
Stomach pain from watermelon

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain from watermelon


Avatar m tn The stomach pain was so bad in US, that I stopped eating water melon from California. The stomach pain in France was different, intensity was less, and depended on "melon". Earlier , first coming "primers" melons, especially from Spain and Italy were the worse... Conclusion: something is about agriculture and not the Melon itself. Last month I visited my mother in Moldova, and driving near a field of melons, I could not drive by....and stopped.
Avatar n tn I've been given 8 units of blood and multiple iron iv treatments in four weeks, yet my hemoglobin drops to 3.5. In the hospital two weeks ago, the hemoglobin went up to 8, but is slowly dropping again even with multiple transfusions. I just underwent the second endoscopy to laser bleeding areas of watermelon stomach. I'm a bit frustrated in that I've read that watermelon stomach is secondary to another problem, and the doctors do not seem to be addressing the cause.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had problems with watermelon imparting their tummy? Every time I eat it I get gassy and bloated and an upset tummy!
Avatar f tn For those of you who are constipated, nauseas, or at the end of pregnancy and having swollen feet or leg watermelon! I was craving it so I got one and cut it up and have been eating it for the past 2 days. All of a sudden I'm not constipated anymore so I looked it up. It's 87% water (to keep you hydrated) and 12% fiber. It's a natural diuretic so it can help you lose water weight ( swollen feet/leg pain) so its great to eat especially when prego!
10131590 tn?1408165341 Watermelon.
Avatar f tn I'm 15.3 weeks pregnant & today after eating watermelon I've had an upset stomach. I've had diarrhea & its really red & it burns. I don't know if its because of the watermelon but I'm worried I don't know if this is normal ? Or if I should call my doctor help :/ I also eat spicy food I don't know if that could be the reason why it burns. Thank you.
7753764 tn?1401853590 Watermelon helps! It has water in it but its light enough you are less likely to get sick off it. Also it rehydrates you. Try it! Let me know if it works for you!
Avatar f tn OMG I'm craving cold watermelon with that mexican chilli powder on top.
5088265 tn?1366224135 Only 7 days to go until my due date. Pickleman is as big as a watermelon :) hope he comes soon, don't want to be late. My friend was due the day before me and has now been in labour for 16 hours!
Avatar f tn Same here I've craved watermelon for a while n from all the ones I bought I only got lucky with one good red sweet one lol but that n strawberries r my number one fruit cravings
1028452 tn?1537448484 EATING FRUIT This is informative! We all think eating fruit means just buying fruit, cutting it up and popping it into our mouths. It's not that easy. It's important to know how and when to eat fruit. What's the correct way to eat fruit? IT MEANS NOT EATING FRUIT AFTER A MEAL! FRUIT SHOULD BE EATEN ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. Eating fruit like that plays a major role in detoxifying your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.
Avatar f tn Lucky I wanted watermelon the other day and my husband said no those are real watermelon cause they're small ha. I crave fruit and sweets, and sometimes chicken.
Avatar m tn I have had severe stomach bloating from constipation with my periods, I would double up with pain and swell like watermelon even though I had a flat stomach. I transformed during my period into something .I couldn't go to school or later work, I was just a ball, left crying in bed. My sister asked me if I was constipated during my periods.. Thats how I figured it out. So I'd take laxatives whenever I started having symptoms and- it helped tremendously.
Avatar f tn Lmbo we always told my nieces and nephews that Babys came from watermelon seeds! They not only wanted to know how the baby got in her stomach but also why her last two Babys were a different color (she remarried and had children with her second husband) so we told them that if you swallow a white watermelon seed you have a.white baby and if you swallow a black watermelon seed you have a black baby!
Avatar f tn I had severe morning sickness and 24/7 nausea. First tip... if u cant get out of bed ask for help from your gp. I got cyclizine... perfectly ok for baby but may make you feel sleepy (was welcome in my book!). Second...if you can't stomach liquid and therefore keep hydrated try sparkling water! Add a little juice and sip slowly through the day. Burping helps ease the crampy hunger pangs. Also try watermelon.
9263335 tn?1403463032 I ate two chunks of watermelon not knowing they had husband had cut it in half one was for me & the other for him because he let his half sit in alcohol but sadly the containers are exactly the same. My baby will be okay right? I didn't eat any more watermelon after that.
Avatar f tn My mum just told me that when she was preg (25yrs ago) she got told watermelon can cause miscarriage. Ive never heard of this one?
8854858 tn?1400901001 No kidding do I feel like a watermelon, 39 weeks. So excited to get this pregnancy over with & to finally see my son.
Avatar n tn Watermelon naturally helps soothe the stomach. Some say ginger but it made me worse. Also make sure your stomach is never empty, keep snacks by the bed, empty stomach makes it worse!
Avatar f tn m 36 weeks and trying to lay on my stomach is like trying to lay on a watermelon
Avatar f tn I don't talk to my baby/stomach, would feel weird. Not saying its weird, just for me.
10206952 tn?1408930334 ....why would u think u did? Are u in pain? How friggen big was this watermelon?? Unless the only heavy objects you lift are feathers... I think you're fine.
Avatar f tn Hello, I am from America and I came to Pakistan for a month, (still here). I didn't receive any vaccinations so I refrained from doing stupid things. One day without thinking I drank some tap water. Some other things I had a lot of include watermelon and mangos. Three days ago my throat started hurting and I was extremely fatigued. I thought nothing of it but it got worse. Now, whenever I swallow, my ENTIRE neck goes through extreme pain. What happened and how do I get better?