
Seroquel and birth control

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel and birth control


Avatar f tn I was diagnosed bi polar a couple years ago. I took my Meds (seroquil and celexa) everyday and did therapy regularly. When I found out I was pregnant the Drs took me off all my Meds because of potential birth defects. Now I'm so moody, depressed, crying a lot, and just feeling deflated. I was wondering if this is because of the pregnancy or am I having my symptoms return? Anyone else Going through the same thing?
1134609 tn?1269272200 That group lost an average of nine pounds. The control group was given the same dose of Seroquel, but without the diet and exercise. The latter group gained four pound. So, my question is this; does Seroquel cause weight gain because it has such and impact on your metabolism or is it because of the increase cravings for junk food? Or is a combination that one can control?
Avatar f tn My baby girl is healthy and happy. She did not have any birth defects from the Seroquel. She is 3 months now. My psychiatrist says he keeps pregnant women on their meds and that all the babies have been healthy. I didn't know birth control pills could help with acne. I had a lot of acne when I was on Lithium, it was awful. Luckily, the Seroquel doesn't cause acne.
2010625 tn?1329372056 hi i take seroquel xr and normal seroquel for bipolar disorder. the seroquel xr is a slow release tablet so it works over the night and the day. so i take the seroquel xr 450mg at about 7.30pm then at about 9.30pm i take the normal seroquel 250mg. it helps with sleep too.
Avatar f tn Seroquel and epilim are very good medications for mania, anger, mood swings and psychosis. There are indeed others as lindahand says, though - lots of others. Seroquel and epilim are usually the ones they try you with first (or lithium instead of epilim). Seroquel is an anti-psychotic (also prescribed for anger and mood problems) and epilim is an anti-convulsant (also prescribed as a mood stabiliser). But talking therapy is as important as drugs if not more so, in such situations as these.
142722 tn?1281533616 When given to pregnant rats and rabbits, Seroquel caused low birth weight, slow development, and miscarriages. However, it is important to note that animals do not always respond to medicines in the same way as humans. Therefore, a pregnancy Category C medicine may be given to a pregnant woman if her healthcare provider believes that the benefits to her outweigh any possible risks to the unborn child.
Avatar f tn I've been on 25 mg of Seroquel daily as a mood stabilizer (anxiety, amongst other things) for 10 months and I'm about to ween myself off of them. I still have a month's supply and my general doctor told me previously to take one pill every other day to see how that goes. I started Seroquel with my medical doctor, then later saw a psychiatrist. I will be seeing my psychiatrist at the end of the month to refill my Valium (as needed) and to get another refill of Seroquel.
Avatar m tn (No cause was given for her strange behavior - she was out of control, crying and screaming etc.) I am 37 and the only one who cares for her at home. She seems calmer most days and can do some things for herself, but when she sees me upset or worried, it makes her sad. I worry about leaving her alone while I grocery shop or try to do things for myself. We don't go to church and rarely see friends or other family. A home health nurse visited for 2 weeks and stopped.
1399124 tn?1401020004 right now would be a great time for ANYONE with a success story about having healthy babies while on drugs like Seroquel, parnate, or drugs related to depression and anxiety etc....No one has expressed concern about babies health in this regard (and I am seeing a psych nurse and psychiatrist too as well as an OBGYN) so far but you just never know and I need to have some examples of how babies are healthy despite the drugs I have no choice to take...
2176476 tn?1338605299 ve been taking Lamictal for about 7 months, along with a secondary anti-psychotic to after a major mania episode. I started on Seroquel for about 3 months, and the combination seemed to work well. I had to D/C the Seroquel when my insurance changed and it wasn't covered. Since then I've tried first perphenazine (4 weeks), then thiothixene (six weeks), but they were too sedating and I was having a problem working.
Avatar f tn I was on lithium and seroquel. Worked wonders. Im only on seroquel now cuz im pennant and it.still works but not as.
Avatar m tn Has anyone taken Seroquel and anti-biotics and are now experiencing heart problems? Do these issues subside, I stopped the seroquel when this happened?
Avatar f tn July of last year I had a daughter born with several holes in her heart, VSD, and aortic coratation of the aorta. Since than she has had two open heart surgeries and nothing genetically was found worng. I was taking lamictal 200mg and vyvanse 70mg. I found out I was pregnant Nov 2010 stopped the vyvanse the very next day, but was told to continue taking lamictal. The doctors say there aren't studies that prove lamictal causes birth defect and there aren't studies that say it won't.
Avatar f tn I'm 32 years old and my boyfriend is 48. I'm on birth control pills (Tri-Sprintec) and sometimes we do not use a condom the whole time. Right now we are not ready to be parents due to financial and emotional reasons. I obsessively worry about being pregnant even though we are an older couple. I've also worried about being pregnant because I'm on Seroquel and and Wellbutrin. My boyfriend has depression.
Avatar n tn he is actually up 80-90 lbs now. i was on seroquel for about a month and did see a noticeable difference in my weight going up. i stopped taking it for other reason other then the weight part but i am now on latuda which seem to be helping me loose weight without really trying. everything i've read about the weight gain though is that there is really no official reason for it. meaning they have not pin pointed the cause. iladvocate is a reasonable theory.
Avatar n tn Hi. I am bipolar and currently taking Lithium, Neurontin, Seroquel & Lamictal. I have only been on the Lamictal for about 7 weeks, starting @ 25mg & every 2 weeks adding another 25mg; thus I am currently @ 100mg per day.
763054 tn?1314053121 Before the end of 2008 I was taking Clonazepam, (1mg three times a day) Effexor XR (75 mgs 3 of them every morning) Trileptal (cannot remember dosage, but i took two in the morning and three in the evening) Seroquel (200mg once at night) and my birth control yasmin. This combination of medicine worked EXCELLENTLY after almost 10 years of testing out medications and was able to function MUCH better than ever in my lifetime. Mainly the addition of seroquel and trileptal.
Avatar n tn I'm in a similar place as you. I have Bipolar1 with my PMDD though. I'm not able to take any antidepressants for my PMDD as I'm ultra-rapid cycling and they put me into orbit. One Dr recommended taking vitamin B6 for the symptoms and it actually made a huge difference. I also use OTC PMS medications such as Pamprin PMS. My husband calls them my happy pills. Check with your Dr if these are suitable for you. Geodon DOES cause weight gain. I looked it up on drugs.
Avatar n tn It sounds like theyve got you a nice little three course meal of pills all worked out there. Are they giving any of those to you specificaly for sleep? Im unmedicated i dont keep up with the **** they dish out to people so i apologise.
Avatar f tn Hi. If I was to launch in the tirade that is my past you'd all find another thread PRONTO. Guess it boils down to this. I have BP type 2, severe depression, anxiety and social phobia - according to THOSE who know best.I'm a a bulimic self harmer, ex-meth addict, former anorexic, current alcoholic. Gotta love the labels lol - and I'm a qualified social worker. Feel kind of silly now, don't know what I really want to say, but my GUILT is eating me up inside.
142722 tn?1281533616 Is respridal make you sleepy? Seroquel and limictal were a great combo for me but try to wake up and feed a baby on 200mcg of seroquel - yeah right.
Avatar f tn Seroquel is a pregnancy category C drug, which means several things. Category C drugs have only been studied in animal models, and showed evidence of birth defects and other problems, but there is no data on whether these affect humans. This also means that your doctor could keep you on it if he/she thought the benefits outweighed the risks.
Avatar n tn hello, i was diagnosed with ocd. ive been on zoloft for 5 months on-going. it's nice and helpful. i used to have intrusive sexual/aggressive/religious agressive thoughts. now i have shifted from these to having random songs stuck in my head and it's been horrible for my sleeping. i have only had about 4 hours of sleep for the past two days because of this. ive been reading books, and stuff but its stuck. i wake up in the morning. and the song goes back on loop what do i do?
Avatar n tn Just wondering.....when my husband was heavily addicted to percocets, oxys and valium, he had little or no sex drive....but it took about 2 years to get to that point. ( 60 percocets, 300mg oxy, 200mg valium daily...approx ) When he got onto the suboxone about 5 weeks ago, his libido came back with a vengeance. Now he's on 12 mg of sub, about 20 mg of klonopin, and 75 mg of seroquel. Can someone please tell me what this combination of drugs does to a person's sex drive?
Avatar n tn The side effects I have gotten are acne (but controllable, but mostly just after a dose increase), intermittent facial flushing, which I think is decreasing, and it initially screwed with my birth control, but switching to a different pill fixed that. In short, everything but the facial flushing was fixable, and well worth the mood stabilization. And remember that EVERYTHING has some side effects.