
Sneeze in the morning

Common Questions and Answers about Sneeze in the morning


7282682 tn?1397237735 Nonights, thank you for giving me a good laugh this early in the morning! I think you are correct about that. Sneezing just means your body is doing what it's supposed to be doing...getting rid of the crap and healing. It's a good thing, although annoying at times. I've always been a 'sneezer'. I have debilitating allergies to just about anything you could think of, so it's year round.
Avatar f tn It cures my stuffy nose in the morning for 2 days. Since this problem, I cannot even think about of any cool drinks, ice cream, bathing in the evenings. I'm totally out of them. I also notice that if I lay on the side where the nostril is not stuffy, the stuffyness clear up. If the other side happened, i'm totally busted even if I had Cetirizine in the previous night. I need to know whether a permanent way to cure available for this. Is the Citrizine dosage not good for my body?
Avatar f tn I just sneezed and had the biggest cramp in my stomach I could feel it in my ovaries!
Avatar f tn I'm almost nine weeks and i wet the bed this morning ! Is it normal ?
10741432 tn?1420041538 Whwn i first found out i was pregnant, i would sneeze in the morning and right before bed. Now i sneeze when i take that first bite of food. It was a different sneeze though, not lile my usual sneezes.
Avatar n tn Lol mine get iratated cuase im always in the bathroom...I have three boys that was all right at ten pounsds and a girl who wad 7 pounds 8 ounces..
Avatar m tn LOL, I would even sneeze if I wouldn't take pills within an hour or two of waking up in the morning. I think I've stopped the detox sneezing now, haven't sneezed today much on day 6 :) the yawning was/IS still a big problem for me.
Avatar f tn This happened to my husband every morning. When we first married he told me it had been going on every morning for 15-20 years and no one could tell him why.He'd sneeze, then again, then pause, and then he'd sneeze like 10 times in a row. Every morning! I began noticing that it always started after he got out of the shower and started combing his hair (it's very long - to his waist for career purposes), and this would be when he had his head bent over and was combing out the hair.
2200368 tn?1345848512 The constant runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion could be due to vasomotor rhinitis, in which the symptoms occur in response to a trigger, like eating spicy food or going outside in the cold. The primary treatment is simply avoiding the things that trigger your symptoms. It is often treated with a drying nasal spray (like Atrovent) and antihistamines like chlopheneramine and lovatidine are effective. Nasal decongestant drops too relieve congestion.
Avatar f tn Yep now that I'm prego I sneeze all the time and when I wake up in the morning my nose is always stuffed.
Avatar n tn s the heightened sense of smell but the doctor said the pain was cause my uterus stretches when u sneeze so that it was normal
194584 tn?1477595313 This sounds crazy but when I sneeze I get this feeling in my heart like I have been shocked.Then my heart beat goes up for a few minutes.What is this?
1394262 tn?1369625192 I have the same thing happen when I sneeze. I will sneeze and it is almost like I get a period cramp. I can feel my whole uterus tighten. It is crazy. I would not worry about it though. It is a bit uncomfortable, but I am 28 weeks pregnant and the baby is doing great.
Avatar f tn I sneeze constantly and this morning it made me throw up :/ lol
Avatar f tn I get the same cramps when I sneeze or do my morning stretch. I was the same way in the beginning.I'm now approaching 12 weeks so I'm used to all the weird things that happen now lol.
Avatar f tn Ok, does anyone else sneeze ALL the time?? I sneezed so hard this morning I have actually hurt my tummy!! Should I be worried??
Avatar f tn Omg! I get a bad pain in my belly when I sneeze.... I'm 25 weeks. Do any one else feel a pain when they sneeze?
Avatar f tn So im 25w 2d and every time I sneeze my stomach just gets all hard and it hurts.. just like when I'm laying in bed and try turning the something happens..
4270856 tn?1355798754 The round ligament supports the uterus and stretches during pregnancy. It connects the front portion of the uterus to the groin. These ligaments contract and relax like muscles, but much more slowly. Any movement (including going from a sitting position to standing position quickly, laughing, sneezing, or coughing) that stretches these ligaments, by making the ligaments contract quickly, can cause a woman to experience pain. Round ligament pain should only last for a few seconds.
Avatar f tn No. I've been having the same problem but it's mainly in the morning for me though. I'm 11 weeks and 5 days.It may help if u take benadryl. It dose with me but they say everyone is different lol.
Avatar n tn The celiac plexus is located near where the celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, and renal arteries branch from the abdominal aorta. It is behind the stomach and the omental bursa and in front of the crura of the diaphragm, on the level of the first lumbar vertebra, L1. I would also wonder if when you sneeze is it disrupting a vertebra or a disc in your cervical spine or even the first lumbar vertebra near the celiac plexus that Jaybay mentioned.
Avatar m tn When I slowly twist my body all the way to the right, I can also feel the same pull. But when I cough or sneeze, there is no ache at all. Two weeks from now, I will have to decide whether to inject muscle relaxant into the muscles as per Specialist 1 (I am afraid of injections near the spine), or to carry on Specialist 2’s less "extreme" method. Please advise which specialist to listen to, and what could be the diagnosis. Thank you!!
Avatar n tn Happens to me all the time. its annoying lol. When I sneeze, cough, laugh, or even with morning sickness. I have no idea what is causing it either. Although, I also loose some bladder control from doing either of those things sometimes as well.
2109901 tn?1344984276 I hate that part of being prgnant and it dosent stop after the baby gets here just cross your legs and if you sneeze or cough in a store and end up completly peeing yourself don't be embrassed because there's a lot of people it happens too.