
Seroquel in urine

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel in urine


Avatar n tn If there is persistent change in colour of urine, then it could be due to infection, hepatitis, biliary tract obstruction, haemolytic anemia , dehydration etc. Drugs that you mentioned do not have effect on the colour of urine. Consult a urologist to rule out the above mentioned causes for dark urine only if it is persistent. You can encourage your child to take more water and see if symptoms are gone. Best.
574118 tn?1305135284 Its a matter of promoting full mood stability than just treating depression only and creating the potential of mania (which can happen with anti depressents prescribed for bipolar especially on their own) and since Seroquel has been FDA approved as a full mood stabilizer and works in that regard (as I remember when I was prescribed it) it has full efficacy in this area but there is still continuing research (unlike its effect on schizophrenia which is known) to understand exactly why.
Avatar m tn It starts around the scrotum/urethra area and shoots up to around halfway up the penis almost to the base of the head. It's a shooting needle type sensation that almost feels like a serious itch but also subtly painful. It started about a month ago deep into the urethra almost underneath the scrotum and now it's reaching pretty far up into the penis. There is no discolored or foul smelling urine. I've been abstinent for about 4 months. No obvious signs of swelling or redness. Help!
Avatar f tn I had a false positve urine test saying i had a chemacal found in suboxone in it.i take percocets and morphine aling with kolonipin now they said i breached my contract which i didnt i dont know how i can correct this test.
Avatar n tn Hi. I am bipolar and currently taking Lithium, Neurontin, Seroquel & Lamictal. I have only been on the Lamictal for about 7 weeks, starting @ 25mg & every 2 weeks adding another 25mg; thus I am currently @ 100mg per day.
Avatar f tn I suferred from gad and panic desorder. I'm on zoloft 175mg, clonopin 1mg 3 times a day, seroquel 100mg to go to sleep and 25 mg twice a day, however, I don't take the seroquel morning dose because it makes me too sleepy. I'm desperate trying to find out why I'm still having anxiety and the ton of meds are not working. I was on disability for two months and just went back to work. I've been constantly crying and being anxious. I don't know what to do.
584628 tn?1218598371 NOW, i am a size 10 or 12...and all the weight is in my stomach(with a little in my hips/butt). Im not pregnant...I exercise...I eat pretty healthy...but im confused as hell. has ANYONE had a similar situation with this drug(s)? any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated because im sick of wearin sweatpants!
1523184 tn?1291940756 I just got a letter from my doctor saying that a second consecutive urine test showed no vicodin in my urine, and that his office will no longer prescribe vicodin for me. I'm beside myself because I know I took my vicodin the day before the test. My new Rx was due the week after the test and I obviously didn't get my prescription. The only thing that I can possibly think of that is my fault is that I drink a tremendous amount of water every day, probably more than a gallon.
574118 tn?1305135284 I have long been questioning why am i taking so much seroquel (150mg) and only 1mg apexidone (egyptian brand for risperidone) which made me try to reduce the first by all means but in vain, until i discovered that my 1mg of the 2nd equals 100 of the 1st. So by taking 150mg seroquel i am in fact taking 1.5mg of risperidone only. I was trying hard to reduce my seroquel by 50mg meaning trying to reduce my apexidone by 0.5mg which is nonsense.
Avatar f tn I literally have pitting edema in both my legs from the knee down. I had ran out of seroquel and took saphris in between and the swelling went away some but now I restarted the Seroquel and my ankles look like cankles...
Avatar n tn I am 35 weeks pregnant and I just had a doctors appointment and they told me that they found alcohol in my urine twice in two months (once every month) i have not touched alcohol AT ALL!!! I take seroquel and keflex (for UTI) every day. I just don't understand why there is alcohol showing up in my urine. I am extreamly concerned about my baby's health and I just need and answer!
Avatar f tn I find since I've been on seroquel/ lamictal that I haven't had a manic outbreak in over 2 years. I use to take seroquel alone & had several outbreaks one after another. For me the combination works!
1039200 tn?1314912008 Hi Your doctor is right and seroquel is a Godsend as you said. Had there been an efficient drug for this BP business, none will ever post here. Taking an AD will drive you manic while an AP suppresses your activities. Don't stop seroquel, it saved me from the mixed states I had and still does. I think one has to try hard to struggle or at least doesn't give up easily.
518117 tn?1429276273 Hello, I saw your post and wanted to offer a comment. I have not looked into lawsuits in regards to seroquel, so I can't offer anything in that effect. However, I am a nurse with definate opinions when it comes to lawsuits. 1) There are so many people out there now days looking for a handout for just about anything and unfortunately the lawyers who try to help them.
Avatar n tn Secondly even in transfering to another medication you will get some withdrawal symptoms as I did in the past when transfering from Seroquel to Risperdal which were fatigue and minor flu like withdrawal symptoms which pased in time and were not a problem. Follow your psychiatrist's titration schedule and ask them about available options.
Avatar m tn My brother takes Seroquel in the PM and says it knocks him out. One of my problems is sleep. Can Seroquel be used on an , as needed, basis.
563541 tn?1257877567 i was in same boat....doc sent me home with script for seroquel....i took it in hospital, didn't help me sleep one bit....but also, after reading up more on it, didn't like what was said about the i never got the script filled after getting home and i don't regret it....yes, i still have problems sleeping, but the seroquel didn't help me with that issue anyway, so why take it? i'm not sure about helping with depression, etc.
Avatar n tn Hi my name is Mike and my wife is now currently in the hospital from overdose of seroquel and maybe other medications that she might have.
Avatar f tn s for approx 30years) takes seroquel with no problems. In fact, he has noticed a decrease in his nightmares and odd hallucinations. so if your doctor has recommended it, it may be worth a try. They should normally suggest starting with a small dose, so you can see how you go. You can always run it past your neurologist too if you are still unsure.
1168718 tn?1464983535 hi everyone, was just wondering if you guys have had any trouble with Seroquel? I am being put on it for sleep, and I have read up on it, and the side effects are kinda scarey. Does anyone have any input? My Dr. is putting me on a very tiny dose to start, as I reacted to Nortriptyline and have been on nothing for sleep for 3 days now. Can anyone give me some help please??
Avatar n tn I was given Seroquel in the hospital for sleep and it made me sleep a lot for a couple of days. After 5 days it only made me sleep at night. It lost it's effectiveness after a couple of weeks though. I take Trazadone now and It works pretty well for me. Don't take Ambien if you can avoid it. It's a Benzodiazapine and is addictive. I took Ambien for over 2 years and when I went to detox I quit that too. Went right to Trazadone and it worked right away...
Avatar m tn I was on seroquel for a while when I was in high school, and the only real problem I had was not being able to stay awake during class. It really kept me sedated, and I wasn't a huge fan of that because I'm an active person. Other than that, I didn't have any out of the ordinary side effects, or complications.
Avatar m tn I would want to know from the members of this forum about how many people are using Seroquel only as a sleeping aid in doses of 25 mg and 50 mg.All suggestions and answers are welcome.