
Prometrium with infertility

Common Questions and Answers about Prometrium with infertility


514684 tn?1211462108 My OBGYN says she thinks I have POF but not sure because of underlined issues with my thyroid. Only time I do have a period is if I'm on birth control. Although I get the good ol cramps/PMS like clockwork but nothing happens. It seems I'm on the same cycle as my 2 sisters (they have no issues w/ infertility, in fact my older sister just found out she is pregnant - huge shocker) Anyway, OBGYN would just take blood and give me a dose of Clomid to take.
1007532 tn?1332767926 Were you on birth control prior to that? If so, that may be the reason... I don't have periods also, and I have been diagnosed with PCOS. I suggest you see a specialist; they'll know what to look for in your tests. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Preferred versus capsules administered vaginally 85% of women preferred Crinone 8% More women found Crinone 8% easier to administer, more convenient, and less messy Crinone 8% is dosed once a day, vaginally administered capsules are dosed multiple times per day Preferred versus vaginal suppositories 87% of women preferred Crinone 8% Women found Crinone 8% less messy Women preferred once-a-day dosing with Crinone 8% versus multiple doses per day with vaginal suppositories Preferred ver
513660 tn?1217171919 I am 31 and husband and I have unexplained infertility. I have mild endo and have had 6 failied IUI (3 with injections/3 without) and just underwent my first failed IVF/ICSI procedure. I just had Factor V immune testing done and so far (not all results are back) I have a boderline elevated level for anticardiolipin (level 11). I was told I can start aspirin therapy for this, but since level is not high it might not be reason for infertility. Anyone have similar case? Any thoughts?
1277416 tn?1289788441 I'm sorry I can't help! I do not know what prochieve it similar to progesterone supplements such as prometrium? I've had slight cramps on an off until this week. MD said it is very normal and many of my friends also had slight cramping throughout pregnancy! Good Luck with the prochieve! I hope it helps bring you your little miracle!!
359142 tn?1321120923 Not my first, third. Dealing with secondary infertility at 34 this time around.
359142 tn?1321120923 Just got a call back from the Dr. They OK'd prometrium suppositories given my history of early m/c. I go back in tomorrow AM and Friday AM for follow-up hcg checks.
211043 tn?1337050701 I know, I know - I need to put the tests down and back away slowly. But it took 3 years to conceive our first daughter, and we've been trying for our second for 20 months. I've had 5 miscarriages, and after all that...yes, I continue to test. My insurance is F'd right now and they won't pay for anymore blood tests so I can't get betas.
Avatar n tn Congratulations!!! And nope, your not crazy, just going through the normal "fears" just about everyone does who has struggled with infertility or miscarriage. I know I take prometrium and will throughout the entire first trimester. I asked about just stopping meds, especially after a history of loss. It was sort of complicated, but the general gist of it was that by that time the placenta and normal body hormones are strong enough to sustain it.
775949 tn?1252645220 i take it about two hours before bed, and like everyone else it starts about 45min to an hour after taking the pill. I also never had cramps before, now with the prometrium there horrible! good luck that drug is awful!
Avatar f tn I haven't had that happen actually. I think the only weird thing that happened was from when I inserted it too far, I got some spotting and a little pain. But I don't think it would qualify as cramping. I'm not positive, though, as it was a few months ago. But good that it's working for you. Something else that helped me is maca root. I had a few months w/just progesterone supplementation (prometrium) but it didn't really help much.
1129232 tn?1360800358 YES!!! I have gained about 14 pounds over 1.5 years of fertility drugs. I did 13 cycles of fermara with some cycles using HCG and prometrium. I had 6 IUI's and no success. I am so upset that I have all this weight on and still no baby. The doctor decided in Feb. that since the meds didn't work, I should stop taking them. I did responds well to fermara, just didn't get pregnant because I have a high FSH level. Which meds are you taking? Prometrium made me really look bloated.
Avatar f tn Still could be pcos. Women with pcos don't need to have every symptom that goes with it in order to have pcos. I suggest for you to see your doctor, get some blood taken and go from there. You have the # 2 symptoms that are assicated with pcos, irregular periods and cysts.
478429 tn?1265244387 I'm seriously considering injectables... I would appreciate it if you ladies that have experience with these would share anything about these... cost, side effects, follies produced, + p/g's.... Anything.
1122415 tn?1264822566 Ok, so i know about clomid and i've realized that's about it (oh yeah prometrium also) and since i've been coming on here for the past few days i see so many women also taking clomid but being tracked through lab work, getting injections, monitoring certain LH levels, etc. and all my doctor told me was basically here's these five pills take the first one on your 5th day of menses and go at for two weeks after you take the last pill-then give me a call.
Avatar f tn I am loving this site, it is like medical facebook, LOL. So, is this your first go around with infertility? Where are you at with your treatment? I took my first clomid yesterday (sun), today went in for blood work and next monday go in for an ult, so my life is getting busy! I guess this is Gods way of preparing us for children! Miscarriages.....well.....I was going to a provider in Florida who was my regular gyn, loved him!
982214 tn?1471454781 My question is...would taking the prometrium and estrace after the 10 week gestation period hurt my baby. I have a gut feeling that my first miscarriage had something to do with the stopping of the meds, the timing is all right. What is the longest I can safely take the prometrium suppositories (200mg-3x a day) and estrace (4mg-2x a day) to ensure this pregnancy lasts? I was going to take them to the 14 week time but scared it may hurt the baby.
864502 tn?1382640699 You haven't mentioned your age but, if you're still within child bearing age, there are fertility clinics that would likely be able to help you. I'm sure that you're not alone with this and I hope others will answer your question, having gone through it. I know that there are infertility forums around on the net as well that you may want to look into. Ask your doc about a fertility specialist.
Avatar f tn I was prescribed prometrium since the month of Feb. In Feb.,I ovulated with the help of clomid and prometrium. My progesterone levels were 34. In March my cycle never came and I contacted my Dr on Apr. 9 letting her know I never had my cycle. She schedule me to take some test to take . On 14 my cycle visited and was very weird . her instructions for the prometrium is to take on cycle day 16 and continue to take until a cycle comes. I stopped taking the prometrium th week before I called her.
611020 tn?1290571629 Does anyone know if you're taking Prometrium, and you are miscarrying, can the prometrium prevent any sign of the m/c ? i.e. can it prevent spotting/bleeding/cramping , or will the m/c go through anyway.?
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with endometriosis during a laparoscopy to remove a uterine polyp and endometriomas thought to be causing infertility. My RE believes that I've had it for about 10 years or so (I'm 36, with no previous symptoms). We've been trying for almost 2 yrs, and I've done 3-IUI's--the last one on injections, with no success. Am I wasting my time and money on these treatments? Is there anyone out there who has has a successful pregnancy with endo?
Avatar f tn I was in prometrium 200mg once a day with my 3rd pregnancy..and still i m/c at 17&1/2 weeks.. and i stopped taking the prometrium at my 15&1/2weeks( i should only take them for 12 weeks, but my dr told me to continued the left pills..) still don't know the reason why,, if it's bec. i stopped taking the progesterone supplement or there is some thing else..