no vomiting, though). A day after the chills, I noticed my urine was dark and my stools were very light, almost gray, and I started getting very itchy but no rash.
Avatar f tn Without the Zyrtec, my hives are not only unbearable but they also start to present in my throat, mouth and on my lips, so going without it is not really an option for me.
Avatar m tn Months ago my ALT was 26. I stopped using Zyrtec, and my doctor told me to use Atarax. However, its been a week and the rash is still the same. I am very worried about it. What shall I do?
Avatar f tn started taking zyrtec, seemed to help a little but starts up again so i also started taking zantac along with the zyrtec. i am still getting some hives and itching but now for about the past 3-4 wks now i'm also getting nausea, please help!
Avatar n tn I am not aware of any sources for this kind of financial assistance, but I would recommend contacting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation at and click on the link for the Online Diabetes Support Team. This will bring you to a form to fill out and submit... tell them what you have told us here, and they will send your request to the staff member who handles all of the financial help questions. Hopefully he will have some suggestions for you.
Avatar n tn Zyrtec can cause side effects like skin nodules, rash, pruritis (itching), acne, urticaria, photosensitivity reactions and eczema. So, the itchy red cheeks could be due to Zyrtec. Discuss your symptoms with your consulting doctor he may change the dose or the medications. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn I saw zyrtec at Walgreen's just last night. Some was out and some you had to ask for.
1274661 tn?1301868321 I already take zyrtec and rhinocort for allergies on top of all of the other meds I take for pain and reflux. I am seeing an allergist in August and I am going back to my pcp tomorrow for the millionth time. Any advice?
Avatar f tn Later saw a doctor and was prescribed Zyrtec (pills - 10mg), betamethasone (pills) and fluocinolone (cream). The last two contain steroids and I only took Zyrtec and the cream as I'm scared that steroids might break down my immune system. Both sites aren't swollen now but still a bit painful. A blister has formed on the first sting site. However the skin on my arm has reddened starting from Monday (yesterday) and the 'red area' keeps enlarging, covering 70% of my arm now.
1472764 tn?1287588186 My OB said I can take Benedryl, Claritin or Zyrtec (I am allergic to Claritin and Zyrtec gives me headaches so am taking Benedryl). Allegedly, Chlor-trimeton is safe until the 3rd trimester (that is what I usually take) but I decided it is better safe and sleepy with Benedryl :) My nurses' drug book lists them all as Pregnancy Category B, the same as Tylenol.
454221 tn?1259445739 m not sure of all the side effects. I do know that Zyrtec makes my children raving lunatics and that side effect was not on the bottle.
Avatar f tn I think stress, weather and the food you eat plays a big part in causing the dermographia to appear on your skin. The doctor has prescribed me Zyrtec and said to take it once a day and it has controlled the itchiness and welts so far which is heaven for me but if i accidently scratch myself anywhere on my skin then i still get welts raised on my skin but not as itchy and it goes away after few hours or so.