
Seroquel in the morning

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel in the morning


Avatar m tn Hi, I have been taking seraquel at bedtime,50 mg and like how I sleep, but when I wake in morning I feel like I am Hungover, and feel sick. This lasts till the afternoon. I tried lower dose but had the same results.Has anuone had these problems with seraquel?
1295419 tn?1276822872 It gradually gets better the longer I am up but I was curious if anyone else feels more anxious as soon as they wake up in the morning?
Avatar f tn m a little afraid of the seroquel. i develpoed a bad twitching in the right side of my face from the abilify. and it was only 1mg. hope someone has some answers.
574118 tn?1305135284 morning 25mg seroquel, lunch 25 seroquel, supper 1mg stelazin, dinner 25mg seroquel+1mg risperidone before going to sleep). Today, when I posted (does mania come suddendly), for the 1st time, my stelazin didn't work it lasted only for 2 hrs and I started feeling the devil inside me like I want to kill someone, I also saw the devil in the mirror. I will be taking instead 50mg seroquel before going to bed, hoping to land again by tomorrow. However I discovered something new.
Avatar f tn I suferred from gad and panic desorder. I'm on zoloft 175mg, clonopin 1mg 3 times a day, seroquel 100mg to go to sleep and 25 mg twice a day, however, I don't take the seroquel morning dose because it makes me too sleepy. I'm desperate trying to find out why I'm still having anxiety and the ton of meds are not working. I was on disability for two months and just went back to work. I've been constantly crying and being anxious. I don't know what to do.
574118 tn?1305135284 Thank you IL. I am aware of the proper dose of one atypical only, except that i can't tolerate it this is why i am using smaller doses of each. If i take say 400 of seroquel possibly i won't get up from bed in the morning, one becomes very lithargic though not in a bad mood thanks.
1134609 tn?1269272200 I had that problem and I would take the morning dose earlier and sleep it off. However, I do believe now its available in an extended release form. You could ask your psychiatrist about that option and what the dosing is for it.
Avatar f tn So after a week on Seroquel and racing heartbeat, etc, my doctor has switched me to Cymbalta. I find I'm really shaky and feel horrible in the mornings and start to feel better around 4pm. So instead of taking it at bed I'm trying to make it earlier and earlier in the day so maybe I'll get the drowsiness at night and get past the early morning weirdness. It's only been a few days - anybody else have any experience with Cymbalta?
329165 tn?1515471990 I am now on 1200mg Valproate and took 25-75mg Seroquel but at some stage I felt really sleepy during the day and the Doctor stopped that, so now I was ordered to only take the Valproate. I still can not sleep at night. It is lights-out at 10pm for everyone, but I don't get tired at night. I wake up every morning at 7am to get kids ready and then I am busy and on my feet during the day, but I don't get tired enough at night to sleep a full night!
Avatar m tn re stating that you have sleeping issues, and I take it that you have been prescribed Seroquel specifically for this matter. If this is the case, then it is in my opinion not a bad choice, though some would argue there are better(safer) options due to the risk factors involved with the class of drugs to which Seroquel belongs.
574118 tn?1305135284 If i cut these two any time nothing will happen seriously except in the long run. In fact i did that many times in the course of my bloody illness. But as soon as i cut seroquel i feel it right away with my mixed states. I know each of these nasty drugs causes something or another but seroquel is by excellence the worst. Of course lithium is terrific in this regard (dehydration, tremors, renal....) tegretol same and depakote (cystic ulcers,) etc....etc... but seroquel is different.
Avatar n tn Iam on seroquel and Iam coming off of it and iam on 400mg and once i take it iam out like a light and i canlt hear anything for the night and iam having a trouble waking up in the morning and iam feeling not to good my doctor is lowering them doese by doese but there has been times i havent been taking them at all and then i take them and when i do i feel really bad after that and i need get off of them because they have made me gain wieght and iam getting more sleep then i should be have been o
Avatar n tn I still feel the electric shocks and muscle aches from the withdrawal of my previous antidepressant (paroxetine) and I started getting a pounding heartfrom the seroquel. I went to see my gp who reduced my seroquel to seroquel xl 50 mg and I am to go back in a week to her, while I do not see the psychiatrist again for 5 weeks. My palpitations have stopped but the mood swings and depression have returned to just how they were before I reduced the dose. I do not know what to do..
603015 tn?1329862973 The thing to remember with Seroquel is that the weight gain associated with it is strongly tied into it's increase in appetite. I take a little to sleep and I am starving after I take it. It's kind of rough at first because you'll find yourself reaching for that bag of Doritos, but it is manageable.
736475 tn?1281259327 know my DR would not give me Clonidine for sleep, only Seroquel. Mine must be just regular Seroquel because the lable says they are 50mg & the directions are to "Take 1/2 Tablet PO Nightly at Bedtime". I got 30 for $25 because of our insurance. I wonder if he & I will need to taper? I hope I don't need all 30 before I can sleep??? But I bet he & I will get rebound insomnia when we stop. I hope not.
574118 tn?1305135284 So, yes, you could need to increase in Seroquel as your symptoms change/increase. At the same time, Seroquel dosage could stay the same and another drug be added or the Risperdal be increased. It will be dependent upon your case.
1563533 tn?1345366296 So, I am just asking what I should do about the seroquel. Should I wait and take it the next morning, I usually take it before goin to bed. It knocks me out. Im going to have some drinks, there are no "ifs" or "ands" about it. And I wasnt asking for judgement, just simply wanting to know what the best way to go about this would be.
Avatar m tn 0 mg at night, and seroquel 450mg. After the addition of seroquel I started having classical music in my head that I could hear when I was hospitalized I asked several people if they heard what I did and they did not. However when I came home from the hospital I didn't have anymore auditory hallucinations. Seroquel helped me a lot with my ocd and gave me a lot of functioning ability. My adverse affects are sleep walking, night sweats and shaking hands until I eat something sweet.
Avatar m tn My brother takes Seroquel in the PM and says it knocks him out. One of my problems is sleep. Can Seroquel be used on an , as needed, basis.
Avatar f tn I know Seroquel is a good medication but I think it is good in the sense of if You have been on it in the past if You understand me. I would not suggest it to anyone who had not already had or taken it however it seems to be the best option for someone who has been on it for a certain amount of time and can no longer function as well without it.
809366 tn?1238749581 I take four seroquil a day, currently. One in the morning with my lithium, one in the afternoon...I drink a big tea before taking this one and two at bed time. The dose per pill is25 mg. Maybe, if spread out you wouldn't be groggy. Hope you find a balance.
1115572 tn?1258804496 I practice good mental hygiene. Once I got very stressed, a bit on the low side. I take a good nap and I am OK the next morning. So what is the big deal? Feedback please.
Avatar m tn Seroquel made me too sleepy in the daytime. Plus, I've been seeing things on tv that might be bad(?) Not that you can believe everything you see or hear anyway, but I stopped taking them only because I couldn't stay awake. I have taken them when I can't sleep on occasion, though.