
Seroquel and tinnitus

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel and tinnitus


Avatar m tn Has anyone taken Seroquel and anti-biotics and are now experiencing heart problems? Do these issues subside, I stopped the seroquel when this happened?
Avatar n tn I have been taking low does seroquel (50mg) for insomnia for 8 months and I think that may have caused this to happen as tinnitus is a side effect in some people. Maybe it has to do with aging- I am in no pain, but sometimes the ear feels full like eustachian tube is not functioning properly.
Avatar f tn 2002) Advancing age may also be accompanied by inner ear damage and tinnitus. Many medications also can cause tinnitus (see list below). Generally this is thought to arise from their effect on the cochlea (inner ear).
663901 tn?1232649671 Yes when I was on Seroquel I had to get an eye exam each year due to the extremely rare risk of cataracts but I saw an opthamologist anyway so it was no big deal. That is statisically rare and no reason to be concerned about Seroquel and a check up as I suggested is the best form of follow up. Seroquel is safe in this regard. In this case (you know I am always factual) your pharmacist was overstating the risk but a follow up visit is generally a good idea.
Avatar n tn If Zoloft curbs stress and anxiety, and stress aggravates tinnitus, there may be just a cause and effect relationship, and not necessarily a medical relationship between the two. I'm sure other health factors could be involved as well.
Avatar f tn Since seroquel can cause high BG you sure your diabetic and not as a result of seroquel raising your BG? Go to Google and put seroquel into the serch field.
Avatar f tn Thanks a million, I'll definitely take it with. Hopefully I can convince him to do a proper test. I know the other GP won't. Already had a run with him and anti depressants 2 years ago where it ended up badly for me. I went through the symptom list and the only ones that really apply that I have, is hypothermia, hair falling out badly ( especially the last 5/6 months ), no sex drive, the need to yawn, strange feelings in my neck ( neck stiffness ) and tinnitus.
Avatar f tn My first pregnancy i did bot use it and my daughter is very smart. I was wondering if any of you have used seroquel and delivered a healthy baby.
Avatar n tn I have had a thyroid issue for 9 years and I have dealt with Tinnitus on and off throughout. Last night I woke up with major ringing in my left ear and I would say a 25% loss in hearing. I went to the doctor this morning they do believe it may be caused by the Thyroid since I am way off still on my labwork results. Also, I do notice and I don't know if this is part of it but when I drink alcohol I tend to get the ringing that night and last night I had a glass of wine while out.
802234 tn?1237830136 My question I took my first dose of Seroquel XR last night and woke with small puffy area inside the 'bags' under my eyes they are still there 9 hours into the day - a non-work, no sun, low energy day (the bags are normal, puffiness is normal when I cry) but usually the whole 'bag' is swollen not just a part. They are not exactly the same size or in the same position, not red, itchy, hot or sensitive.
1134609 tn?1269272200 Every atypical antipsychotic has the potential of metabolic changes that can cause weight gain and on ocassion diabetes but if you eat a sensible diet and exercise that can be kept under control (that also includes the second issue, a person I knew developed pre-diabetes from Abilify and through weight loss, proper dieting and exercise and following up with his doctor was able to keep this in check).
Avatar n tn The knowledge that I have is that xanax and Seroquel do not have an impact on your liver. Also 50 mgs of Seroqeul is very low dose. I am on 600. However it looks like you have hepatitis c and you probably know you shouldn't drink because of that. There are likely a lot of medications that effect your liver. The only ones I know of are Tylenol and pain medicines that contain acetaminophen, but I am sure there are likely a lot more.
Avatar m tn Don't quit the Seroquel abruptly -- taper off it. It's interesting you were put on Seroquel and are suffering insomnia -- the only way Valdoxan supposedly works is by increasing the effectiveness of melatonin, which regulates sleep cycles -- in other words, if it works at all for depression, and the evidence appears to be soft, it's by improving sleep.
Avatar m tn it sounds like you have tinnitus. I suffer from it and have done for years. here's some more info for you http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar n tn How safe is 200 milligrams of seroquel while pregnant and nursing? Also, is it dangerous to cut the pills in half to take a lesser dose? Or should you cut or break the pills at all?
Avatar f tn I was on seroquel. It was awful. I was mean WHEN i did awake. the doctor put me on 300mg and I had to sleep a full day on it. So they lowered it but then i slept a 1/2 day so then they put it on 50 and I wouldn't sleep and when I slept I was mean as ever. So I no longer take seroquel. its not good for me.
1563533 tn?1345366296 I take 25mg seroquel at night and 200mg zoloft a day also. I plan on going to FL for vacation in July and when I get back I have to start Hep C treatments, I am going to drink one last time. Can I drink while Im on this med? I know that since I have been taking the seroquel I feel ALOT BETTER!! I was extremely depressed but now Im doin okay. I cant skip this med, Im afraid of that sever depression, but I also want ot let my hair down one last time. What would you suggest?
Avatar f tn I am hoping that someone can advise me on this issue. I am been trying to figure out what's related to what, and what started when, and so forth and am going crazy! The doctors I have consulted have thus far either dismissed my issues or not been able to find anything. In mid May of this year I developed a right eye blinking and nose twitching to the right side. Around this same time I began to experience pain behind just my right eye and pressure and fullness in my right ear.
561706 tn?1333947274 I was aware Seroquel could cause cataracts when I took it in the past but I never got them and its rare but not unknown but just like when I got heart arrythmia from Geodon I had to change to something else. I believe your psychiatrist just means you have to stay on medication as for "working around it". But you could ask what antipsychotics don't cause cataracts and see if you could tolerate one of them.
Avatar n tn s disease, Otosclerosis, circulatory problems all can lead to tinnitus. The cause of your tinnitus and the associated symptoms are important for determining the correct cause and management of your condition. I hope it helps. Best luck and regards!
Avatar m tn m no expert, this is my opinion, but I do take Seroquel and have been on a long car and bus ride, and roller coasters lol)
Avatar n tn Does Tensor Tympani Muscle have any problem and causes hissing and roaring tinnitus in some cases because of muscle tension. And does it cause pressure fullness, ear pain, jaw pain? If i have problem with my inner ear, why should have pain in jaw? In my case jaw pain happens because of middle ear problems.
2176476 tn?1338605299 ve been taking Lamictal for about 7 months, along with a secondary anti-psychotic to after a major mania episode. I started on Seroquel for about 3 months, and the combination seemed to work well. I had to D/C the Seroquel when my insurance changed and it wasn't covered. Since then I've tried first perphenazine (4 weeks), then thiothixene (six weeks), but they were too sedating and I was having a problem working.