
Zoloft experiences

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft experiences


447939 tn?1235061943 hi guys has anyone any experiences with zoloft? how long does it take to have an effect? has anyone had alcohol on it? any side effects?
Avatar f tn Has Zoloft helped anyone with sleep? I've just started on 6.25 mg because of depression and anxiety caused by insomnia. My MD says Zoloft will help me sleep within about three weeks. Anyone have any experiences to share? Thanks!
Avatar n tn All these posts are so discouraging. does anyone get off zoloft successfully? Please, someone out there, if you have, tell us. If the doctor has seen cases of people who were on it for three or four years and successfully withdrew, please, let us know!
4542187 tn?1402677307 My Dr. put me on a low dose (25 mg) of Zoloft today. We decided that the benefits outweight the slight chance of risks. I am extremely depressed. I have anxiety like it's my job as well. I've been so down that some days all I can do is care for my two kids ...and make it through the day. I need help. I've had insomnia, I cry all the time at nothing, I get very easily annoyed and I take a while to calm down. Anyone experience this? Anyone take antidepressant meds while pregnant?
421882 tn?1203227340 zoloft, effexor, etc which causes crashes and mania as they are anti-depressants not mood stabilisers. Neurontin did nothing. Serequal bad reaction. Abilify HORRID stuff! So only other option is Lithium which apparently makes you emotionally dead (so nice to have normal emotions on lamictal, zoloft also either makes you feel dead inside or over emotional). Anyone else had the same break outs on this and were fine? Also wondering if I can just stop on 50MG?
2049945 tn?1333871610 Can anyone share their experiences whilst coming off of Zoloft? I am having the brain zaps--they are subsiding but they come on strong around evening time. I am also getting this very heavy feeling on my chest. I am hoping that it goes. All the other soreness etc has gone but this heavy chest feeling has subsided somewhat.
Avatar m tn While you may respond quicker, you still have to give it ample time to work. In my experiences with these meds (including Zoloft), andy dosage adjustment took 3-4 weeks before I really noticed any improvement. Just try to be patient, as hard as that is to do!
Avatar f tn t matter, because our experiences have nothing to do with how it will affect you. Your experience with Zoloft, for example, is probably a lot different than that of the people on here who have taken it. So the only way you can tell how any drug will affect you is to take it. The only way to avoid that is to fix the problem through therapy, which isn't easy but I hope you're trying.
Avatar f tn I actually prefer Zoloft. I have had really good experiences with it, however, people react differently to medications. SSRIs like Zoloft can be hit or miss, but the most important thing I can suggest is patience and an open mind. I was originally against any forms of medications, but it really helped me while I was going through counseling. Also, it takes a good couple of weeks before you actually feel the benefit of the drug.
2198057 tn?1338531205 I've had a prescription for 25mg of Zoloft for about a week and just now decided to start taking it today because my anxiety has been worse then usual. I'm wondering if the symptoms I'm having are side effects or should I be worried it's something else. They include hot flashes, drowsiness, restless, itchy, nauseous, and tight throat. Also if they are normal how long does it take for these side effects to go away for most people?
1530176 tn?1291943965 I denied that I had anxiety for months before I went to seek help through counseling. I had good experiences with Zoloft, but remember they will not 'cure' you of anything. In my opinion, they can be a useful tool to use while you learn about your anxiety....keep us posted!
Avatar m tn Yes, weight loss can be a side effect of Zoloft. Stop eating all the junk food, you're setting yourself up for future health problems. Also, you may have lost some muscle mass due to no longer lifting weights. If you continue to lose weight, contact your doctor about it. Take care.
Avatar f tn My doctor has just prescribed Zoloft and Ativan to help me cope. I am really worried about the effects on my baby. Is there anyone out there who has been on one or both of these drugs while pregnant. I desperately would like to hear about your experiences.
Avatar n tn I am a stay at home mother with three young boys. I have been taking zoloft (100mg daily) for depression for about nine years. The only times I was not taking zoloft is during my second and third pregnancies (and, boy, it was tough). Zoloft has changed my life - and my family's happiness. Just recently I was also diagnosed with ADD. My doc gave me adderall 10mg IR to try.
Avatar n tn First of all, welcome to the community. Taking a benzo (Valium) and an SSRI (Zoloft) is quite common, but don't do it on your own. I assume a doctor has prescribed this...just follow his/her instructions and you will be fine.
1351870 tn?1277732421 Hello, i was considering taking Zoloft, mailny for anxiety & occassional panic attacks. What were your experiences with it?? Good, bad??? Thanks!
Avatar f tn i strated takeing zoloft on the 21st of thei month along witn xanax for emergency. started myself on 25mg of zoloft and .5 xanax was ok for 4 days had getten to the point i barely needed the xanax anymore even . so i upped it to the 50 mg zoloft that the doc prescribed and it made me seriously ill.
Avatar f tn Thinking about trying Lexapro for generalized anxiety. Any advice or experiences? I have previously tried Buspar (had no effect) and Zoloft which made me constantly nauseous.
Avatar f tn I am a 30 year old female that has suffered from depression, anxiety, OCD, and ADHD since childhood. I have been on at least 7 different medications over the years that have and have not worked for various symptoms; however, I can't find one that works for them all. I have been taking 50 mg of Zoloft for about 3 years and it works great for my depression and the best thing I've ever taken for my OCD, but my anxiety is worse than it has ever been.
Avatar m tn Hi...I was just curious if anyone else experiences ups and downs in the early stages of starting zoloft. This is my second time and the first time it worked great however it was so long ago I can't remember how long before things started to feel right again. This time I am on day 20 @ 75mgs and my side effects have diminished for the most part but I have a good day then a bad day then a good day etc.....Is this normal??
Avatar f tn I have started taking Zoloft-today I raised my dose to 50mg. However I am still feeling very anxious - I become very, very shakey & dizzy etc in fact shakey nearly all day and night. I have been on the Zoloft for 26 days and 21 of them I have taken a 1/2 of a .5mg of Xanax. I don't feel the need to take more than that but I am sooooooo scared of becoming addicted. Even at this little amount will I have problems when I stop taking it? Will I react if I don't take one tomorrow?
4173517 tn?1350598701 zoloft/sertraline is an SSRI that can cause mania to bipolars. Rule no 1 don't ever take any antidepressant except associated with a mood stabilizer or an antipsychotic. If your doctor put you on zoloft alone and he said you have bipolar disorder, then I am afraid you should check his degree. I am SURE he is is not a doctor at all, let alone pdoc. Zoloft is one of the strong SSRI of course effexor is worse especially in withdrawals but zoloft is also bad. It's only 10 years old.
Avatar f tn ve recently been diagnosed with mixed anxiety/depression, and the zoloft/klonopin combo works for me. i take 2x50mg Zoloft per day, and 1mg Klonopin. Talk to your doctor, and see what he/she has to say about your case. Generally, SSRIs are tricky. For eg., I tried Mirtazipine, Citalopram, Effexor before I found that Zoloft suits me! Best of luck. Oh, and try some CBT as well, it helps :-) take care, now!
Avatar f tn I am switching from zoloft 100 mg to lexepro, after being on zoloft for 9 years. i have been decreased to 75 mg and added 10 mg of lexepro. My doc. gave me kolonopin .5mg to take twice daily to assist with the withdrawal. I am scared to decrease again to 50 mg and am scared that once the switch is completely over, I will have a difficult time with getting off of the kolonopin.
1773104 tn?1314155711 We all react differently to these types of medications, and what one experiences may not be another's. I've been on Zoloft and now a generic for Celexa with great results. There is about a 2 week period in the beginning where things seem to get worse instead of better, then we start to improve gradually with seeing the best results within 4-6 weeks. Work closely with your doctor with your medication and never hesitate to call if you feel the side effects are becoming too much for you.
Avatar m tn Hi. I am taking 100mg of Zoloft for mild depression and irritability. I had loved it apart from the sexual side effects. Wish to God there was an SSRI without those side effects. I had been feeling happier, more focused, and even had more energy. But... in the past month I have been increasingly angry. Wondering if anyone experiences the drug wearing off throughout the day. Seems like I get irritable at night. Thanks for your input.