
P90x yoga x online

Common Questions and Answers about P90x yoga x online


1253186 tn?1304783542 I"m not familiar with either of these programs, but I seem to remember one of our members has ordered the P90X, I think. I'm very sorry, but right off hand, I can't remember which one it was. Hopefully, she will see your post and answer or I will remember who it was and contact her for you....... Personally, I like yoga for toning and all around exercise. It works the entire body AND helps you relax. My favorite dvd is "Biggest Loser, Yoga for Weight Loss".
1430240 tn?1290434023 is this true? because i have that p90x disc set..and theres a yoga and pilates that i was going to do..
10256164 tn?1408981241 I'm not that far along yet but I usually do a hard work out such as insanity or p90x ect... are we allowed to still do these and just take it a bit easier?
Avatar f tn I walk/jog, elliptical, prenatal yoga.
4845170 tn?1369102292 I just started my third tri but since I found out I was pregnant I have done stretches as squats nearly every day, as the weather got warmer into my second I began to walk at least 3 times a week n started doing prenatal yoga for beginners but it makes me feel the best...I strongly suggest the yoga its great for repaxing n stretching and for a small amount of strengthening (if that's a word haha) I'm hoping all these things help when labor comes.
Avatar f tn I have been doing 7 miles a day on the stair stepper, but I am having trouble losing the weight. I plan on going back to bikram yoga in another 2 months when the twins are on solids and I can leave them for 2 hours at a time. My goal is to be back in a size 4 by September. What are you ladies doing to drop the weight? How is it going?
Avatar f tn Okay so I can't go to the gym. I get really bad anxiety, like I'll go to walk through the door and start crying. I've always been this way. I walk an hour a day but I'm trying to get in shape and loose 10lbs for vacation in August.
4907540 tn?1361976855 I walk, ride horses, do yoga, swim, and now I am taking a dance class. As long as your Doctor says okay. I gave up bicycling because of falling off the bike.
1416560 tn?1304876070 I recently got p90x. I am excited to use it! Has anyone else done it and how did you find it? What were your results?
Avatar f tn Has anyone gone to pregnant yoga if so would you recommend going? Or is there other classes to help prepair for delivery?
Avatar n tn I wouldnt do hot yoga you can do regular yoga but its not good to raise your body temp so high. Youll be fine so will baby it was just one class and youre still super early. Just hydrate and relax.
Avatar n tn I'm 7 weeks pregnant and just took a hot yoga class not thinking of the severity of it. After leaving I looked online and read how bad this is especially during your first trimester. Should I still be upset or is 1 class not going to hurt me? I won't be going again until the baby is born!
Avatar f tn I was doing yoga 4-5 times a week before I found out I was expecting. Now I stretch a little, and do a 15 minute walk with my dog everyday, but that's it. I'm 9 weeks, when can I start doing more excersises and what is a good resource for good ones to do?
Avatar m tn Ran my 6 miles Monday afternoon and P90X that evening. Hour of cardio yesterday and today + my P90X shoulders and arms later today. It's not as intense as it was but I've been laying low for 3 weeks so that's to be expected. But I'm happy to say it's not too far off! No weight gain either which is nice.
4838572 tn?1367706719 Ive been wearing yoga pants and no one has said anything so far. Lol but i dont think they will work when your nearing the end and have a big belly. So far im 18+2 and yoga works great but not the look im trying to acheive at work lol i live in ontario canada and we just got our very first target so im pretty excited.
Avatar f tn But now all I can think about is starting my family. My question is do any of u ladies participate in prenatal yoga and if so do u feel it is beneficial to u?
3148829 tn?1343188950 //,mod=9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=walk+awary#q=walk+away+the+pounds&hl=en&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=xFIRUO2mBYae8QT0p4CoBw&sqi=2&ved=0CIMBELMY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.
Avatar f tn Pregnancy yoga. It is so calming and relaxing. You can take brisk walks, if you still feel like it. You can actually carry some like 2-3 pound weights while you walk. You can swim, which is great it promotes better blood flow and a few other things. The pregnant body doesn't feel very beautiful or sexy, trust me i know. Im almost 34 weeks and I've gained right at 50lbs. I was 120lbs pre-pregnancy and i had a perfect flat tummy.
Avatar f tn ) Its better motivation as well :)... there is also Yoga things to do on the Wii and things!!
Avatar m tn First off, I don't want to burst your bubble but you are clinically severely obese withe a BMI of 37.6 which is very high. Your ideal weight is an average of 140 pounds and you are 100 pounds over that which is classified as morbidly obese so you need to get serious. P90X is a good program, but may be too much for you to start out with. You need to work up to 30-60 mins per day of aerobic exercise at 80-85% of your target heart rate (220-age) x .80 to lose weight.
Avatar n tn Your x-ray report could be far worse. The radiologist appears to be noting a small degree of "wear & tear" within your lumbar spine. There are a number of different things you can do to improve your quality of life - chiropractic care, stretching, yoga, etc. Overweight people often notice a decrease in back pain simply by losing a few pounds... Adam Tanase, D.C. www.drtanase.
Avatar f tn Try eating less calories and foods high in fiber, don't eat processed foods or food that is high in fat or carbohydrates. In saying this there are such thing as good carbs, they can speed up the metabolism and also provide energy. google good Carbs. stay away from white pasta and bread, stick to multi grain and or rice pasta.
Avatar m tn Frank, My neighbor whi is a Caption in the LA Fire Department invited me over one day to try out the P90X workout routine. We did the Plyometrics one that day and it was pretty awesome workout. I'm in pretty good shape and was a rower in college. Um that was 20 some years ago though but I wanted to get somewhat close to being in the shape I was.
Avatar f tn I have been very active my entire life and consistently worked out five to six days a week. I did p90x in the Spring, but didn't watch my diet carefully and gained two pounds. After this, I stepped up to my workouts to an hour and a half, at least 6 days a week. I also joined My Fitness Pal online and had my calories adjusted to 1280 a day, according to my height, weight, and losing a pound a week. In the last month, I have gained another two pounds. I am beside myself with grief.