
Seroquel for ptsd

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel for ptsd


Avatar f tn I am also wondering if post-Seroquel, taking mild opiates like Tramadol for his spinal fusion he had in July can also be having a negative reaction to the long term affects of taking Seroquel that he seems to be experiencing. I do not wish to focus on that as much as find out from the community any and all after effects from taking Seroquel - and secondly if taking opioids after Seroquel can also effect him.
Avatar m tn i have recently got off seroquel for anxiety and i have been off of it for 4 days now and i am itchy, i am having depressed phases, i am very nauseous when does this go away before the 50mgxr i was on 100mg that was 2 weeks ago should i take another pill or just stop like i have been doing?
Avatar f tn I am very happy with the treatment so far, but today, I met with a Board Certified Advanced Nurse Practitioner who specializes in medications for anxiety and PTSD. She took a thorough medical history, spent over 3 hours gathering an immense amount of pertinent information. After reviewing the medications I was already taking (to avoid any conflicts) she recommended Lamotrigine for my intense anxiety.
190673 tn?1259203266 I told him my problems. I thought I have paranoid personality but he disagrees. He thinks I have mild PTSD. As for my weird intrusive thoughts he thinks it is some OCD. Well if I saw him 2 years ago when it was severe he would perhaps call it extreme OCD or who knows what. Agrees that I have GAD. Here is the thing. I am hypochondriac also and skitzophrenia is one of my big fears. He knows that. YET HE PRESCRIBED ME SEROQUEL.
Avatar n tn Alcoholic beverages are best avoided if you have bipolar and take medication. Your psychiatrist probably doesn't want to put you on an anti-depressent because it can make mania from bipolar worse. Tradazone actually is an anti-depresent so I'm assuming that's used for sleep. That works for some people but another option is Rozerem which works like melatonin to adjust the sleep cycle but that depends on how its working for you.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed Seroquel for insomia. It is one of the side effects of the drug. I didn't like the other side effect which is having an enormous appetite. I stopped using Seroquel and didn't have any fall out. I think I was on and off them for around 3 weeks. My dose never went above 200mg.
Avatar m tn What do you recommend I do to ask my doctor to increase dosages on neurontin and effexor xr for anxiety? Do you recommend to take Seroquel XR and other recommend medications to me sleep at night and to help ith severe anxiety attacks? I need something to knock me out.
Avatar m tn hi there i was wondering if anyone her has been pregnant or is pregnant with a diagnosis of ptsd. well i have had ptsd for a few years now but only been diagnosed about a year.back in march i became really unwell and tried tcs which resulted in me breaking my back and then being detained in hospital under the mental health act for 4 month.
20457916 tn?1498371827 with DID you will not know the other personalities best thing is to tell a doctor everything I hear three voices they have conversations with each other I take Seroquel it might not work for you. so try out what the doctor orders be honest you will get the help you need.
1349329 tn?1276985202 My Dr. has prescribed a low dose of Seroquel for me to help with sleep while I'm detoxing. I did an internet search for information and found a website that sells this Medication and you don't need a prescription. I'm going copy and past what it says about how to take it etc., Read everything it says, it is "Totally Crazy." Drug Name Seroquel (Quetiapine) Drug Uses Seroquel is masterpiece for treating schizophrenia or bipolar boisterousness.
Avatar m tn Antipasychs are not just for bipoler or sykitzophrenics. Ferquenty there are givin fot ptsd. I was resistant to taking them but finally gave in. Right now i take seroquel. I have used navane, thorozine, zyprexa and others. Some have not worked and I knew it really soon but you will find one that does work. Oh I have had klonopin and zanax but hey did not held me sleep. I have hypervigalance from ptsd.
Avatar f tn m withdrawling off of lortab 8x day cold turkey i ended up having a seziure and the doc prescribed me lorazapan on top of my xanax and seroquel 50mg all 3 times a day to get through the withdrawal symtoms is this truely safe when i have p.t.s.d. n suicidal thoughts?
Avatar m tn Hi, I am finally getting seroquel, been 5 years for me wanting it, as I took it way back & loved it, they finally approved it herein Canada for ptsd, depression, anxiety. It's been hell for me, for me this has been a miracle drug. No side effects, taking 25-50mg. I have never felt better, & tried every antidepressant there is these days.
Avatar n tn and other 170 different OTC and RX that are available). I did not see Seroquel on the list and see that it is mainly for manic depression/ biopolar disorder, etc. Thanks.
Avatar f tn II have a loved one that has been diagnosed with everthing since childhood, ADHD, Tourettes, OCD, Chronic Depression, PTSD, SIB (which was never treated) Now Bipolar, and some neurological based problem. IThey have taken every SSRI that exist before the age of 25, Seroquel caused extreme weight gain as did Anafrinil but when being taken off of it they say they cannot sleep. Ambien caused aggitation. Abilify does not seem to work.
Avatar m tn seroquel is a great crisis drug for some people but it isn't a good way of life..took it for months and hated the clumsiness it gave me (athlete) how lazy it made me feel..the overly numb feeling..the blood pressure drops..tardive dyskenisia which i get with most of the drugs lesser with anxiety meds than anti psychotics..Some people just don't do well with these powerful drugs and there isn't a lot of sympathy from people who prescribe them..Omega 3 pharmaceutical grade..CBD oil..
1106568 tn?1258137285 I am usually pretty fine during the day, but at nighttime things get really bad for me. I have a history of sexual abuse so I was wondering if this was PTSD... At nightime I hear voices (which is the schizo), but I also feel as if people are taking advantage of me... it's the worst feeling in the world, I can't control my body and I feel like people are touching me and raping me...
766412 tn?1234893283 When I was taking seroquel, (quetiapine), I found it to be a really stabilising drug, I didn't have any real extremes of mood, and weirdly, never cried. My only problems were that I got very tired at times, and often got cramps in my legs, but after awhile taking it those things became less harsh. Good luck with it.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and have been on Seroquel 200 mg for approx one year. Since being on the med I have experienced extreme forgetfulness. My short term memory is especially affected and it's getting progressively worse. I don't think forgetfulness is listed as a side effect of Seroquel. I was wondering if anyone else on this med has experienced the same.
447130 tn?1225470866 Afetr being on 100mg of Seroquel at night for about a month now, my sleep is back to normal and the seroquel is making me feel better, keeping depression at bay. I've been through a rough 2 weeks with some personal things and I came through like a champ. I don't need Restoril or Ambien anymore and I have adjusted to Seroquel so my doc wants me on it for a bit longer. He explained sleep is crucial to bipolar disorder and ordered my on the Seroquel until otherwise notified.
Avatar f tn said replace the 3rd xanax with the seroquel 25mg before be d to seep how it works. OK i start taking Seroquel Fri night. Sat. i feel tired a little out of it and feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack. I say OK it probably just the meds getting into me. sun feel the same way. Mon. feel like a zombie not in my own body, very jittery lightheaded. also i flipped out on my husband for no reason. took it again Mon night Tues.
Avatar m tn If this is the case, then it is in my opinion not a bad choice, though some would argue there are better(safer) options due to the risk factors involved with the class of drugs to which Seroquel belongs. There are a number of other(*safer*) drugs that are being prescribed for sleeping issues which includes antihistamines such as Atarax/ Hydroxyzine or Phenergan/Promethazine or small doses of tricyclic drugs like Doxepin/Sinequan, Mianserin/Tolvon and many more.
Avatar f tn Seroquel has now worked for 3 nights of sleep. I take clonazapam and lamtrogine. What could I add as decrease 1 of these? Is tegretol a good choice? Long ago I took lithium, but ballooned up in weight. Suggestions to discuss w/my doctor?
Avatar f tn ve done on my own).....there is no med for PTSD. The meds they hand out for PTSD are only for associated symptoms. These meds your son has been put on are some heavy-duty stuff...not usually given to kids. I'd really be weary and get a 2nd opinion.
1965148 tn?1354978634 I finally got given some medication for my illness im on seroquel ive been on it for 3 days and the side effects are killing me already, but my moods keep changing, one minute im frustrated and irritated then im all laughs with everyone and in a good mood. Is this meant to happen or am i going through rapid cycling? I thought i was only ment to have side effects but it looks like it affecting my moods too...
569026 tn?1216982293 Taken several SSRIs in the past for anxiety. Adderall XR for ADD, Wellbutrin too. I have been seeing a therapist for about 4 months and he had me go for a psychiatry evaluation a few days ago. The two concrred that I am "complex" and could be a combination of BiPolar 2, Adult ADD and even...Borderline Personality Disorder (god I hate that name). Anyhow, one of the main symptoms we all agreed upon was the mood swings.