
Seroquel ptsd

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel ptsd


Avatar f tn Did he titrate down on seroquel? My son took that medication at a low dose for about 2 months. Will say he had no issue when coming off of it. The question perhaps is if your husband is having a resurgence of mental health issues even including a brief bit of psychosis related to his ptsd? Did he begin any therapy for ptsd? My son had psychosis with his depression for a period of about 5 months.
Avatar m tn i have recently got off seroquel for anxiety and i have been off of it for 4 days now and i am itchy, i am having depressed phases, i am very nauseous when does this go away before the 50mgxr i was on 100mg that was 2 weeks ago should i take another pill or just stop like i have been doing?
190673 tn?1259203266 I told him my problems. I thought I have paranoid personality but he disagrees. He thinks I have mild PTSD. As for my weird intrusive thoughts he thinks it is some OCD. Well if I saw him 2 years ago when it was severe he would perhaps call it extreme OCD or who knows what. Agrees that I have GAD. Here is the thing. I am hypochondriac also and skitzophrenia is one of my big fears. He knows that. YET HE PRESCRIBED ME SEROQUEL.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with PTSD and mood disorder. I am on a host of drugs that leave me zombie-like. I am taking Lamictal, Seroquel, Klonopin, Trazadone and Lithium. My Lithium dosage is 1050 mg a day. I am so tired and the weight gain and hair falling out are just two of the most troubling symptoms. My dr. doesn't even want me on an anti-depressant which I think will help. I am missing the occasional glass of wine. Do you think it is okay to have one while on these meds?
Avatar f tn Seroquel is NOT an antidepressant, an atypical antipsychotic med and is NOT appropriate to be used as an insomnia aid, especially when it wasn't Rx'd to you. You need to see your doctor. Depending on the dose you were taking, you may be in some danger. This is why you NEVER take meds off other people. Especially with a history of addiction, you're looking to self medicate. Sometimes doing that will lead to very bad things.
Avatar m tn What do you recommend I do to ask my doctor to increase dosages on neurontin and effexor xr for anxiety? Do you recommend to take Seroquel XR and other recommend medications to me sleep at night and to help ith severe anxiety attacks? I need something to knock me out.
Avatar m tn hi there i was wondering if anyone her has been pregnant or is pregnant with a diagnosis of ptsd. well i have had ptsd for a few years now but only been diagnosed about a year.back in march i became really unwell and tried tcs which resulted in me breaking my back and then being detained in hospital under the mental health act for 4 month.
20457916 tn?1498371827 I was doing research, as I've been experiencing weird symptoms lately, and came across DID. I match a lot of the symptoms - like, I'll forget nearly everything, I have controlling emotions, and it feels like I'm not in control? Like, I'm screaming on the outside but on the inside, I'm trying to stop and take over my body, but I'm not in control - another angrier person is inside of my head. I don't know if I'm just insane or if I have something else.
Avatar f tn m withdrawling off of lortab 8x day cold turkey i ended up having a seziure and the doc prescribed me lorazapan on top of my xanax and seroquel 50mg all 3 times a day to get through the withdrawal symtoms is this truely safe when i have p.t.s.d. n suicidal thoughts?
Avatar m tn I have actually gone without sleep for the better part of a month. I have ptsd which means hypervigilance and that is what keeps me awake. Antipasychs are not just for bipoler or sykitzophrenics. Ferquenty there are givin fot ptsd. I was resistant to taking them but finally gave in. Right now i take seroquel. I have used navane, thorozine, zyprexa and others. Some have not worked and I knew it really soon but you will find one that does work.
Avatar m tn I've been on allot of medications for bi-polar, including lithium (which gravely affected my stomache), but now I'm on lexapro, seroquel, and temazapan. The seroquel with the temazapan helps me to sleep well, and I don't go thru the tremendous effects of anxiety (expecially when you feel like you are losing your breath with no known reason to do so), but I have gained allot of weight, and I don't eat that much. I have read that seroquel is not all that good.
Avatar f tn II have a loved one that has been diagnosed with everthing since childhood, ADHD, Tourettes, OCD, Chronic Depression, PTSD, SIB (which was never treated) Now Bipolar, and some neurological based problem. IThey have taken every SSRI that exist before the age of 25, Seroquel caused extreme weight gain as did Anafrinil but when being taken off of it they say they cannot sleep. Ambien caused aggitation. Abilify does not seem to work.
Avatar f tn I am in the field of law enforcement and have recently been diagnosed with PTSD and depression due to an on-the-job incident and numerous simultaneous personal traumas. I was sent to the Psychiatrist used by our Department to deal with situations like this. I am very happy with the treatment so far, but today, I met with a Board Certified Advanced Nurse Practitioner who specializes in medications for anxiety and PTSD.
1106568 tn?1258137285 So I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia anxiety disorder and PTSD among other issues lol, but I was wondering... I am usually pretty fine during the day, but at nighttime things get really bad for me. I have a history of sexual abuse so I was wondering if this was PTSD... At nightime I hear voices (which is the schizo), but I also feel as if people are taking advantage of me...
1965148 tn?1354978634 I finally got given some medication for my illness im on seroquel ive been on it for 3 days and the side effects are killing me already, but my moods keep changing, one minute im frustrated and irritated then im all laughs with everyone and in a good mood. Is this meant to happen or am i going through rapid cycling? I thought i was only ment to have side effects but it looks like it affecting my moods too...
Avatar f tn ve done on my own).....there is no med for PTSD. The meds they hand out for PTSD are only for associated symptoms. These meds your son has been put on are some heavy-duty stuff...not usually given to kids. I'd really be weary and get a 2nd opinion.
459981 tn?1212193981 so i was diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder a little over a month ago and have been taking seroquel which made me worse than ever and it has been my family doctors recomendation to fire the psychiatrist and stop taking the seroquel and get back on an ssri medication. has anyone had this happen? my psychiatrist seemed very uneducated but most importantly would not listen to me about how this medication was affecting my body and just kept telling me to take more and more... Im confused.
776302 tn?1241091853 I am on an antipsychotic called geodon. The docs usually give bipolar pts antipsychotics, like resperadol, seroquel, zyprexa(ng), or geodon, or abilify. It depends on which one fits for your condition. Your ADD may be just when you are manic. Antidepressants can make a bipolar person manic after awhile. My daughter(42) has suffered from depression for a long time and is on lexapro. But sometimes she talks nonstop and gets irritable and angry( still single and upset about that).
Avatar m tn I've been experiencing hair loss and noticeably slower hair growth, I have GAD and PTSD, the hair loss is merely aggravating my anxiety. What should I do ?
Avatar n tn I am also learning that many people who have suffered from traumas over a long period experience changes in brain structure as well as chemistry that can make one more vulnerable to mood swings. PTSD has a lot of similarities. All I can say to you is to hang in there, do your best to take your meds as prescribed, get 8 hours of sleep every night, exercise physically as well as mentally and maintain a low-stress lifestyle as much as possible.
Avatar m tn You were on a pretty high dose of Zoloft for 3 years. If I were you I would call my Dr and tell her you need a much longer tapering plan. In my opinion, 9 days is way too fast to get off of this med. No wonder you're having the shocks and nightmares. No one should have to go through this. Be persistent with your Dr. Remember that she works for you, not the other way around.
Avatar f tn Occasionally low dose Seroquel at night is very useful for both depressive states and insomnia. Please consider my advise. I do believe you need a second opinion here. Good luck and stay well.
459981 tn?1212193981 hello i was wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and found out that they ARE NOT bipolar? I have been on seroquel for a month, and other than sleeping like crazy i have had no changes in my depression, agitation and anxiety.
17746161 tn?1459714227 I’m new to this message board .I’m looking for people that have successfully got off suboxone by tapering. I’m on Medicaid live in Illinois my doc that was prescribing me subs decided he was gonna retire they gave me 1 referral and they don’t take Medicaid I’m disabled Just to make it clear I want off suboxone. I started om 8mg suboxone April 2015 then 4 mg 2mg 1 mg ½ of 1 mg just started .0.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Seroquel for a long time. I was trying to switch over to Risperdal to get up to 6mg. so that I could receive the injectible form of it because I am too dissociative with so much stress in my life and suffering from severe depression for so long...I am bipolar type mixed...this is that I become manic and depressed at the same time, which is not something I can ever wrap my mind around.
Avatar f tn ( i tried seroquel and it made me extremely suicidal and zombifyed. Im praying i can work on myself because i love my family so much.
Avatar f tn I was on lithium and seroquel. Worked wonders. Im only on seroquel now cuz im pennant and it.still works but not as.