
Stomach pain after lifting

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain after lifting


Avatar f tn Perfectly normal. Mine ached for a good three weeks, though I didn't notice any visible bruising. When they inserted the catheters it felt like they really had to go deep and I'm assuming this is why I didn't see anything in the area, but had pain for a long while after. It particularly got me when I strained on my stomach muscles like when lifting or (pooping lol).
Avatar n tn Im having the same issue. the pain hits with in seconds. not as bad when i drink.
5308953 tn?1366254730 However, in some people, the sphincter at the top of the stomach which stops acid coming out, can be weak and the only pain relief is to have prescribed anti acid medication for life, Omeprazole is such a med.
Avatar f tn I just found out that I'm pregnant with my 3rd child and I'm 6 weeks pregnant. When I'm at work I'm been having stomach pain. I have to lift heavy boxes. I was wondering if I'm an just pushing myself to hard or should I worry it is something worst?
349463 tn?1333571576 Your cervics is more sensitive and you have alot more blood vessels in that area. Sometimes lifting heavy things can cause slight spotting. It happened to me yesterday after lifting my daughter's wooden doll house on Mon. If if were to get heavy enough to need a pad then you should call your dr, other than that if it starts just stop what you are doing and put your feet up and rest until it stops. I hope this is helpful.
Avatar f tn So I have this job ths requires heavy lifting. I've been able to do it before but lately I've been getting strong pains in my stomach when moving the boxes. Is this ok and natural or should I go get checked out and maybe get some restrictions?
Avatar m tn Additionally, frequently I have this gurgling type of noise right over my heart without any pain, It sound similar to a rumbling stomach but in more of a concentrated area. I've been told this can be a sign of a heart murmur, but I feel it may be more likely just indigestion.
Avatar m tn m not sure if this fully describes what is wrong with me. The stomach pain includes a dull, achy pain that is constant, but gets worse with stress, caffeine, alcohol or certain foods. I think the pain causes me to eat more because it is almost like a hunger pain. It's so bizarre to feel full and still have the stomach pain I experience because I feel full and hungry at the same time. When I first started having these pains, I weighed 172 lbs and stood at 6'0.
9650087 tn?1409135110 Not too much but it happen before i waa lifting stuff cause i a get a quick sharpe pain in my stomach then start feeling pressure in my private like the baby pushing down or something idk
Avatar f tn i have just had it done and wondered how long the pain lasts. when can i resume normal things like lifting my kids, driving sex etc. should i wait the 2 weeks until my stitches have fully dissolved. and would salt in my bath water help the healing process. ANYBODY...........................
Avatar n tn After lifting wieghts, my arms, neck and back have become terribly painful to stretch. Big problem? I don't know, been like this for two days, i can't even stretch my arms out right now they hurt so much. help please >.
Avatar n tn You will be tired and the pain meds me constipated so I quite taking them after day 2. After a couple days you will start to feel better but you will want to avoid heavy (25 lbs) lifting for a couple weeks.
Avatar n tn My husband had a quadruple bypass in April 2009. When he does some things, like pulling, pushing, causes pain in his chest. He has told his doctor, had a stress test done and it seems it's just residual pain from the surgery. His though has been since day 1, it's not something that came on later. If you are having pain and you haven't had it all along, I think I would talk to the cardiologist.
Avatar f tn I was at work today and I was told to take out the trash and I took it out but when I lifted the trash my stomach was hurting does that mean my body is telling me that's to much? Is or do yall think my baby will be ok?
Avatar f tn i started get very bad stomach pains nearly 10 years ago when i was about six months pregnant and i was told it was my babys feet under my ribs but the pain was really bad, after i had him i still kept getting the pains n still do now 10 years later it just comes from no where i could be just watchin tv or having my dinner or even asleep and it wakes me, the pain is unbearable sometimes and i get hot and struggle to breath after it goes i feel weak and tired, the pain can come and then go half h
Avatar f tn I had been doing a lot of lifting and moving related to my nursing job and the symptoms occurred after moving a patient. I was told there was a lot of mediastinal scarring and that the hernia occurred in a different location. Any way I am about 4-5 weeks post op and am terrified about resuming the normal activity required for my job. The doctor has cleared me to return to full duty now and I am afraid that I am going to cause another occurrence;that maybe my diaphragm is weak. Thoughts?
Avatar f tn bad back pains and since 4am I started getting cramps all over my stomach. And a headache do any of you ladies know what's going on? Is it part of pregnancy? I recently moved and haven't gotten a doctor yet.
Avatar n tn I am having a lot of pain in my lower stomach groin area... I do a lot of lifting for work and it is starting to make it hard for me to work....
Avatar f tn Ive been lifting throughout my whole pregnancy o.
Avatar f tn (weightlifter btw) and also discomfort after lifting and also burning after ejaculation. Anybody have any ideas? I kinda just been living with it for a while.
Avatar f tn it all depends on how ur lifting too..i pulled a muscle in my stomach at work when i was 25 weeks and went to the er bc i didnt knw what was going on but they basically just told me to take it east. U have a developing organ basically thats growing inside u so ur body is already out of wack and sensitive so just try to a avoid lifting too much.
604185 tn?1233960857 Don't worry i'm sure lifting the play pen won't do any thing. I had iui and also have cramping: don't stress i think its all cool.
Avatar f tn Gastritis? It can cause a burning sensation and sharp nerve pains in the stomach, under the rib cage, the sides and your back. I was just misdiagnosed with gastritis. I was having sharp stabbing and throbbing pains under right rib around it and extremely bad in my back behind rib cage where i couldn't walk or move. Had to go to ER twice and 12 doctor visits in the last few weeks.