
Vomiting and medication

Common Questions and Answers about Vomiting and medication


1655377 tn?1302050621 Did the doctor put you on cephalexin because of the blisters, vomiting and headaches or did the symtoms come on after taking cephalexin?
Avatar n tn I took it in my first trimester and when my health problems presented themselves before pregnancy.
Avatar n tn Call your doctor -they may be able to give you a prescription for the nausea/vomiting. I had to - I'm on my second kind of medication which neither worked well enough so I gave up on the medication and stuck it out :( I couldn't keep anything down- lost 15lbs in 2.5 weeks and ended up in the ER for dehydration. I'm also 11 weeks going on 12 and I just started to feel a bit better the past couple days. Hoping it gets better for you soon!!!!
Avatar f tn I'm a FTM and have been diagnosed with Hypermesis. My nausea and vomiting started at 6 weeks and has yet to end and I'm 35 weeks today. Although I've lost 32 pounds and have been on IV's my entire pregnancy for nutrition/electrolytes, Zofran and Reglan have saved my life when it came to decreasing the vomiting and nausea!!! The pill didn't work so I have Zofran pump that pumps the medication into my stomach 24 hours a day.
Avatar f tn I noticed she still vomits after each intake. How can I stop her vomiting. She still has another week to go before she finishes her medication.
Avatar f tn Any other mommys been prescribed promethazine for nausea/vomiting?
Avatar f tn Hi, I'm almost 9 wks pregnant. i recently posted a question regarding how to deal with nausea and got many helpful responses...needless to say I have tried every suggestion that was post and more....ginger everything, B6, sea bands, small meals, preggie pops (which now make me sick), and much more. However, I started to vomit everything up on Saturday and now I can hardly take down any food. I can't even drink water without dry heaving.
Avatar f tn I tried several at home remedies, the pregnancy pops, sea ands, ginger and mint EVERYTHING, and nothing worked for me except nausea medication. My doctor first prescribed me 4mg of zofran taken 3-4 times a day and that worked pretty well for awhile. But I was sick through the majority of my pregnancy and eventually it didn't work anymore so she prescribed me 10mg of something else (sorry I don't remember the name).
Avatar f tn How can I stop my cat from vomiting? She is taking Clavamox drops and was vomiting after each use. I spoke to her Vet and was told that I should give her Metochlopramide 5 MG first and wait for 20 minutes and then give her Clavamox. She is not eating and Vet suggested to give her baby food with the Clavomox. I am doing what I was told but my cat is still vomiting.
Avatar m tn Three percent hydrogen peroxide is quite effective in making dogs and cats vomit. You must be sure to use three percent peroxide and not hair coloring strength peroxide. The appropriate dose of hydrogen peroxide is one teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. Alternatively salt and water would work, but do not use syrup of ipecac. Actually I think it would be wiser and safer to contact your vet immediately for advice. You could phone them rather than taking your dog in, which would be quicker.
Avatar f tn I have been vomiting on and off for nearly a year sometimes it is in the evening a couple of times and other times its all day for a week I only get a week off now and the. They have tested all of the upper and lower GI system they scoped, barium study, colonoscopy and stomach emptying also did head .ct everything is clear. I noticed that serotonin is part of the medicines for vomiting so was wondering if my serotonin levels could causing my problem.
Avatar m tn Minor side effects include constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, insomnia, muscle pain, nausea, and vomiting. Major side effects include agitation, anemia, confusion, depression, easy bruising or bleeding, hallucinations, hair loss, irregular heartbeat, rash, visual changes, and yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice).
1984945 tn?1326556865 It wakes her early in the morning and then will vomit one to three times and then is fine. She has a stomachache right before it, but no other recurring symptom consistently goes along with it. She has a congenital heart defect and the genetic condition called HHT. She has in the past had seizure looking episodes that have never been diagnosed as anything because she has had clean EEGs. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated as we are baffled.
Avatar m tn My mom has chf, hypertension,and she is also diabetes and for the past year she has been nausea and vomiting. She is in and out of the hospital almost every month for the past year. The doctors cannot come up with a solution to stop the vomiting, it will stop for a few days and start all over again. My mom is tired of going to the hospital. She is on all these medication and nothing seems to help.Can someone please give me some advice.
Avatar f tn I have severe vomiting, nausea and headaches. I am currently on omeprazole 40mg , I take 1 pill a day in the morning. My throat still feels as if food is stuck in there and my throat feels as if my throat was burnt severely and now it's sore. My stomach hurts, i constantly keep relieving gas. I would like some advice to what I should eat to make me feel better. Especially because of the vomiting & gas. I don't have insurance or else i would check myself into the hospital.
Avatar f tn 2 days in and I have begun getting nausea so bad I end up vomiting. I am worried I am hurting my dosage of medication. I have Phenergan and I am not sure exactly when to take it, when I eat the 20 mg. of fat or right before the meds. Many help is appreciated.
Avatar m tn I have a friend who had a random seizure one morning after she had been vomiting and had diarrhea all night before. She also had not been sleeping well or at all some nights the whole month before. I took her to the emergency room and she had blood work done and a CT scan done both came back just fine. The doctor told her it was probably that she was dehydrated, and had lack of sleep that put too much stress on her brain. He also told her to consult a family doctor.
Avatar f tn Im barely in my first trimester , but I can't eat or drink nothing without throwing up . Any tips ? I havent really ate or drank nothing in 4 days . I went back to my doctor and they prescribed me some medication for the nausea and vomiting but that medication doesn't seem to help . This is my first time pregnant . Ive tried Gatorade , Ginger Ale , Fruit , and etc .
Avatar n tn I am 23 years old and I have been experiencing nausea and vomiting for about 5 years. I had my gall bladder removed last year because it was supposed to be causeing this but I am still sick. I have been tested for diabetes but I am not. I was diagnosed with depression when I was in high school and have been on and off meds ever since. Could depression be whats causing my sickness?
Avatar m tn They may recommend medication (that is safe for pregnant women) to stop the vomiting and it is important to do something like that. I didn't have much real vomiting but had a good deal of nausea. I did best to eat very often -- just small, frequent meals. I tried to stay high in protein. I've never eaten so many peanut butter sandwiches as I did when pregnant. I kept crackers with me.
Avatar f tn I'm 11 week's and today I've been vomiting 4 timse, I've been nauseous all the time but never so bad. It's something wrong with me???
Avatar f tn Just got to and search for tyramine Diet and it will tell you what things are good and bad for you. Make sure you eat 3 meals a day and I have noticed that a nap in the middle of the day helps sometimes. After 2 years of trying to be headache free I was told by a doctor that I might not ever be...but I am not willing to accept that! lol. I'm just about willing to try anything and EVERYTHING to prove them wrong and most importantly to feel better.
Avatar m tn He put me on mezicline (motion sickness medication) and a pill that helps prevent nausea and vomiting. I went on them for two weeks, and I would only occasionaly feel nautious, but wouldn't vomit. I went off the pills 6 days ago because I had to go in to the hospital medicine free for a week in order to get a hearing test and another test that may determine if I have labynthritis. I have thrown up every night since going off the pills about 2 to 5 hours sometime after dinner.
Avatar m tn Migraine may present with throbbing headaches with associated symptoms like nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Topamax or topiramate is a seizure medication, which is also used to prevent migraine headaches in adults. However, it will only prevent migraine headaches or reduce the number of attacks and will not treat a headache that has already begun. Celebrex or celecoxib, on the other hand, is used to treat pain or inflammation including headaches.
Avatar n tn The headaches are like something that I have never felt before in my life. They are really bad. The nausea and vomiting started as soon as I woke up from the gastric bypass surgery and it has been a problem every single day since. However, before my pseudotumor cerebri was diagnosed, I had a lot of nausea and vomiting but it wasn't like it is now. They have checked for ulcers and stricture and ruled it out. My headaches have not gotten any better since the surgery.