
Severe coughing in pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Severe coughing in pregnancy


Avatar m tn Hi there I would go to gp blood in saliva could be due to chest infection,coughing too much thus bursting tiny vessels in throat(not serious) if you have severe gastric disorder it could be coming from gastric is the blood bright red? If so this is prob due to strain from coughing,is the blood brown in colour if so this is old blood and should be checked out ASAP are you on medications that could be making gums bleed thus leaving slight blood in your salvia.
Avatar f tn Iv never seen that much discharge my hole pregnancy also the way it look was like white jelly in my vagina. Could this mean my mucus plug is braking. Or early labor. I also just had a nose bleed.
Avatar f tn I am coughing and wheezing all the time, I cant go 3 minutes without coughing and coughing, its very annoying, please what can I do??
Avatar m tn i have been smoking since 3 years and since a day back had severe cough. i saw blood in my saliva. i'm not sure why is it? is it because of smoking or a bad throat?? please help me out.
Avatar n tn Wow. Some people sure are rude!! The sperm doesn't live that long, so you don't have anything to worry about. I do agree with the "washing your hands" comment, though. Don't stress, dear. And to clear it up, coughing and sneezing actually DOES happen in early pregnancy, but that isn't until around week 5 or so. I had severe cold like symptoms when I found out I was pregnant with my children.
Avatar f tn but i cannot think without coughing! Does coughing just make chiari worse temporarily.... like increasing my HAs and dizziness or will this make my chiari worse in the long run? that would be scary if it did that! He gave me some antibiotics... which after i came home and looked up... its one of those ones that they have the horrible lawyer ads for cuz they are so harsh/bad for you. I called his nurse to ask if i could get something not quite as harsh for my bronchitis!
Avatar n tn For example, did they fail to send you to an allergist for testing to see if you have any severe allergants that you should be avoiding if indeed severe chronic coughing is an allergy symptom in your case? Did they not suggest they refer you to a pulmonary specialist for lung function testing? Do they say you have chronic bronchitis? Have they checked you for acid reflux, which can cause coughing?
Avatar f tn I have such a itchy throat, and i keep coughing i hate it.. its annoying..
Avatar f tn I would see a doctor incase your cold has now caused an infection of the mucus in your chest and you need an antibiotic. the pain is probably a strained muscle from coughing so hard. take it easy!
1577093 tn?1296713631 I was told by my midwife that during pregnancy, your immune system is somewhat suppressed and unfortunately that means, especially in winter time, we can get sick a lot easier than we normally would. Coughing will not cause you to miscarry. I have had several colds/flu-like symptoms so far and had coughing fits for a week after them. My stomach just felt like I had done an ab workout form coughing so much. I was told to just use more natural meds to soothe my throat.
Avatar f tn Tingling and severe pain in arms if coughing really hard
624829 tn?1240755671 the cough is almost going away...however, from yesterday, i have developed a severe strain kind of a pain in the right upper rib cage just below the breast, which is constant...when i cough i have to hold my right breast so that it does not pain much...would like to know the cause of this strain like pain and whether any tests are there a problem with my breast or rib cage ? I am 55 yrs. Pl do respond. Thank you so much.
Avatar f tn My son was diognosed with mild to moderate tracheomalacia. He is on Nasonex and Zyrtec to control post nasal drip and use Atravent as needed to help minimize cough. He has just come off 7 days of 30mg of Prednisone to treat severe coughing episode. I was told there isn't any other medication or treatment for him. Night time coughing is very bad for him. Even after coming off the prednisone and the breathing treatments don't help much. Is there nothing else that can be done.
354236 tn?1196902187 My husband was diagnosed with bronchitis in the airways on Sunday. Today he's worse. He's coughing harder, severe chest pain, feverish, and the part that scares me is that he has this sharp, stabbing pain in the middle of his lower back, he say's it feels like his kidneys but we are not sure. He's seen 3 different Docs since this started about 3 and a half weeks ago, and none of them has done a chest X Ray.
Avatar f tn Am 16 weeks 2 days and I have this severe cough and sore throat..any safest medication for that? Am afraid to take anything since is not advisable to take medications when pregnant.. But any one of you had these and taken a drug which helped??
Avatar f tn Is it normal when I cough sometimes I leak? Im 19w+5d with a chest cold and am coughing alot is it normal.
Avatar f tn Bumping this up because I'm experiencing the same thing with the same question.
1682264 tn?1305027291 I had an upper respitory infection for a couple of weeks and the coughing was really bad!! Now I have this severe pain in upper left rib care area. Pain goes from right under the breast on left side over to my side. The doctor gave me IBprophen 800 but it is barely even touching the pain. Hurts to breath. HORRIBLE pain when I cough or sneeze. Even just sitting here it hurts, also seems to be worse laying down. Any suggestions??? Could I have cracked my rib/bruised it from coughing maybe?
Avatar f tn This headache is generally relieved on standing (consistent with raised intracranial pressure). It is aggravated by straining, coughing or a change in position. You have a similar headache. A spinal tap is both diagnostic and curative. Since you have slipped disc and spinal curvature, possibility of compressed spinal cervical nerves cannot be ruled out totally. MRI and nerve conduction studies will help reach a diagnosis. Hope this helps.
Avatar n tn Now I am coughing after eating or drinking. It feels like a dry cough from down deep in my belly when I do cough. I do feel some nasal congestion at times but sometimes do cough up little globs of green, then stop coughing. I don't trust doctors because they don't listen to me; they want to 'blanket cover' everyone under the same symptom.
Avatar f tn I have a head cold and doing all this coughing will it hurt the baby I hope not and can you take anything for the cold while you pregnant
Avatar f tn I was given an inhaler and Tylenol with codeine just for at night to help me sleep. I also suggest a good humidifier one that you can see the "steam" basically make yourself a tent, drink lots of water, and get the vicks handheld breather thing (sorry drawing a blank of actual name....) you put vicks pads in it and breath it in and nd it helps calm coughs and non will help open sinuses. I've had bronchitis 3 times this pregnancy.