
Seroquel for mood disorders

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel for mood disorders


574118 tn?1305135284 I agree this is not the forum for a response from a professional but within my knowledge as a consumer I'll give you what I know as the question is not very complex. A mood stabilizer treats bipolar disorder or other mood disorders. That doesn't mean the medication was first approved as a mood stabilizer. There is only one medication that was originally approved as a mood stabilizer first. That is Lithium.
Avatar f tn The doctors are still having a difficult time finding the right fix for my Thyroid. This can effect your mood among many things. Back to this new dr. I learned that I was very low on Vit D and very, very low, he said, on Vit B. He also recommended Fish Oil with no mercury in it. I didn't realize how much all of these things could help my Bipolar. Obviously doing these things can only help me. But it's a little overwhelming and sometimes a bit hard to understand.
Avatar f tn Muscle relexants are not used for temporary movement disorders as extra pyramidal side effects (the official term for temporary movement disorders have a more complex cause than that you could discuss this with your psychiatrist as well). There are many options though as regards side effect pills that could treat this and as this may be one reason this could be happening best to discuss this with your psychiatrist and they could see if that's the cause and what to do from there.
766412 tn?1234893283 When I was taking seroquel, (quetiapine), I found it to be a really stabilising drug, I didn't have any real extremes of mood, and weirdly, never cried. My only problems were that I got very tired at times, and often got cramps in my legs, but after awhile taking it those things became less harsh. Good luck with it.
569026 tn?1216982293 Taken several SSRIs in the past for anxiety. Adderall XR for ADD, Wellbutrin too. I have been seeing a therapist for about 4 months and he had me go for a psychiatry evaluation a few days ago. The two concrred that I am "complex" and could be a combination of BiPolar 2, Adult ADD and even...Borderline Personality Disorder (god I hate that name). Anyhow, one of the main symptoms we all agreed upon was the mood swings.
574118 tn?1305135284 morning 25mg seroquel, lunch 25 seroquel, supper 1mg stelazin, dinner 25mg seroquel+1mg risperidone before going to sleep). Today, when I posted (does mania come suddendly), for the 1st time, my stelazin didn't work it lasted only for 2 hrs and I started feeling the devil inside me like I want to kill someone, I also saw the devil in the mirror. I will be taking instead 50mg seroquel before going to bed, hoping to land again by tomorrow. However I discovered something new.
Avatar f tn Depakoate is a mood stabilizer. Zoloft is an anti-depressent. Seroquel is an antipsychotic and I believe by psychiatric standards that is a subclinical dose (when I was on it 300 mg. was where it started working). Not sure what "the pill to calm her nerves" is? You mean an anti-anxiety medication? Although only a psychiatrist can determine medication dosages and which medication to use I'd suggest you inform yourself.
3178266 tn?1344536316 I take prescription medication on a daily basis dealing with anxiety, depression, mood and personality disorders. Will my meds hurt my baby? I take Clonazapam, cipralex, epival, and seroquel.
Avatar f tn Seroquel and epilim are very good medications for mania, anger, mood swings and psychosis. There are indeed others as lindahand says, though - lots of others. Seroquel and epilim are usually the ones they try you with first (or lithium instead of epilim). Seroquel is an anti-psychotic (also prescribed for anger and mood problems) and epilim is an anti-convulsant (also prescribed as a mood stabiliser). But talking therapy is as important as drugs if not more so, in such situations as these.
403156 tn?1290150018 For the mood chart, it would be nice to have the option to add medications ourselves. There are so many different meds out there, the list provided doesn't cover them all, and it would be hard to keep up with them. The option should be to enter the name of the med ourselves. The tracker is great, but more med options is needed. Is this function already there and I am not seeing it?
Avatar f tn Going off naturals tomorrow.. Already on lithium for mood stabilizer and now after todays session, that went long. I don't understand things anymore. I did the best I could with being a good Mom. I grieve the emotional and physical loss of our youngest. It has got me fetal. My Mom died in Feb as some of you know. You know my husband got seriously hurt in an accident. And then we had a blow up with our daughter it is just way too much to do on naturals.
Avatar f tn Seroquel has now worked for 3 nights of sleep. I take clonazapam and lamtrogine. What could I add as decrease 1 of these? Is tegretol a good choice? Long ago I took lithium, but ballooned up in weight. Suggestions to discuss w/my doctor?
Avatar f tn Omega 3 (fish oil) has been shown in tests that can help with psychosis and mood disorders. but if you want to take it in the large grams that is needed by those who have mental illness, i would check with your doctor first and get a dosage from them. also if you get it, get the filter fish oil because some of it has mercury as fish has a lot of mercury can build up and be toxic. so fish oil (Omega 3) mercury free. I take about 6 g although i can take up to 12 grams a day.
Avatar n tn Of course only a psychiatrist can judge but in my opinion she needs a mood stabilizer. Abilify and Seroquel are antipsychotics but they function as working mood stabilizers. Why did she go off them if they were working? I'm not sure exactly what works on eating disorders as those are hard to treat but I had a cousin with anorexia and she was stabilized on Risperdal and it helped stopped this. That is an antipsychotic.
Avatar m tn You need to see a psychiatrist for an evaluation and to determine what course of treatment would be best for you. There are things that happen to us that can be too much for us to handle on our own, and that's okay. There is so much help for you and you need to take advantage of it. Your children have endured a lot and need you more than ever, let them be your driving force.
1361367 tn?1280632089 I am taking 150 mg. He told me to take 75 mg for a week, then 37.5 for a week. Can I expect withdrawals?
Avatar n tn Bipolar is about periods of elevated mood (rage and euphoria) and depressed mood (both of which must be present for a diagnosis) whereas controlling behaviour is more of a stable, non-mood-related thing. I think lilymoon's suggestion is best. A counsellor should be able to provide a safe, fair environment where you both can work out what has gone wrong and what can be done. Also they should be able to refer either of you to psychological treatment should they think it necessary.
Avatar f tn Admission to having a mood disorder appears to be fashionable lately; thanks, in large part, to campaigning groups encouraging celebrities to "out" themselves. With all this talk about disorders - what is "mood order"? and how does "mood order" go from being ordered to being disordered - sometimes seemingly overnight?!
Avatar n tn Thank you both for your responses. I'm new on here and thought I was posting it to Mood Disorders. Bchild1108, taking away her favorite toy has helped, we will have to continue that. And your idea about those foods, we too will try taking away one at a time to see if there is any changes. As far as depressed, I don't think so. She never mentions a headache. There are times she looks really tired and seems to act up worse when she is.
Avatar n tn My daughter has recently started being evaluated for a mood disorder. She is 14. The counselor told me that it is difficult to diagnose bipolar disorder in teens, and suggested another disorder something that began with a "D". I have been looking at internet sites hoping to find what she might have been referring to, but haven't so far. Can you help?
698408 tn?1256958348 If given a choice between an antipsychotic (Zyprexa) and a mood stabilizer (Depakoate) I would choose Depakoate. Zyprexa does have the risk of tardive dyskinesia. If a person needs an antipsychotic of course they have to take one but Depakoate does not have that risk. Zyprexa also has a severe risk for diabetes. All of the atypicals do but Zyprexa is most likely to.