
Neurontin back pain

Common Questions and Answers about Neurontin back pain


Avatar n tn If you use Aleve be careful if you are on Neurontin because is a small amount of cases Aleve will interact with Neurontin and cause a 12 - 15% increase in the absorption of the Neurontin (I know this from first hand experience).
1943759 tn?1324045251 My husband has severe pain in his lower back. He says it feels like a pintched nerve. This is the second time he gets it. He's been taking Advil for the pain and been putting ice hot but it doesnt help much. Is there something he can take for the pain? Its fraustrating to him because it affects his work (he's a driver).
1310035 tn?1305621642 Neurontin (brand name for gabapentin) helps with nerve pain. It is very commonly used in MS. Another med for this purpose is Lyrica. If one doesn't work or the side efffects are too much, then the other can be tried, but the two are very similar. Hope this helps.
Avatar f tn I noticed that you had used Lumbar Back Pain as your tag. Do you have back pain? I have many issues with my back including 5 surgerys and I have also taken Neurontin. It has not been effective in my teatment for pain but it has been effctive for my nerve issues. Good luck with everything.....
Avatar n tn Yes, I've been having some pain in my left calf to heel also, along with bilateral pelvic pain. I'm constantly feel like I have a major toothache with stabbing pain with movement.
Avatar f tn I recently went to my GP to get help for ever stronger pains in my legs due to nerve damage in my back when he refused to increase my dose of oxycodone he gave me an anti epeliptic drug called GABAPENTIN, that day i started my 3 a day dose and to my supprize in the morning when i woke where id normally have rly bad cravings and terrible aches i woke calm ache free and no knotted feeling in my stomach ( i still had my back pain but thats due to real pain not withdrawls) i was slightly puzzle
Avatar f tn I was on it for 3-weeks prior to surgery and the drug did nothing for my pain. However, I am back on it post surgery from a D-cetomy back surgery. The drug is helping me with the pain and healing the nerve.
Avatar m tn That is what I call Tweeks, you get tweeked and more pain for about three days to a week. I was on Neurontin and actually have myofascial pain but they thought it may have been a nerve at first. The neurontin didn't do a thing for me. I was on 1200mg/day and it took me two months to get off of it because I got insomnia and had to take benedryl to get off of it and be able to sleep. It is low on side effects except feeling tired and dumb.
237053 tn?1258828426 I tried neurontin for my numbness and tingling years back. It made me very tired at first but then my body got used to it. I remember starting lower then gradually increasing the dose. It did nothing for my symptoms so I stopped it.
Avatar f tn From my own experience, and reading about others' experiences, and literature on doses expected to provide relief, then if I understood you correctly, that you're currently on 3,000 mg per day, I don't think Neurontin is going to work for you. I have back pain and it went away overnight with your medicine's cousin Lyrica. If I misread what you wrote, and you're just on 300mg daily, you may need some increases, as you said the doc would do, until you DO get relief.
Avatar f tn I have had back pain since last August and have been reinjured several times. I have variable pain day to day. Almost like clock work it is low one day, moderate or high the next, low, moderate until after I haven't injured myself for a while then it startst to level off. I did notice that when I took either Tylenol or Celebrex on the bad day it started to break the cycle. Any suggestions or has anyone seen this?
630344 tn?1280104983 I do not have a diagnosis of fibro, but I have chronic Lyme disease and myofascial pain syndrome, so I have a lot of symptom overlap. I find that neurontin is helpful in covering up some of the neuropathic pain associated with my illnesses. It will do nothing for muscle pain, just like how NSAIDs (like Advil) will do nothing for nerve pain. Also, as my doctor described it to me, it can take awhile to hit the right dosage with neurontin.
Avatar f tn I know opiates. I know the pleasure and pain of them. I got the neurontin from a Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. I have had sinus headaches and facial pain for many years. I ALWAYS have a sinus infection. At least thats what my regular doctor tells me. So I went to a specialist. Had some CAT scans. He has not read the films yet but said he does NOT feel its my sinuses since my nose is never runny or stuffy, its always clear and I am a definite nose breather..
Avatar f tn Well, I finally got my prescription filled and it is Neurontin. has anyone taken this?? I looked it up, but would love to hear from anyone who has taken it before I take it tonight. Reading about it kind of freaked me out....
Avatar m tn I mentioned neurontin awhile back. There was a news episode where a clinic was using it as part of a detox plan. I went from taking around 200 mg of hydro to cold turkey. I've been through withdrawals without it so I know exactly how much the suck! I used neurontin and was able to go on with life. I still had the chills and some anxiety, but you was bearable. It really helped me the most with sleep. The only side effect I had from it was a tinge of a headache and a little fuzzy headed.
Avatar f tn I was on neurontin for nerve pain following a spinal injury and prior to surgery. It relieved my nerve pain and the side effects lessened after a few days. I didn't take the full dose though, and I stopped taking it after the surgery.
Avatar f tn For around 30 years I have suffered from occasional flare ups of pain in the back of my head, always on the left side. I have been to numerous doctors, chiropractors, physical therapy, and taken lots of pain meds but nothing helps. The flare up usually starts as a twinge and by the end of 1 wk is full blown pain that lasts another 1 -2 wks. I try heat, ice, rubs, you name it and nothing helps. I believe it is some kind of nerve pain as it is somewhat like shingle pain but no rash.
Avatar f tn My doctor is starting me on Neurontin. Has anyone had any luck with it or had any side effects?
Avatar f tn Neurontin is not really geared for the direct neck pain. Neurontin is for the pain that radiates in the limbs. I was told this by two doctors and I did try it anyways. I have very severe neck pain. Is this something they can surgically fix? If it is, then I would be looking for a good neurosurgeon asap. It may not take care of the pain, but it will stop from the progressing damage that may occur. Your injury is at a very dangerous level. Good luck with the spinal tap today.
700212 tn?1240760820 My docter just prescribed me neurontin for what they are calling "nerve" pain. Have any of you ever taken it? it good or bad?...Ive heard both and Ive been trying to look it up...but I just started treatment also and I already take enough pills...but if its going to help I willtake it...My right leg has alot of nerve damage and deep scar tissue and it bothers me pretty bad...but for some reason they wont prescribe me pain meds that I can just take when Im in pain...
Avatar f tn I was taking neurontin 300mg/3x a day. It was working fairly well for about 3 weeks, then started not working...they thought I needed a higher dose, but then my old doctor told me it was all in my head and took me off all meds! It did make me tired and actually made me a little depressed. So while I was taking it my doctor put me on Cymbalta to kind of counter act the depression. Which made me even more tired.
Avatar f tn A deep URQ Sphincter of oddi/biliary type pain (as I get the pain radiating into my back, bright coloured/dark urine, and nausea) and also perhaps a scar tissue/nerve entrapment pain from the actual gallbladder surgery back in 09. For the past couple of weeks, I have been still experiencing severe pain, but it occured to me last night that it has been the more URQ SOD type pain, and not the tight band around my middle type pain (which I find is relieved a lot by heat packs and posture)......
Avatar f tn I have had surgery on my upper spine when I was six to correct a birth defect that was causing the fluid that flows around my brain and spine to enter my spine thru a hole which caused swelling of the spine to the point that I loss motion of my left causing foot drop. I recovered from the surgery 100% but they had to put in a shunt to driect the fluid so this would not happen again. I'm 34 now and I have had bad back pain for the last 2 years.
Avatar f tn I take Neurontin, 2 at night and I'm supposed to take one during the day, but I can't b/c I get too drowsy. I have noticed weight gain, and here lately I'm having major tingling, pins and needles, burning, numbness, pain and the neurontin isn't touching it. The heat I think is the culprit. If anyone else has ideas for the numbness, please share!! :) Blessings and good luck!
Avatar f tn The good news is that all of your testing has come back negative. You say that the pain is worse around your menstrual time. Is that the pain in your stomach, ribs or back?
Avatar n tn i had neck surgry Jan 2012. i am still in a lot of pain at times due to my work. will neurontin. have any effects on the muscle relaxer i take now, which is tizadine?