
Stomach pain from flu shot

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain from flu shot


Avatar f tn The stomach flu is not the flu. The stomach flu is usually caused by the norovirus which is going around as a superbug right now. The flu shot had nothing to do with it.
2085202 tn?1373199740 Hello, can't really find a group for this topic on MH. Thought this was the best bet. I've been getting alot of bad stomach pain lately. I've also had the flu. Can the flu actually cause this stomach pain? It feels like the after effects of getting punched in the stomach. Don't like it. Someone told me it's due to all the drainage, post nasal drip. Def. getting alot of body aches too. Had recent bloodwork and it all came back normal. Doc put me on azythromyicin antibiotics.
5770739 tn?1382315166 The flu shot is for respiratory flu, not for the stomach flu. A girl I knew got the flu toward the end of her pregnancy and it turned into pneumonia and she had to have an emergency c section at like 30 weeks and she ended up passing away from it never having been able to hold her baby because they had to put her in a medical induced coma. That being said, I have gotten a flu shot with every pregnancy and every year to protect my little ones with weak immune systems.
Avatar f tn A flu shot would not cause those symptoms. It may cause a low grade fever and minor body aches, but definitely not vomiting or diarrhea. There are stomach bugs going around. If you are not feeling better soon you should probably call your dr.
Avatar f tn You can't catch the flu from getting the flu shot. That's not how it works.
4779253 tn?1359063555 I never had one nor did my mother when she was pregnant with me. I got sick once, but it was with the nasty stomach virus, which the flu shot wouldnt have prevented. Just rest and stay hydrated. Take your vitamins and keep clean : ) Hope you feel better!
Avatar f tn I had some symptoms before flu shot but after the shot my life changed. The sticki pain is nerve pain. And he needs an emg/ ncv test done. Google it.
Avatar n tn The MRI was done 3 months after the shot was given and still showing ( I hadn't had a prior MRI), as stated in the report, "marrow like edema" of 3cm by 2cm by 1.5cm, slight bursitis and periosteal fluid around something. Would it be normal for there to still be that much edema that far out, as I have maintained staying active? After the MRI it was easier to convince people that there was something wrong and they huried me back in for bloodwork to rule out an infection.
Avatar f tn Shouldn't the flu shot be given pretty painless in the shoulder and only stay sore a couple of days? Will I ever get the use of my wrist and fingers back?
454221 tn?1259445739 I know it is scary but it is good you have it available to you. From what I have researched it is made just like the seasonal flu shot which people have been getting for years upon years. I pray your kids stay safe too, I pray all of us stay safe! It scares me too but I really trust my OB who does not get paid to give or promote this H1N1 vaccine like so many people are saying doctors do.
8637947 tn?1410931035 Ladies if your going to get your flu shot as most dr.s recommend for pregnant women get it now! It is not too soon. If you live in the US most Cvs pharmacies are offering them. Get it before the kiddies bring home bugs from school!
Avatar m tn I was sitting on the couch and the pain spread to my legs, it was extremely hard to bare. I had a flu shot this year, for the first time ever by the way, I hear it is not 100% protection, but this, "sickness," attacked my body, and almost nothing else, like nothing I've ever felt before. The winter has been very cold and dry and people are telling me I need to drink lots of fluids and that will help.
Avatar m tn Hi there i had the flu shot yesterday and now i have got a lump which has bruised. Is this normal as it is so painful.
Avatar f tn I've had both. And I'm fine. Flu shot hurt more than the tdap shot.
Avatar m tn i recieved a flu shot from walgreens on sept. 21,2011 i forget the exact time but within two days i could not lift my arm. i went to dr office 13 days later and recieved a cortisone shot in my glute. it relieved the pain for five days. the pain returned and i followed up with an internal medicine dr which had me get an mri. the results were(findings) -"the ac joint is well maintained. there are a few subchondral cysts seen involving the lateral humeral head measuring 8mm x 7mm in size.
Avatar f tn I just got the flu shot and my arm hurts!!! It feels like its going to fall off......what to do?
Avatar f tn t blame the shot. It is a myth that you can catch the flu from the vaccine. According to Amy Arbogast, a CVS pharmacist in Indianapolis, Ind., the injectable flu shot contains viruses that are inactive -- literally dead viruses. "Because flu season typically coincides with cough and cold season,people may mistake cold symptoms for flu systems." 3. One and done. Unlike last year, you only need to get one shot.
Avatar f tn I went to er last nite they say i have the flu wvwn thou i got the flu shot. I was dehydrated so they told me to drink alot of water. Problem is i drink i vomit. 3 times so far tonight.
Avatar m tn Yes I've read that flu's and colds are viruses and cannot be treated by a doctor ultimately. I do think I will just wait it out. I'm just shocked that of all the symptoms that remained it was the aches and pains that stayed. I've never had that occur. It's always the cough, the sore throat or the runny nose that stays, never before have I had the aches and pains be the last remnant of the sickness. Oh well.
Avatar f tn but honestly, as a healthcare professional myself, it drives me nuts reading stuff about how people got sick from the shot. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to get the flu from the flu shot. It is a DEAD virus. However, you can have a reaction to the actual injection and sometimes that will cause flu like symptoms but it is not the flu! Okay, so done with that rant. I honestly do not get the flu shot myself when I'm not working because I dislike shots.
Avatar n tn i have a lump in my arm after getting the flu and pneumonia shot in the same arm is that normal
9023883 tn?1402943375 I'm so achy. Like my hips and my shoulders. I feel like I'm gonna puke and my stomach is sensitive to the touch. And my back is sore. I'm 38 weeks pregnant. I had the flu shot and I Dont think I'm running fever. I feel so puny....
Avatar n tn Maybe I can get some kind of answer here. It started 2 weeks ago I had the stomach flu real bad. A week later a vertigo spell and light dizzy spell ever since. Then a week ago small pain in left side that is worse at night and in morning as well as empty stomach.It comes and goes feel sick at times.Now the big problem is I have anxirty disorder so a small pain can turn into major thing.
Avatar f tn In October 2011, I had my first Flu Shot. Since that time I've experienced arm pain that is so intense I get physically sick to my stomach. I've seen the doctor 3 times regarding this situation explaining that I can't raise my arm upwards, can't move it backwards and can not reach across my chest. Any sudden movement creates intense pain. I've been ask repeatedly if I insured my arm.
Avatar f tn I got the flu shot as fevers can cause brain damage to baby! I keep reading though that the flu shot this year isnt effective to the strains that are making everyone sick right now... so never hurts to call the dr to see what they want you to do. Better to be safe than sorry!