
Stomach pain after vasectomy

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain after vasectomy


Avatar m tn I had a vasectomy several years back, and was on my feat and pain-free within 2-3 days. I'm not sure about that pain you're feeling, but it doesn't sound normal to have had it for so long after the procedure. As for the "all clear", you're going to have to go back to your doctor and have that check, unfortunately.
Avatar m tn I had irregular bleeding and pain as well. I would bleed after sex, not to mention the pain during and it wasn't always "rough" . They did surgery and during my surgery they found a polyp in the middle of my uterus. Read up on polyps. It could be a possiblity. Good luck!!
Avatar n tn Dear Paula You can follow up with a blood pregancy test, but home pregnancy tests are very accurrate, so that a negative home pregnancy test (particularly after a vasectomy) is very reliable. I highly doubt you are pregnant. The frequent urination and late period are most likely unrelated. It is not that unusual to miss a period from time to time., or to be late. If this persists, I would recommend seeing your ObGyn.
Avatar m tn Hi, To both of you, yes you ejeculate will be clearer, it now has now sperm in it, those little guys of ours that swim, so it will be clearer now, the thing is I never study mine and had the same op, but as we get older the cut back, just get on with your sex lives and enjoy the moment, if like you could end up with ED its just round the corner, but 65.
Avatar n tn Hi, After a complete vasectomy sperms are not able to reach the penis and are destroyed and absorbed by the body. Most of the fluid also gets absorbed by the epididymis. All this causes reduced volume of ejaculate. The only way to deal with it is reversal of vasectomy. Take care!
Avatar n tn After sex my girlfriend complains of vaginal pain. We're both STD free and she doesn't have a yeast infection. What could be some causes?
Avatar n tn Hi Jeff, I had a simmilar problem prior to 2000. I used to come down with either epididymitis or orchitis every 3 to 4 months requiring hospitalizations being on antibiotics through an IV. The infections would either be in one, but sometimes in both testicles. I had been diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder in 1996. I had read an article that males who used to undergo a prostatectomy, also received a vasectomy to prevent infections from spreading to the testicles.
Avatar n tn In regards to pain resulting from a congestive state from a closed ended vasectomy, converting that vasectomy to an open ended vasectomy or considering a vasectomy reversal have been identified as being effective. 4. Another possibility is the development of antibodies against the sperm which can produce the inflammatory reaction in the epididymal or scrotal tissue. The answer to this problem is a short course of steroids (prednisone). I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind regards.
Avatar n tn I had a vasectomy in July 07. One month later, I started noticing pain in my right wrist; so much so in fact, that I can't put the weight of my body (push-ups) on it. In October 07, all my joints began a dull ache. Additionally, my left testicle seems to have a constant dull ache (what I suspect as a congested infected epididymidis). My question is this: can I get a blood test to see if my body is fighting all the loose sperm in my body now; if so what is the test called?
Avatar f tn Is it possible to get pregnant 8 years after a vasectomy? I have worried about it all night because I am 2 months late with my period and assumed it was stress related, but then I heard of some women getting pregnant after their men had vasectomies, some with twins and triples! We have 7 seven kids already and although we would love to one together, we wanted to plan it.
Avatar m tn I had a one night stand. Drinking the whole night. This girl stayed with me the night and woke up to her on top of me, grinding. I know I had contact penis to her vagina. When she seen me wake up she stopped. I did not ejaculate. Waking up to this was a surprise. The day after no issues. Three days after the incident I notice that the top of my penis started to feel itchy and/or warm. I have no discharge, no warts or other rashes. When I pee there is no pain. I don't have any stomach pain.
Avatar m tn Aprroximately 4 years ago I had a vasectomy. I had no problems with recovery. Sometime within the first year after the procedure I notice that my testicles were now much more sensitive. There was no swelling but I noticed that there was a small bump at the back of both of my testicles around the top. They felt like they were connected to the tubes (vas deferens maybe?) that were cut during the vasectomy. They are not in the testicle itself or on the sides.
Avatar m tn I feel the result of the allergic reaction to my body having to destroy its own trapped, and now pathogenic, sperm, within. (ALONG WITH with general pain after sex and pressure pain of a strange sort before sex, all serving to blunt my desire. NOT advertised by the urologists!) Enough on that. But alarmingly this year I had Sudden Hearing Loss (sensineural) around Labor Day in my right ear. Terrible audiology report, fullness in ear, tinnitisclike a brass band playing.
Avatar n tn Are there any studies done showing an increase in Prostate cancer years after a vasectomy has been performed?
Avatar n tn Hi, It is odd that you have this problem after a vasectomy. I used to come down with this about every 3 to 4 months requiring hospitalizations. I thought that it had to do with me having a neurogenic bladder. In 1999 after my wife and I had four children I decided to have a vasectomy to see if this would bring an end to the infections. I had read that it used to be comon to give males a vasectomy while having prostate surgery.
Avatar m tn Actually I was so upset when she had her tubal ligation 33 years ago that I went to a doctor after her procedure about a vasectomy, and even had my wife stop in at that time and sign off on the vasectomy. By the way, did you know that for a husband to get a vasectomy the wife has to sign off BUT for the wife to get a tubal ligation the husband is not even involved.
Avatar n tn Hi, I too lost a testicle after a vasectomy. Right after a vasectomy, I ended up with a hematoma on the left side. I was seen by a doctor who was filling in for our family doctor. She told me that it was nothing. One day later after my scrotum had become the size of a grapefruit she sent me back to the surgeon who did the vasectomy. He immediately performed an emergency surgery to remove the hematoma. 5 days later I went home again.
Avatar m tn In some patients, a congestive state develops in the epididymis and can result in the pain and reversal of the vasectomy can relieve the pain. Also if a vasectomy is done too close to the epididymis can result in the chronic pain and inflammation in the epididymis and it has to be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs or epididymectomy. I sincerely hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind Regards.
Avatar n tn We also thought that by having a vasectomy it would bring a welcomed end to infections in to the testes. After my vasectomy I developed a hematoma and this was surgically removed. To make a long story short. The left side of the scrotum had a small ulcer that never closed after surgery and in 2000 I underwent emergency surgery to remove my left testicle as it had become infected with Strap. Infections in the epiditimis or testicles can be difficult to get under control.
Avatar n tn I've just signed up for MedHelp now and I'm checking the system out for various problems. Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome (PVPS/PVP) is at or near the top of my list. Your symptoms suggest epididymitis, this a link to the Mayo Clinic describes it. I’m guessing that what might be different now is your having discharge? The link indicates that will require medical attention to rectify. http://www.mayoclinic.
Avatar m tn That said, was your husband tested after his vasectomy to be sure his sperm count was 0? If you find you are pregnant, and there is no other explanation but your husband, insist he go in for another sperm count so you won't have to defend against a bunch of suspicion from him.
Avatar n tn I had a vasectomy about 7 days ago-and had swelling for a few days after. Other than that no real issues. BUT after the swelling subsided I now have old man looking loose skin on my scrotum. I'm only 35 and never had to much loose skin before. I'm a bit freaked out over this and want to know if it’s due to the fact that I had swelling that went down and now my skin has to get back to normal AND if that’s the case how long will I look like I'm 75 in the scrotum area.
Avatar f tn I recently stopped my birth control because I began smoking again, the pill was to help offset my testosterone levels, which at this point, are at normal range but since ive stopped I have had episodes of severe pain on my left side coupled with a distended stomach on about a weekly basis. It takes around three days for pain to stop, during these three days there's pink tinged fluid, not discharge more like amniotic fluid (apologies for the vivid detail).