
Stomach pain in girls

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain in girls


1839656 tn?1329183801 I'm 14 weeks 4 days pregnant and for the last week I have been having stomach pain high up under my boobs and all the way across, it hurts when I get up and move around but eases when I'm sitting down and some mornings I wake up with intense pain and it doesn't ease until I throw up and take a warm bath. Has anyone else experienced this or have any idea what it could be?
Avatar f tn How are we all going? Just wanted to ask something... i am experiencing pain in my stomach like i am getting my periods.. is this a part of baby growing?
Avatar f tn My stomach is really tight and i have pain in my upper stomach the pain comes hard at first for a few minutes and then they slow down im 38 weeks + 2 days. I also threw up and been having alot of discharge today. What should i do i need help plz im worrying for my baby.
551604 tn?1333983135 OMG, ladies!! I have this uncomfortable pain right under my breast, like my stomach area. I feel like if I'm carrying two babies instead of one. My back is also killing me, I'm so uncomfortable. I feel like if the baby(ies) are really up there and are doing something that they are not supposed to be doing LOL. I have an appointment tomorrow at 10am. I want to wait till tomorrow, but if it keeps bothering like this I will call my doctor. I also posted this on Pregnancy 18-34!!
Avatar n tn For about 2 years now, every few months or so, I get a horrible pain in my testicles. To the point where if i touch them at all I want to die because of the pain. After I take an asprin or something, after about an hour, the pain will go away. Their are no lumps or anything on the testicles, and it only happens so often. I do notice how ever, that it is quite frequent before any sexual contact. Yet, I dont think that has anything to do with it. What could it be?
Avatar f tn I am 30 weeks, I have severe pain at the very top of my stomach and on right side. Its even worse when I breathe or stand up. It is so bad for last two days I cry I cant sleep my right shoulder hurts for no reason. I can not figure out what this is. Please help.
Avatar f tn Hi girls, i just had some stomach pain that felt like stomach cramps. Really painful but now went away? It lasted for less than a minute or about a minute? What can it be?
Avatar n tn m having the same problem as you since yesterday and I never had it with my first pregnancy too idk what it is about this lower stomach pain even my back was killing me..
Avatar f tn im having this pubic bone pain lower stomach pain when I get up, walk, etc that seems not to go away..I had never felt that with my other pregnancies..I have doctors appointment till Thursday for sure im going to say something but for the meantime I want to know if its normal? Is it to early? Am I the only one? It feels like he wants!!
Avatar n tn i have pain in my while stomach as if its swollen from inside or somethin..
Avatar f tn I'm 15 weeks and I've noticed like a stinging pain in my left side of my stomach is that normal
Avatar f tn Hey yesterday i had a really bad pain in the left side of my stomach it got so bad i couldn't breath, i rang the midwife but all she told me to do was take paracetamol and rest, I'm now starting to experience the same pain again and im getting worried, my due date was september 1st, has anybody else experienced pains on the left side of their stomach???
Avatar n tn i have massive pain in lower stomach now.3 days ago; i had finger the time of sex there was only little bot pain but now it is massive.what could be the reason?????
Avatar m tn i have had this shooting pain in my stomach for about three weeks. i can't seem to find out what it may be. it's so bad i double over in the floor. i was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. it's not just in one spot it's all over my stomach. thanks.
Avatar n tn m 17 weeks and first pregnancy and just wondering if someone had experienced abdominal pain or pain like in the upper right side of the stomach. I think it is by the liver and it makes hard for me to breath sometimes plus it gives a sensation that I'm really full. I will appreciate your responses, thank you.
7473580 tn?1398228610 Thank you, to you as well and hang in there hopefully you'll catch a little comfort here and there
Avatar f tn I hate butt cramps! I'm 21+4 and negative 15 lbs. It hurts so bad. I also get pain in my bones from sitting or laying for too long.
Avatar f tn Have you tried to see about gently pulling up on your bottom see if it's the baby laying low and to see if you can reposition the baby....I don't get pressure in my vagina but I do at the bottom of my stomach and it does help me out. Hope this works!
Avatar f tn Contractions can be felt in your back, stomach or vagina. Mostly feels like cramps in back or vagina. Stomach your will tighten. Depending on the position of your little one you might not feel them at all.