
Stomach pain after root canal

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain after root canal


Avatar n tn On 7/10/06 started root canal, was told to call back in two weeks to finish, went back on 7/26 was still having pain and was put on Cephalexin 500mg and told to come back on 8/03 to finish root canal. Went back on 8/03, still had pain in tooth, dentist finished root canal and gave me another prescription for another 10 days of Cephalexin 500mg.
Avatar n tn Still had pain, was sent to another endontist, for second opinion, who could not be conclusive, but thought pain was coming from molar behind the tooth with root canal which has the crown seated temporarily. Endodontist did root canal on the second tooth, behind root canal done first. That tooth was sensitive to cold but that has stopped since root canal a week ago. I am still having pain in the molar that had the first root canal. I am on a 4th round of antiboitics.
Avatar f tn Hi, three weeks ago I had an onlay put on a molar. I was not having any trouble with my tooth but the new dentist that I went to said that my amalgam filling had leaking margins and decay under the filling so we needed to do an onlay to prevent a root canal and crown later. She did the onlay and since that time I have had toothaches (throbbing) unless I take Ibuprofin 800mg every 6-8 hours. I have avoided eating on that side of my mouth.
Avatar n tn I had a Root Canal done on January 22nd the numbness from the anasthesia went away later in that day, then 3 day later when I woke up my entire left jaw and lip were numb. I was told by the Dentist that It was an overfill, she then prescribed more antibiotic namely: Erythromyocin, Methylprednisolone, Tylenol 3, Keflex and Flagyl. Why all the antibiotics for an overfill. Today I am still numb lipped.
Avatar n tn That means the infection/cavity has spread underneath the filling and into the root canal possibly. Go to a root canal specialist and see if a re-treatment of the root canal may be necessary.
Avatar n tn t it kills the kills the tooth the nerve if it killed the nerve you would not have no pain and after the root canal you have alot of pain. The Americal Dental Association did an article a little over a year ago stating that most of the root canals that are done are not needed and what ever the problem may be with the nerve a majority of the times antiobiotics cures it.
Avatar n tn Three weeks after the root canal doesn't seem like long enough time for the pain to subside before the decision to do an apicoectomy is made, in my opinion. I had severe pain after a root canal on a lower back molar that lasted for two full weeks then subsided SLOWLY after that. One year follow up x-ray shows perfect healing since then. But then, I've also had root canals that had almost no pain afterward. Every tooth responds differently.
Avatar f tn I told the dentist about my pain and he said I might need a root canal so he prescribed me some pain meds and antibiotics if the pain continues. After my crown replacement appointment I was very numb and hours later once it wore off I was again in serious achy pains so I took the medications. It has now been almost a week and I have been in this same pain every day (constantly on the medicines). This may or may not be related but I was given a different type of shot than I am used to.
Avatar n tn just read this post. I posted oon 9/11 ongoing pain after crown/root canal/apeo. This all sounds somewhat like me. Catch 22 Situation. Let us know what your outcome is. Iv'e been reading about atypical odontalgia. I have also been finding out that alot of people have unresolved (nerve) pain after a dental procedure and root canals. Unless I get a positive answer I would NOT have a tooth pulled. A nighmare come true is to have the same pain and one less tooth.
Avatar n tn Then had root canal done, stopped my antibiotics for a couple days after the root canal because the pain went away. Now I have a dull ache in my jawbone and my ear that comes and goes. It doesn't hurt, I just feel something there. I know I don't have an infection. Is it safe to put the crown on now?
Avatar n tn does she need root canal? is it a bad crown? how long should we wait to see if pain subsides? It is not constant, but when it occurs it is severe. She vows never to go through this procedure again. If she needs RCT and another crown on the same tooth, she'll crumble.
Avatar n tn I took antibiotics before and after the root canal. My sister had a root canal the same time I did and she has no pain or sensitivity at all. The tooth is not sensitive to hot and cold. This discussion is related to <a href=''>Post Root Canal Pain</a>.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with an abscessed tooth, and had to have a root canal. I was on antibitoics for 4 days prior to the root canal. After opening the tooth, it was found to still have quite a bit of infection in it. They left the tooth open to drain, and switched my antibiotic. After a day or two the pain disappeared completely. I went in the following week to complete the root canal. It was finished Feb 15. I started having pain again on the 17th.
Avatar f tn I failed to mention that when I touch the tooth accidently with my fork or spoon.. it feels like im chewing on tinfoil.. like that sharp pain on your fillings. As for the pain: it always hurts.. its a throbbing pain.
Avatar f tn Id get another opinion, seriously. Im in my 4th week after a root canal...i had a root canal done and about 5 days afterwards, I THOUGHT I WAS DYING! i had the most intense pain, worst dental pain of my life. went back in and aparently there was infection before the root canal which was undiagnosed on the xray...
Avatar n tn If you had the root canal done by a general dentist, you can go to an endodontist (root canal expert) for a second opinion.
Avatar n tn t be that much severe pain after a root canal. Consultation with a specialist should hopefully find the problem and fix your situation.
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Dental-Health/Shooting-pain-in-the-gum-area-of-after-a-root-canal/show/1708113">Shooting pain in the gum area of after a root canal</a> was started.
Avatar f tn why am I still feeling pain after 10 after the root canal? Should it take this long? What could be wrong?
Avatar n tn ve reduced the height of the tooth to prevent pain after the initial therapy of a root canal. Its the most common reason for pain after the start of a root canal. The needles you refer to are endodontic files and are used to remove tissue in the canal and to shape it for a filling material. These files remove the infected tissue so if he's using them, it should be doing the job of removing the badly infected tissue.
Avatar n tn After about a week and a half, I went back to the endodontist who then redid the root canal. Post op pain after that procedure was alot less than the previous ones. However the pain has not really gone away. There are times when I can bite down/chew/tab on tooth without pain and theres times when there will be pain, worse than before root canal was even performed. The endodontist saw no infection evidence (i.
Avatar n tn it seemed to have started after my root canal. Now I have sharp pains in my left knee. The root canal was done on my bottom left side also. I've been going to the chiropractor for a coupe weeks- not doing anything so I went to have an hour massage, still in pain. I'm ready to pull the RC tooth. Any answers?? Before all this I was in great shape, never any pain.