Zoloft ocd

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft ocd


1665434 tn?1365238898 i have ocd i have been put on zoloft for about a year now at 200mg i have been on theses tables before and went off them but as i said i am back on them a year now and feeling very bad what should i do
Avatar f tn I posted this in the Anxiety forum, but hoped I'd get some help from here. I have been on Zoloft for years (on and off). I had to go back on it in January after a 6 month break. My anxiety got so bad I was having severe panic attacks. This time when I went on the Zoloft it had the opposite effect....it was more stimulating that calming for me and I'm not sure why. Neither is my doctor. I also have OCD and it increased my OCD by 10x almost immediately.
Avatar m tn I'm prescribed 50mg Zoloft, do you think on a day where my OCD is heavily bothering me, that it be a problem to take two 50MG doses?
Avatar f tn i did take Zoloft 50mg daily however made my OCD worse and also made me suicidal, I took for 5 months. Ive now b een taking Ciprimil (40mgs daily) for 2 years and it really works for me and took throughout pregnancy (20mgs daily) and after breastfeeding 40mg dailly.
Avatar f tn The only medications I have tried for OCD is Paxil and Zoloft. I had to go off Paxil because it made me gain a lot of weight. The Zoloft works, but only at a really high dose, 300mg. If you also combine it with a benzo, like Kolonopin, I find it works fairly well. There are 6 or 7 SSRI medications that treat OCD. Most of these have to be on high dosages to help with OCD specificially. I'm sorry that none of those medications worked for you.
Avatar m tn Hi guys this is really weird. For the past 2 weeks I have been taking Zoloft for my depression whether it's the Zoloft or not my depression has started to get better I've had a few symptoms like nausea but nothing serious. This morning though a really weird and disturbing thought came into my head. It was like my brain was telling me I should kill myself. It wasn't actual voices like schizophrenia is but It was kind of like an idea.
Avatar m tn My doctor feels that this continual checking of my breathing is a form of OCD and for which he prescribed 25mg Zoloft with the option to up the dose in a week. For the first few days everything was fine, a new med and so a new solution. After 1 week, I'm back to where I was before I started the meds. The doctor told me that the Zoloft is supposed to mentally make me shrug-off the focus and start sleeping. Can anyone tell me if this is how Zoloft works on OCD?
Avatar m tn Hi, I've been taking Zoloft 100mg for OCD for the last 4 weeks, my dr increased me to 150mg. Is it normal to have nervousness and increased sweating and headache when increasing dosage? I was feeling good on 100 mg and side effects were subsiding. How long will it take to adjust to 150? I also was just put on 10mg of lisiniprol for high blood pressure. And I'm taking gabapentin for insomnia from the Zoloft. I really appreciated any advice!
Avatar m tn Psychiatrist told me that i have OCD of hurting myself and family the same way i have OCD of religious rituals. I have accepted that. But the question i want to ask everyone here, i never had these issues and started having these thoughts after medicines like zoloft and xanax. should i ask my psychiatrist to get me off them. i have made up my mind with my wife to cut xanax eventually away and deal with anxiety through other therapies.
Avatar f tn i am in the process of seeing if i can switch meds. i am on zoloft 75mg and have been breaking out in a rash since i started taking it in april but am just now realizing it could be the zoloft. does anyone have any experiance with this or can recommend another medicine that may work for my ocd and anxiety. my ocd is the scary thoughts and it was all caused after a major surgery i went through. it is getting better but i still have some issues.
Avatar m tn Does anyone know if this jealousy is a sign of OCD? My family doctor brought up that acronym the day he prescribed the zoloft. I was in such a dark place that day I didn't have the mind to ask any follow up questions. I'm jealous of pretty much everything my wife does. This is completely opposite of how I've been for 20 plus years with this girl. Also, I'm a little concerned that I'm still treating my hypothyroid, and at the same time starting on Zoloft.
1665434 tn?1365238898 psychiatric meds take time to work it is not like taking something for a headache and it goes away with pills it is hit & miss ask your doctor for something else to take, i take vistaril,zoloft and trazadone for anxiety & depression :)
Avatar f tn Try Zoloft for OCD it's been a lifesaver for me the differance is night and day. I had OCD so bad I would clean my small apartment 2-3x a day for hours and hours I stopped eating, sleeping and working to futill the need to clean but it was never ending until I went on the Zoloft Good Luck hope it helps!
Avatar f tn I am a 30 year old female that has suffered from depression, anxiety, OCD, and ADHD since childhood. I have been on at least 7 different medications over the years that have and have not worked for various symptoms; however, I can't find one that works for them all. I have been taking 50 mg of Zoloft for about 3 years and it works great for my depression and the best thing I've ever taken for my OCD, but my anxiety is worse than it has ever been.
Avatar f tn I was recently diagnosed with OCD and anxiety. My doctor has put me on Zoloft 100mg daily and Klonopin 0.5mg twice a day. I am afraid to start either medication. I know that sounds Crazy!!! but I have been searching the internet over for info on these 2 drugs for the past 2 days but would really like some real people to tell me their experiences with these. Most of my OCD and anxiety issues revolve around health issues/illness....
Avatar f tn Those of you who are on medicine for OCD, what do you take? Does it seem to work and do you have any side effects? I was on Prozac in the past and it worked, but I also gained over 20 pounds. I would like to try something new this time around.
Avatar f tn I've been diagnosed with OCD for 2 to 3 years now and on Zoloft. My initial fear used to be I was becoming a murderer and now it is that I'll develop schizophrenia. Im constantly paying attention to my perceptions and senses, making sure I'm not hallucinating hearing or seeing something. For awhile now I've had optical illusions where I'll see something out of the corner of my eye and think it's something else.
Avatar m tn m not an expert but I do have a sister whose husband died at a relatively young age and the only thing that has gotten her through was grief counseling. She does have OCD as well and does take Zoloft but her OCD is lifelong and she learned tools to help herself a long time ago. I'm thinking you don't have the tools to help yourself with the thoughts. If I were you, I would keep in close contact with your psychiatrist. Are you sleeping at night or are you sleep deprived?
1041243 tn?1375230520 I have ocd, gad, and moderate depression (all have been formally diagnosed). A week ago my psychiatrist stopped my 200 mgs of zoloft and started me on luvox 50 mgs a day for the first two weeks then 100 mgs a day there after. A couple days later I started expiriencing major withdrawal symptoms, severe anxiety and panic (more so than usual), insomnia, and some slight agoraphobia (I don't like to leave the house, but I will if I need too) and even stronger ocd symptoms.
Avatar m tn I really, really thoroughly recommend seeing a therapist and perhaps your psychiatrist (assuming that's who prescribed you the klonopin and zoloft). for one, maybe the zoloft isn't the right medication for your OCD! you may need to try another medication for OCD. i believe some others are prozac and lexapro. secondly, i am in therapy for a VERY similar situation as you. i also have a very intense fear of HIV.
Avatar n tn I donot know anything about anorexia but I do know about OCD. I also know Lexapro works well for me. Our body is made up of vitams and minerals along with all else. The brain has many chemicals. Loss of certain chemicals can be replaced by mood stabilizers or SSRI's which are used to replace serotonin. I am not a doctor but my OCD symptoms have lessened, almost nonexsistent by the use of antiphyscotic drugs to correct the chemical imbalance I have.
Avatar f tn is this a form of ocd along with panic disorder. i am on zoloft now but having some issues with it at the moment.