
Stomach pain on empty stomach

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain on empty stomach


Avatar f tn Its 1:30 AM and I've just woken up because my stomach feels empty, empty tothe point where I'm nauseus and have almost vomitted. This isnt the first time this has happened either. Is this normal? Im nine weeks.
Avatar n tn I'm a nutritionist and I don't have much to add except I agree with Willy27. I take it you are on medication for your anxiety disorder. If you are not, please get on some. I had persistant anxiety disorder for years and my meds took it right away. In fact, I'm still on them. So if your not on an anti-depressant, get on one. And if you still have anxiety, tell the doctor who put you on them. Because you shouldn't. Also, if the bowel problems continue...
Avatar f tn So, after almost three months with agonizing pain she emailed me and said my results were very positive with severe gastroparesis, a disorder in which the stomach takes too long to empty after eating. This occurs when the nerves to the stomach are damaged or don't work. Contact your GI dr and let them know your symptoms. Now my pain started in the upper section of the stomach and would gradually move to the right. Hope this helps a bit. Feel free to ask any questions. Good luck!!
Avatar m tn He never told me how I got it or what to do about it or even if that was what was causing the morning pain. Does anyone one else have this condition and have the morning stomach pain ? And what can I do for it ?
Avatar f tn Sometimes my lower stomach feels very sore as If i worked out. It feels heavy and if I try to stand up straight it hurts. Especially, after I pee it happens someones and my uterus feels heavy even after I empty my bladder. Has this happened to anyone else?
Avatar n tn I have a really bad pain in the upper part of my stomach. I also hear a churning and I have gas with this. Is this a gall bladder problem? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/200541'>Lump in throat, occasional upper stomach pains, pale stool</a>.
Avatar f tn t seem to get much information regarding stomach pain. I take it in the morning on a empty stomach and eat 1-2 hours later.
Avatar m tn Thanks for the response. For me it doesn't matter if I am full or on an empty stomach. I am occasionally constipated but it doesn't coincide with the noises and I occasionally have diarrhea/loose stools, but I associate that with my diet at the time. I don't have any pain or cramping with the noise, it is more of an annoyance than anything else. I am just curious as to what could be causing it.
Avatar f tn As it turned out, it absorbs into the blood much better on an empty stomach, then on a full one. When taken on an empty stomach, a much smaller dose is needed to achieve the desired level of inhibition.
Avatar m tn I was put on levothyroxin 137mcg. I take them fist thing every day on an empty stomach and after about 15 minutes i begin to have stomach pain and burning. Is it normal to take them every day? should i get a lower dosage?
Avatar m tn A note to people who are also suffering bile reflux, laying on the right alleviates symptoms, gravity taking bile down the intestines instead of into the stomach, so as soon as you feel the upper sac empty by laying on your left, then return to laying on the right to stop bile entering the stomach, so many catch 22 situations with stomach problems, solving one problem can cause another and leave you feeling like nothing works, you have to monitor yourself closely and feel and listen to what th
Avatar m tn There is a weird feeling, like pressure/bloating/empty pocket in my the right side of my stomach/abdomen. It is not painful, but it has been going on for about a year now. Sometimes its not there, but most of the time it is. I already had my appendix removed. I have seen 2 doctors and a surgeon. They all tested me for hernia but they all don't know what it is.
Avatar f tn After I throw up I am ravenous. I can barely eat anything while I'm nauseous before I finally get sick, and I struggle to put something in my stomach so I have something to throw up when I finally do lol. It's important to sip water constantly if you're nauseous with an empty stomach cuz holy moley does it lead to violent heaving.. last night I discovered what heart burn feels like lol. I was so nauseous after a couple Kong satanic stressful work, exhausted, got some soup in me.
Avatar f tn It NEVER goes away, even when i get up in the morning on an empty stomach, im bloated. Ive been eating very bland foods. The bloating is so unconfortamble, its hard to breath. I had a sonogram and an Upper GI test(drinking the gross stuff), they were both fine. Im not lactose intolerant by the way. Some background info: When i was younger i had a lot of stomach issues that never got solved. There was a time when i was 8 years old, i was nauseated everyday with stomach pain.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have gastroparesis also, my doctor originally put my on Reglan, which was horrible.. now i am on Domperidone, it's wonderfull, it took maybe a week to notice a big difference. The only problem is i have hypoglycemia also and if i take it three times a day it works too well and my bloodsugar bottoms out. but i haven't had any side effects, the only problem is remembering to order more before i run out (you have to order from canada or a compunded pharmacy). hope that helps..
892237 tn?1249841914 It has been about a month and I have been in and out of the hospital. ER doctors have not been able to tell me what is wrong. My GI dr has not given me an adequate diagnose. I suffer from severe stomach pain, it makes itself present when I eat solids or so I've noticed. The pain lasts for about 2-3 hours and it goes away on its own. Along with the pain is vomitting. I also get the sensation of having a bowel movement but nothing happens.
Avatar m tn Based on the information, I think it is duodenal ulcer but it can also be nonulcer pain. Do you have a family history of duodenal ulcer. Duodenal ulcer can also be caused by alcohol, nicotine,caffeine,tobacco, taking NSAID's aspirin, brufen e.t.c. The most common cause is the infection with H.Pylori. Does the pain cause you to wake up in the midnight. About fifty percent of patients with duodenal ulcers awake during the night with pain, usually between midnight and three a.m.
Avatar f tn This would explain the perceived inflammation of the stomach and the increased misery when your stomach is empty. The problem is that the inflammation keeps the stomach from emptying normally so the bile that refluxes back into it just sits, creating more inflammation. This is not uncommon immediately after cholecystectomy and the cycle can usually be broken by giving sucralfate to coat the stomach and let i t heal. The stabbing pain comes from spasm of the pylorus.
Avatar m tn Is this a reliable home test to determine low stomach acid? What test can a doctor (and what type doctor), have performed to determine low stomach acid? My stomach bloating (on an empty stomach) has been happening for a year.
Avatar f tn You can also find out whether you get pain if you do it on empty stomach.If you get pain after doing it on empty stomach, you can rule out stomach problem and concentrate on gynecological problem. I am sorry I could not give your categorical reply to your problem. wish you best of luck.
Avatar f tn t you ask your doctor to give you PPIs, like panteprazole or omezoprazole.. Pop one on an empty stomach and that should reduce the stomach gas and help u reduce your bloat..
Avatar f tn After visiting the gp over a bloated stomach which is shaped like a hour glass bloated at the top and bottom. pain and constipation/not feeling like bowels are empty after. He said it might be ibs. I was prescribed mebeverine which had no affect. Blood was taken with no results, apart from my liver being a bit high. I was then prescribed laxido. Which contains macrogol 3350. Which has worked at what it does but hasn't helped the bloating, pain and the feeling of not full emptying.
Avatar f tn Hi all I'm 36 weeks pregnant and I've got such a tender stomach I don't think the baby is engaged yet as in the UK we don't get checked like over in the USA but has anyone else felt like this!!