
Stomach pain from thyroid

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain from thyroid


Avatar f tn I don't know if my case was normal or not, either, but July 2013 my former doctor started me on 60 Armour because she said it was the equivalent of the 100 Synthroid I'd been on previously for 22 years. Unfortunately, 60 Armour was much too low of a dose for me and my hypo symptoms worsened, so my medication was increased to 90 a month later, and then to 120 and just recently to 180 which is an increase that makes me nervous.
Avatar f tn ever since childhood ive had gas issues, but now as an adult I am either unable to sleep or im waking up early in the morning in so much pain I can barely move because of the gas and discomfort in my stomach. so bad it makes me vomit. the only way the pain goes away is if I take a hot bath, vomit or go to the bathroom. what could this be?
1448936 tn?1363206346 Sorry for my extremely delayed response .... I thought it would email me when someone responded but maybe it went to my spam folder lol. I have actually found out nothing in a few months besides my hemoglobin, bilirubin, and calcium are elevated they want to take out my gallbladder... my surgeon sent me to a blood specialists who did more blood work thyroid nad para thyroid are good and my hemoglobin is within normal range now. I find the rest out this Thursday.
Avatar f tn I also get really bad period cramps and a few weeks ago, when I had both the stomach pain and cramps, I was woken up at 2am in unbelievable pain, which I couldn’t distinguish whether it was cramps or the stomach pain. It didn’t go away very quickly either and pain killers didn’t work. Now I’m at the stage where every time I eat, my stomach gurgles and churns really loudly, then I get the pains. I also have the feeling like I want to burb and throw up at the same time.
Avatar f tn Within 6 weeks after surgery, started with terrible stomach pain, lost weight, became anemic, hospitalized. All GI tests came back cause for pain found, assured by all docs it was not b/c of thyroid. Afer going on synthroid pain went away within 48 hrs. Now pain is back...going to hematologist for anemia, endocrin assures that pain has nothing to do with thyroid, after running another gamut of tests, even Gi doc says he thinks there's a connection. What do you think...
Avatar n tn lately i have tingles all over my body and face as well as a thi8nk yellow coating on my tongue and stomach problem i even get extreme hrat waves when i go to the bathroom. my thyroid feels normal when i feel it and tests 3 months ago revealed that there is nothing wrong but from my figer tips all the way to the body i have tingles and little burning sensations as in the head, and some head pain in different areas that lasts moments and goes away.
Avatar n tn A thought on your stomach pain...I had similar tests for stomach pain and suffered acid for a long time...all tests came back negative... Turned out a soy allergy was causing my symptoms...If your tests are negative like mine, give it a thought...
Avatar n tn He has these stomach spells that feel like his stomach is “burning and tearing and that someone has kicked him in the stomach or feels like a claw is grabbing and twisting his stomach from the inside.” Sometimes they are accompanied by severe headaches, diarrhea, and/or muscle spasms starting in his legs and moving up to the back and shoulders. He doesn’t always get all these symptoms at once. His Dr.
Avatar m tn m not sure if this fully describes what is wrong with me. The stomach pain includes a dull, achy pain that is constant, but gets worse with stress, caffeine, alcohol or certain foods. I think the pain causes me to eat more because it is almost like a hunger pain. It's so bizarre to feel full and still have the stomach pain I experience because I feel full and hungry at the same time. When I first started having these pains, I weighed 172 lbs and stood at 6'0.
Avatar n tn We are new at this, my daughter was diagnosed as a sufferer in July 2014. She is suffering from severe stomach pain and I wondered if any of you have since come up with any other solutions? Many thanks for any input. We shall try the milk therapy first though. Has anybody tried going down the chinese medicine route? Good luck to you all.
Avatar f tn Gastroparesis is usually related to diabetes but there are other causes and in many cases no explanation. If normal thyroid labs (even w/ hashi) then it's not the thyroid.
Avatar n tn I've been going to doctors for a few years now, and none of them can give me a firm diagnosis about what is wrong with me. I have problems with vomiting, it can be random, but is most usually after food ingestion. It can be anywhere from directly after eating, up to an hour afterwards. I have lost a large amount of weight, and I feel my doctors sometimes don't understand the severity of the pain I have in my stomach.
Avatar f tn I have now for more than a month been suffering with a sore throat, swollen glands, constant pain in the top of my stomach, feeling of food getting caught In throat/chest, nausea, back pain and fatigue! Anyone had similar or can advise??
Avatar n tn Ranges vary lab to lab and have to come from your own lab report. Seeing those, we can better evaluate your thyroid status. Although TSH is a screening test at best, yours indicates hypothyroidism. Often, just being "in range" on T3 and T4 is not enough to relieve symptoms. Do you have other symptoms?
Avatar f tn if i follow your advice about the antacid, would it help my thyroid at all, or just the neck pain, cough, hoarseness, and stomach aches? im very curious seeing as ive had this nodule for 4 years now and i still dont know if there's any other way to help it other than remove it through surgery, and like Pegasus, surgery is the last thing i want. Especially considering im only 18.
4185608 tn?1350770330 have a endocrinologist do blood work. I lost 32 lbs in two months because my thyroid was hyper-thyroid, stomach pain and constipation were part of the symptoms, along with fast heart rate.
Avatar f tn Friday morning I was in horrendous pain with violently upset stomach. I went to urgent care and they were worried that it might have been my appendix so gave me a C.T. scan. They asked if I was allergic to iodine, my answer was no. Obviously the morphine they gave me for the pain - or just my own stupidity, affected my thinking because I didn't think about mentioning my thyroid issues until I was in the machine and it was too late.
Avatar f tn Iron overload is another common genetic disorder missed in the early stages, with abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, joint pain, and drs dont run these iron tests on regular blood panel. They are ferritin, transferrin saturation%, TIBC and serum iron. Also liver enzymes can indicate if there are any systemic problems, infections going on so an ALT, AST, and GGT reading are good to get with regards to liver.
Avatar n tn The holidays were taking its toll. Thinking it had something to do with reflux due to stomach pain and burping, I tried Prilosec. Horrible nausea came from that. After speaking with the doctors office, they recommended trying Previcid. Tried seamed to help a little bit. I had taken this for 7 days, 30mg per day. Since stopping this OTC, I still have a lump feeling in my throat, and when I eat at night, it feels like my stomach is weighted down. No irregularity.
Avatar n tn I am so nauseated all the time, I have to force even toast down to keep it from coming right back up. I have bad stomach pains too. My blood sugars are under control. I've tried nexium and other pills, nothing helps, not even reglan or phenergan. Does anyone have any other suggestions?