
Stomach pain zantac

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain zantac


Avatar f tn It started with heart palpitations and vomiting, then i had abdominal or gas pain. stomach feels uncomfortable after eating.i went to a physician and he prescribed me zantac. i also had my blood checked for a deficiency in anything. results were norma except that i had a UTI infection. now i'm on zantac and an antibiotic. unfortunately i'm struggling with extreme fatigue upon standing, rapid heart rate some coughing and sometimes dizziness. This has been going on for three weeks.
Avatar f tn Have you tried an antacid or something like Pepto-Bismol or Zantac - which I think reduces the amount of acid secreted by the stomach in order to reduce ulcer and heartburn pain or to assist in healing of ulcers - I'm pretty sure it is used to treat stomach and duodenal (intestinal) ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). That might point you in the right direction. Sounds like you should still see your GP though.
1088529 tn?1256844030 ll have any side effects, or if my regular symptoms (stomach pain, upset stomach) will become apparent or come back. My question is this; if I get nauseous, stomach pain, upset stomach etc. as a side effect or other, can I take tums to calm my stomach down? Or will it just make things worse? I can't talk to my doctor because (a) don't have an appointment and (b) am too young to drive there or get an appointment myself.
Avatar n tn It is possible it is reflux, which is a very common complaint while pregnant. Try acid reducers such as Tums or Zantac and it should help reduce the pain if that's the problem.
Avatar n tn major stomach pain waking me up at 3:30 AM until breakfast and one hour before lunch and dinner times. What is going on???? I eat very well and exercize, but this pain is uncomfortable and has got to go!!!
Avatar f tn Milk curdle in you and can make it worse and even make you vomit. Dr said Zantac or pepcid is safe and take tums in between. If you take zantac once in morning and once at night it works wonders!! I swear by it. I had heartburn 5 out of 7 days in first and second trimesters. Now I have it every once in a while. Also don't lie down right after eating and eat smaller meals. Good kuck!
Avatar f tn m not completely sure why but it starts with nausea and turns into full blown stomach pain and abdominal pain and a few times I had lower back pain to go with it. I've crossed out the thought of being pregnant because I've been on the pill and lately this stomach pain has been killing my sex life. And unfortunately I'm flat broke being a full time student that I cannot afford to see a doctor and I have a hard time getting $10-$20 to visit a local walk-in clinic. Any suggestions?
Avatar n tn But i then found out that maybe my stomach discomfort is actually caused by a lack of acid in the stomach. And if i take zantac with an already acid lacking stomach it can be bad. So what do you think i should do?
Avatar m tn Well, I went to two different doctors, they each did a fungal swab and both came back negative. The spots are sort of like white rings with a red center. I saw an oral surgeon for a consultation and she said it looks like geographic tongue, however, geographic tongue moves around and changes shape. Mine basically stay in the same place and reappear every day. They can be scraped off with a tongue brush which rules out leukoplakia which can't be scraped off.
Avatar f tn The back pain has definatley increased now then ever before and my nausea has also returned :( looking forward to delivering that's foresure!!!! 6 weeks to go.....
Avatar m tn Perhaps you should be seen by a gastroenterologist. Your pain and nausea sound familiar as I experienced something similar back in October. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. Are you having a difficult time eating? Do you feel full quickly? Gastroparesis is delayed stomach emptying and can be diagnosed after a 2-hour test in which you eat an egg with a nuclear tracer in it. I found out that my food stays in my stomach twice as long as it should and that was the reason for my symptoms.
Avatar f tn Tums or zantac 150. Mine is bad too, i use the zantac. 18Weeks 2 days.
Avatar f tn Then I took more Zantac, woke up crampy and nauseous, ate some cereal, now I am lightheaded and my stomach hurts and I need to eat something else but I'm afraid to. Could the Zantac be messing with my digestion and making me feel worse?
Avatar n tn My syptoms were burning swelling and extreme pain in my upper abdominal area where I could feel the acid going round. I could even sometimes feel pain in my chest. This pain would intensify over 3 days. leaving me incapable of doing anything except staying at home and lying in constant pain with no rest (sleepless nights) and not being able to find a position to sit or lie in without feeling pain.
Avatar f tn m on my 26th day clean frm methadone and I am sooo proud of myself but, I keep getting this pain that feels like hunger pains in my upper stomach area....I just never ever been this hungry and besdes I have not gotten my appetite back where I can eat right. I was wondering if anyone went through this also.
Avatar n tn It almost feel like a constant hunger pain. I also get a lower back pain sometimes and I dont know if there pains might be related. I don't smoke or drink alcohol alot, but I do drink 5-6 cups of coffee a day ( although I've been cutting back on cafiene for about 5 days now). Do you have any advice for me please?
Avatar f tn So I've had acid reflux since I was about 8. I've had ulcers in my stomach and esophagus since I was 15. I've gone on bland diets for months at a time and took prilosex and zantac, nothing helped. Then I started smoking Marijuana and it's like I don't even have stomach issues. I'd get the occasional heartburn after certain foods but not horrible. I've been smoking for two years.
593603 tn?1229378162 Does anyone know if you can take Zantac 75 during your first trimester for heartburn? I took it with my first pregnancy, but it was a lot later in the pregnancy. I am dying here, and need a fix.
Avatar f tn I was using ranitidine (generic for zantac). I was having horrible stomach pain and dr told me to try zegerid....and holy smokes its awesome!!! Expensive but good stuff $23 for 42 @ target.
Avatar f tn I have a great deal of pain in my stomach, upper part, feels like the hyatial hernia is back. I don't drink alcohol, some coffee, try to eat gluten free, and I am type O negative blood. Recently due to my recent unemployment status, yes I have been stressed, worried, scared, and I am 52 - menopause is present. So the depression, the on and off crying for no reason, the hot flashes, the weight gain in tummy, extreme fatigue, ...
10005815 tn?1453762475 Ive been having the same thing for the past week im gona b 23 weeks tmoro my dr told my tp take Zantac u cld getvit in any pharmacy andive seen that tums also helps for that
Avatar f tn My doc just put me on Zantac 150mg 2x a day & carafate 4x a day. I have GERD, gastritis with mild erosion. There is bile in my stomach since I no longer have my gall bladder. My throat burns like crazy I am concerned about further damage to my esophagus and stomach. I took the zantac for the 1st time last night. It took a while for it to start to help. However I woke up in the middle of the night burning again. I took another pill even though I was not due for several hours.
Avatar f tn I have had different sysmptons for months mostly throat burning and mid sternum pain alternating with soreness. I was put on prilosec with no difference then zantac 300 mg and now nexium. The zantac showed improvement. Then went to a gastro and he changed me to 40 mg Nexium with marked improvement. I had an ultrasound, hyda scan both normal. I then had an endoscopy that showed stomach was irritated and and a raw spot in my esophagus. It appeared to be healing.
1094370 tn?1317134825 t cause that big of a problem except I get stomach pain every time I take Ibupropin and I cough in the morning. Zantac has helped. I actually only took it for about 3 months and the it has calmed down the coughing. I mostly don't feel acid reflux or GERD, at all. I am back on Zantac again because of Ibupropin. It is the only thing that works for inflammation for me so I have to take it for short times for dental and back problems. No my throat isn't sore.