
Heartburn natural remedy relief

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn natural remedy relief


Avatar f tn Take some TUM TUM TUM TUM TUMS anticid®, for heartburn relief. Always work for me. Hate the chalky taste but they seem to work, so I look past that. If that does not work, try Pepcid, Gaviscon, Prilosec OTC, Omeprazole, Pepto, Zegerid OTC, Equate Acid Relief or Alka-Seltzer. If you do not want to go to the store, try a quick remedy-- baking soda or cold milk. And also, you can use PregEase. It treats morning sickness and heartburn.
Avatar f tn The best "natural remedy" is probably cognitive behavioral therapy -- either through counseling, or by yourself with a book on the subject. Also relaxation techniques like yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, guided imagery, etc. Oh yeah, there's kava kava.
Avatar f tn Milk is also really good at easing the pain. Peppermint tea without milk or sugar is a good natural remedy. Also watch what you eat, and watch your portions, and eat slower.
Avatar m tn I understand completely your reluctance to take meds! I believe in natural remedies myself. Nux Vomica, a health food supplement can even cure ulcers! 4 Tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice in a glass of water first thing in the morning is also a good remedy for heartburn/GERD. I take the apple cider vinegar also, but it doesn't stop my pain completely.
Avatar f tn It's definitely heartburn... There's heaps of natural remedies out there. Apparently chewing on raw almonds is helpful (didn't help mine though!). Milk gives me about half an hour's relief but then it comes back. Eating dinner earlier in the afternoon/evening can help for night time which is usually when it's the worst.
Avatar f tn Zantac.. tums... lay on your left side..
Avatar n tn I also experience heartburn and it *****. I usually drink a glass of milk to coat my esophagus.
Avatar m tn A good natural remedy that works and is something everyone needs anyway is magnesium. It sounds odd, but those with vitamin D deficiency would recognize this, since it is necessary to take magnesium with the oral vitamin D supplements in order to fully synthesize the vitamin D. While this answer appears off topic, it isn't. It wasn't just my own personal experience. Others have told me that they experienced the same relief while on vitamin D therapy. Magnesium helps a lot.
1396846 tn?1332459510 papaya, mango, guava, pear. Or run a cabbage or raw potatoes through a juicer for a natural drink to soothe stomach burn. Buttermilk is also an acid-reliever, but don't confuse it with regular milk, which can be an acid-maker, especially if you are bothered by lactose intolerance. Soda crackers (preferably unsalted) are bland, they digest easily, and they absorb stomach acid as well. They also contain bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar, which neutralize the acid.
7280472 tn?1395272714 I have had it so bad from 14 weeks on that I had to be put on special medication called Protinix or else I throw up. NOT A THING over the counter helps and if I knew a natural remedy that worked I would tell you. :( DO NOT DRINK MILK for it and chocolate makes it worse.
384896 tn?1335294331 That s*cks! :) I get horrible heartburn but zantac, and all that works fine for me. The antacids don't do so well, and if I take Prilosec 1 pill will work for 2-3 days for me. And The other member was right, baking soda is a great thing to use too. When my son got so sick in NICU and his actual blood got too acidic they gave him "sodium bicarb" or Baking soda.
Avatar f tn So Im in my 2nd trimester and just now starting to experience heartburn really bad....
Avatar f tn I was having really bad heart burn, couldn't sleep and kept vomiting because of it... my dr said its safe to take Zantac. I have been taking one a day and have been feeling perfect for a month now :) by the way, im 30 weeks.
Avatar f tn Is anyone dealing with heartburn and indigestion? I'm having a combination of both. Is there anything that I can take that will help and be safe for the baby as well? I can hardly get any rest or even eat at times. I be in so much pain....
Avatar f tn Is it safe to take natural stress relief eg "Bach rescue remedy" without it affecting 30mg taken for depression/anxiety? Also can u use such products as the rescue remedy for a quick fix if you've taken 5mg diazepam already that day?
1881346 tn?1341924768 I wear a Hazelwood necklace for acid reflux (heartburn). Google search it, they really work and it is a great all natural remedy when pregnant. They are also very inexpensive. Hope you feel better soon.
Avatar f tn I would really be interested to know if anyone has any experience with natural medicines for anxiety and panic attacks. Am I wasting my time or is there real relief ?