
Natural remedy for heartburn while pregnant

Common Questions and Answers about Natural remedy for heartburn while pregnant


Avatar f tn You can take clararin , zertec and Allegra for non drousey allergy meds. I have really bad hives this pregnancy and have to take claratin every other. As for headache I don't think there is anything other than tylonol and heartburn sux tums only work for me for a second.
Avatar f tn I also find drinkin water with ice cubes in helps a little. I suffer so badly from acid reflux n heartburn have dun even before being pregnant but even worse now n have it everyday.
Avatar f tn I drink milk. Sometimes combined with a banana.
Avatar f tn I am 10 weeks pregnant and my heartburn is out of control. I try taking tums and rolaids but for some reason they make me very nauseous. Does anyone have any other remedies to get rid of heart burn? Any advice would be nice.
Avatar f tn Thank you.! I've tried everything but that.
Avatar f tn My cousin would dissolve about a tsp or so of baking soda in a small cup of water, chug, then wash down with a glass of regular water. I don't have an issue with heart burn or acid reflux during pregnancy so I haven't tried it but she swore by it her whole pregnant because it was awful for her!
4483971 tn?1401777079 Other then what you are already doing, there really isn't any natural way that will help. I drank about a bottle of mylanta a week with my first son. He came out about a hairy as a monkey :) With my second pregnacy I am using Zantac and am much happier, definitely worth the try.
Avatar f tn Take some TUM TUM TUM TUM TUMS anticid®, for heartburn relief. Always work for me. Hate the chalky taste but they seem to work, so I look past that. If that does not work, try Pepcid, Gaviscon, Prilosec OTC, Omeprazole, Pepto, Zegerid OTC, Equate Acid Relief or Alka-Seltzer. If you do not want to go to the store, try a quick remedy-- baking soda or cold milk. And also, you can use PregEase. It treats morning sickness and heartburn.
4371309 tn?1357956329 Im pregnant and it was distrubing to me everytime I ate something im having a heart burn. It says when u were 9weeks pregnant its natural to have a heart burn but its irritating me. I would like to ask if theres a remedy that wouldnt harm my baby. I just want to eat like i was before. Plssss plsss help me.
Avatar f tn I went yesterday and bought magnesium Taurate.. Has anybody got heartburn with it? I really need it for high anxiety..any input appreciate it.
Avatar f tn I'm 9 weeks pregnant. I have some bad heartburn. Looking for ways to get rid of it?
1881346 tn?1341924768 I wear a Hazelwood necklace for acid reflux (heartburn). Google search it, they really work and it is a great all natural remedy when pregnant. They are also very inexpensive. Hope you feel better soon.
Avatar f tn Is it safe to take the heartburn remedy Zantac (rantadine) while taking simvastatin.
363110 tn?1340920419 Well, here's the deal.. This last week or two I've been dealing with heartburn probably about 5days out of the week, and it always hits at night after dinner. Even if i've not eaten something spicy. Not horrible heartburn yet, but still not good. I'm chewing tums right now. Here's my question... How soon did you experience heartburn after you got pregnant if you hadn't delt with it before? Also...
Avatar f tn Anyone know of any remedies for heartburn, I've had it all day and I'm tired.
Avatar n tn I have random hiccups threw the day. They happen randomly and at all times of day, they are loud and sometimes painful and I've had them as long as I can remember. I also have heartburn nearly daily and have been diagnosed with depression and an anxiety disorder if that helps. Any ideas ?
Avatar n tn Crazy home remedy, but this is what I did with my first. I had crazy bad heartburn, and tums did nothing (I was being super weird about taking medication while pregnant with him) so I took a tsp of baking soda and warm water. Freaking disgusting but worked every time. Huge belch a few minutes later and felt instantly better.
Avatar f tn The best "natural remedy" is probably cognitive behavioral therapy -- either through counseling, or by yourself with a book on the subject. Also relaxation techniques like yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, guided imagery, etc. Oh yeah, there's kava kava.
724811 tn?1291430786 Establish a rhythm and do for 10 to 30 minutes twice a day. Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently. Anulom Vilom – Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril then -keeping the left nostril closed deep breath-in through right nostril then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril. This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
7280472 tn?1395272714 I have had it so bad from 14 weeks on that I had to be put on special medication called Protinix or else I throw up. NOT A THING over the counter helps and if I knew a natural remedy that worked I would tell you. :( DO NOT DRINK MILK for it and chocolate makes it worse.
434240 tn?1216392070 A friend was put on Pepcid for her heartburn when she was pregnant - her son was breech and had his little head right on her stomach - her heartburn was bad. She had to sleep with extra pillows and avoid eating late - good luck!
Avatar f tn I was reading about this yesterday as I have been getting horrible heartburn! Some stuff i read: a tablespoon of honey in warm milk, drink pickle juice, apple cider vinegar... then there's mylanta and stuff like that. You can always ask doctor for Rx. Try eating smaller meals & not drinking while eating. And of course avoid the stuff that gives you heartburn. Good luck, hope you find relief!