
Stomach pains after flu shot

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pains after flu shot


Avatar f tn Well you cannot get the flu from the flu shot itself because they give you a dead flu but it is possible to still get the flu after you've gotten the shot. It will not be nearly as bad as if you didn't get the shot. If you think you are having flu symptoms, call your doctor or get checked out because it can still be serious even after the flu shot and they need to treat it.
Avatar f tn The stomach flu is not the flu. The stomach flu is usually caused by the norovirus which is going around as a superbug right now. The flu shot had nothing to do with it.
5770739 tn?1382315166 The flu shot is for respiratory flu, not for the stomach flu. A girl I knew got the flu toward the end of her pregnancy and it turned into pneumonia and she had to have an emergency c section at like 30 weeks and she ended up passing away from it never having been able to hold her baby because they had to put her in a medical induced coma. That being said, I have gotten a flu shot with every pregnancy and every year to protect my little ones with weak immune systems.
Avatar f tn You can't catch the flu from getting the flu shot. That's not how it works.
Avatar f tn I also recieve the flu shot one week before all this and the swine flu shot two days before.
4779253 tn?1359063555 I never had one nor did my mother when she was pregnant with me. I got sick once, but it was with the nasty stomach virus, which the flu shot wouldnt have prevented. Just rest and stay hydrated. Take your vitamins and keep clean : ) Hope you feel better!
Avatar n tn Prior to my successful ablation 18 months ago, I had a reaction to a flu shot from which I developed flu like symptoms eight hours following the innoculation. This included flu like symptoms, chest pains, shortness of breath, a-fib, and two trips to the emergency room in three days. Heart attack was ruled out. I believe the flu shot reaction triggered these episodes, but the doctors I have talked to seem unsure that this could have caused the problem.
Avatar f tn A flu shot would not cause those symptoms. It may cause a low grade fever and minor body aches, but definitely not vomiting or diarrhea. There are stomach bugs going around. If you are not feeling better soon you should probably call your dr.
454221 tn?1259445739 Just curious how many pregnant ladies are going to get the H1N1 flu shot? I can probably get it now if I make the effort to drive a little farther away, but my husband doesn't think it is the best thing to do right now. I'm 35 weeks this past Monday and I've been hurting a lot more the last week with lower back pain, pelvic pain, sometimes sharp shooting pain down the cervix/birth canal. It is getting harder for me to move faster these days.
Avatar f tn The flu shot isn't as strong this year. We found that out after we got ours.
Avatar m tn Anyway the first 6 days of tx went great. I had no sx at all. Then a few days ago I started getting sever stomach pains that come and go. Then on top of it I had my second shot two days ago and that made me feel like I got hit by a bus. I started feeling better today but than I ate and took my incivek. I got the sever stomach pains again and threw up my food and meds. Is this normal?
Avatar f tn Since fall is here already is it safe to get flu shot? I'm in my second trimester. I'm already in pain with the baby growing in me and I don't think I can handle back pains swollen ankles stretching of the abdomen and everything like that on top flu!! I don't think so.
Avatar f tn Good info. The term stomach "flu" is actually erroneous (that's not a dig at you, everyone uses that). Almost all stomach "flus" are viral in nature, and have nothing to do with influenza. Unless someone is diagnosed with actual influenza, they don't have a "flu". That's one of those terms that has just grown over the years. Handwashing is THE most effective way to stop the spread of communicable diseases and infections.
6403762 tn?1381712518 I definitely felt better after but still was only able to eat small stuff like soup for three days after. You might need the fluid to help you feel better, because when you stress out, so does the baby. Hope you feel better!
Avatar n tn idk like i had sharp pains going through my stomach lastnight and ive been nausteated. im on depo nd nvr get my period. so idk if i have stomach flu again preggo over stressed or jus backed up..
9023883 tn?1402943375 I'm so achy. Like my hips and my shoulders. I feel like I'm gonna puke and my stomach is sensitive to the touch. And my back is sore. I'm 38 weeks pregnant. I had the flu shot and I Dont think I'm running fever. I feel so puny....
Avatar f tn Common viruses that cause cold flu or stomach flu can cause nausea and headache. There may be other associated signs like runny nose, diarrhea, fever, body aches which may be suggestive of a viral illness. Migraine can cause nausea, severe headache and there may be extreme sensitivity to light. Nausea, severe headache with neck stiffness can be suggestive of meningitis. Acid reflux disease can also cause headache, nausea and abdominal discomfort.
Avatar m tn 6 days ago I got a fever and felt like I had the flu or a bad cold. The following day it got worse and I also had mild stomach aches. I saw my GP who said to rest as it was probably a viral inflection. Since then the abdominal pain has got worse, but the flu symptoms have gone away. I had diarrhoea on one day but my bowel movements seem to be back to normal now, although it does feel hard to pass gas and I do need to strain to pass a bowel movement.
Avatar m tn i have never had shoulder problems ever in my life till after i recieved the flu/h1n1 vacvine on sept 21, 2011, my mri was taken after 5 weeks after flu shot. your answer suggests to me that i have an overuse issue and not from the shot? do i misunderstand?
Avatar f tn So I work at a hospital and its required for me to get a flu shot is it safe to get one while being pregnant?
Avatar f tn I haven't got my flu shot bc I'm worried about the risks even though I know the benefits out weigh the risks.. I'm still worried.. Any moms out there have the flu shot?