
Zoloft brain zaps

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft brain zaps


Avatar m tn Does being on Zoloft already help my brain in healing quicker or are the Zoloft and oxy affected areas two different things?
Avatar m tn There was a thead on this elsewhere but it would not allow me to post as it had reached its daily limit. I've seen a lot of posts where people are complaining of brain zaps while going through SSRI withdrawal. I'm actually experiencing them while I'm on one! I've been taking Lexapro 20mg or about a year now and have been experiencing ocassional brain zaps. Anyone having this problem while under current treatment -- not withdrawals?
Avatar n tn ve read about brain shivers upon withdrawal from zoloft but currently experience brain shivers whilst taking zoloft. I take the zoloft in the morning and by about 3pm or 4pm begin getting the electric shocks in my brain. I used to get this only if i missed a dose but they are quite regular now and i am consistent with taking my meds. Do you know why this would happen? My doctors do not recognise these brain shivers.
1456780 tn?1310146897 22year male, I have taken 50mg zoloft once a day and 2mg klonopin once a day for 9 months. I never had brain zaps now I get them everytime especially when I move my head. Last time I took my medicibe was 53 days ago and I tappered down.
Avatar n tn I am writing because my poor husband has been suffering with "brain zaps" for 14 months and I just need to find out if the brain zaps ever STOP. He was taking effixor for just one month and went off the drug "cold turkey." Ever since that day he has had the brain zaps daily. Some days they are so bad he is nearly knocked down and days when he can't even go to work. Othr days they are mild, but he NEVER has a day without the zaps.
937070 tn?1244921939 i been on and off xanax and zoloft and my brain feels weird, like i been having brain shiver symptons. my brain feels slow and a weird shock sensation, the docotor checked me out and am totally dine everythins is perfect they said.
Avatar f tn It's really hard to say how long the withdrawal symptoms will last because we're all so different. Try to hang in there because it does get better.
Avatar f tn It might be worthwhile to appeal the denial for Medicaid and also see if there are any other insurance options you might qualify for. There are agencies that could help in this regard. St.
Avatar f tn After seeing a reduction in the effectiveness of Zoloft (100mg daily), my doctor has switched me to Effexor (75 mg daily). I switched 2 weeks ago and am feeling much better, but in the last few days I have been experiencing tremors or 'brain zaps', which thought were a symptom of Zoloft withdrawals. From what I have seen, this should be a fairly smooth transition, but is it possible that that these tremors are side effects from the withdrawal of Zoloft?
Avatar n tn For the brain zaps, try fish oil. You can also try tapering more slowly.
1456780 tn?1310146897 22year male, I have taken 50mg zoloft once a day and 2mg klonopin once a day for 9 months. I never had brain zaps after tappering down and after 43days im getting brain zaps and im scared out of my mind. Is this anxiety? I also feel foggy n scared all the time and worried.
Avatar f tn lexapro, and zoloft are very strong and affect the chemicals in your brain, anytime I have ever forgotten to take one of those (I was started on Zoloft in high school and am now on Lexapro) I get dizzy, its difficult to concentrate and when I went off of Zoloft for something else I went through extreme withdrawl for months untiil i decided to go back on it.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have trying to figure out what is wrong. I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and take medicine but have not gone off of any of them. I am a vegetarian and I am a 15 year old female. I have had what is known as "brain zaps" or "brain shivers" every once in a while, say every year until recently the episodes have been getting more frequent. I have been miserably exhausted the last couple weeks.
Avatar f tn So, if you keep going on and off the SSRIs, you will have those brain zaps. I also think Lexapro is a stronger version of Zoloft, so if you gotta be on them, you can try the sister drug Zoloft, and you'll have less side effects, especially at a lower dose, like between 50 and 100mg. I also feel like you do about antidepressants. I wish I had never gotten on the SSRIs, mainly because I still have depression. It helps with other things, tho.
Avatar m tn I googled the symptom relative to quitting Zoloft and found mostly complaints about these brain zaps. Mostly stuff like, "Are these effing brain zaps EVER going to stop???" I thought well, makes my electric feet seem sort of tame! Still, this symptom I experienced never seemed to lessen. Drove me mad. Weeks after stopping the Zoloft I went back on a low dose of it. Symptoms disappeard.
785176 tn?1236416509 hi, i recently found out i was pregnant and my ob nurse told ME to wean myself off of zoloft. I thought that was weird because i have NO clue how to do that correctly, was i misguided medically? anyway, i was at 150 mg and tapered myself off to nothing in about 3 weeks tops. Aside from all the lightheadedness, dizziness, headaches, brain "zaps", nauseousness, tiredness and bouts of hot and cold, I also am experiencing extreme depression and anger. Is this also a withdrawl symptom?
Avatar m tn I am 27 years old and I have been on 50mg of Zoloft for almost 3 years due to panic disorder. I am now trying to wean myself off and have been having the horrible "brain zaps" and/or "brain shivers". I am weaning by doctors orders. I have done half the dosage (25 mg) every day for 2 weeks and then 25 mg every other day for 2 weeks. This is my 4th day since I have taken nothing and the zaps are pretty bad.
2049945 tn?1333871610 Can anyone share their experiences whilst coming off of Zoloft? I am having the brain zaps--they are subsiding but they come on strong around evening time. I am also getting this very heavy feeling on my chest. I am hoping that it goes. All the other soreness etc has gone but this heavy chest feeling has subsided somewhat.
Avatar n tn You are experiencing what are known as brain zaps. Brain zaps are a side effect of all the antidepressant medications. Are you taking any such medication? Other possibilities include stress and anxiety. I would suggest you to do some relaxation exercises like meditation and keep yourself physically active. Take care!
Avatar f tn I have what they call brain zaps and I'm dizzy and get hot flashes
4312186 tn?1353315903 Are you currently taking any medications? I had these things as I called Brain Zaps and that is a real symptom of some medications!! please check this out immediantly and let your dr know if you are on any medications. When I was getting these "zaps" my dr told me to discontinue immediantly!
458072 tn?1291415186 I take armour thyroid. I was wondering if these brain zaps are from armour, or does anyone taking any other thyroid formula get these as well. Also, does anyone understand what these are and can we do anything to stop it?
Avatar f tn Lately ive been feeling like my eyes cant keep up when i turn my head, kindof like i skip a beat in my eyes like a spasm maybe... i just switched from zoloft to wellbutrin after tapering & started on wellbutrin a week ago... so im sure thats the reason, but i was just curious if thats what im feeling? And also how long it lasts? its frustrating.
Avatar f tn Then clever me decided to stop it.... I felt ok for about a week and then it was TERRIBLE! I had brain zaps/dizziness, anxiety, agitation excessive sweat exc. So I started again immediately with 100mg, Ithe dizziness feels better but I still get brainzaps anxiety spiking at night Is this Normal? I'm so anxious about all of this!!! will NEVER STOP MY MEDS AGAIN! Any comments will b appreciated.