
Methadone withdrawal depression

Common Questions and Answers about Methadone withdrawal depression


Avatar f tn GoingTo MakeIt is correct it can be mild or severe, from my own personal experience during my detox from methadone, it was bad during the first two weeks, but I still functioned, as best as I could anyway, I tapered down from 90mgs down to 2mgs then stopped, my symtoms were like many who stop methadone, no energy, depression, bad anxiety, couldnt sleep, sneezing, etc. It has been 2 1/2 months since being off methadone & I am back to my pre-methadone days, & very happy about my success!!!
Avatar n tn m still experiencing a bit of fatigue and some minor occasional depression. Methadone is a ***** to kick, but it can be done. Hang in there, and good luck. What dose were you on?
Avatar f tn I know as a mother that it is not easy to see your child suffer, but understand, this is all part of recovery, your daughters body is undergoing many changes due to having little or no methadone, it will get better, but only if she stays off methadone. The symtoms of methadone withdrawals vary from person to person, mine were like riding a roller coaster, some days were good, then the next day Id feel as if I were back on my first day of detoxing, so shes gonna have good days & bad.
Avatar f tn i am a reasonably healthy 46yo female & spent 18 years on methadone before being involuntarily withdrawn from 75mg methadone over an 8 week period. Last 20mg I came off at 1mg per day. I am now taking (not prescribed) 5-20mg methadone per day as I couldn't cope with some withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone is not available to me in New Zealand & my GP prescribed zopiclone 7.5mg for sleep.
Avatar f tn From what I have read about methadone withdrawal its going to be quite some time before all withdrawal syptoms are gone.I deal with depression also and while on methadone there are alot of anti-depressant meds you can not mix with methadone.I have tried so many anti-depressants nothing works for me.I always feel very sadated once they have there full effect.I just feel terrible when I take anti-depressants.Methadone has the same bad effect.No emotions just a sick buzzed out feeling all day long.
Avatar f tn i hate going to the clinic alot of girls dont like me and its hard going to the clinic ecspecially with strong anxiety so i cant handle doing this any longer being on methadone as well as lowering methadone. im just looking for help for the anxiety, depression, and what i should do now that im at a low dose....
Avatar m tn ve had mild depression since childhood. Researched today and I think I have Post Acute -withdrawal symptom, Every 3rd day I am in bed, no appetite, flu symptoms, fighting severe depression. Weed helps, but not something I want to do everyday either.@ 45 when Fibro arrived inexplicably, now 57 and wonder why I want to continue.Here for the family. severe Anhedonia. Osteo worse in both feet, use fentanyl to walk. Should I try Suboxone for withdrawal?
Avatar f tn The withdrawal from methadone lasts for a few weeks; some people will have fairly significant depressive symptoms as part of the withdrawal, and that can go on for months in the absence of something to treat the underlying addiction. Much more difficult than the withdrawal is finding a way to remain clean afterward.
Avatar m tn 13 days ago I stopped taking 180 mg of oxycodone and started take 30 mg of methadone which i tappered down to 5 mg. I took my last dose 39 hours ago. My fiance just left me 5 days ago and I am severly depressed can i take xanax?
Avatar f tn The severe symptoms go away in four to six weeks with methadone, but the residual insomnia, weakness and depression can last for months. Make sure those are addressed and discussed with a physician so that you do not fail long term. Please take some time to look at my blogs (by clicking on my name and then blogs)to get more information. My website ( also has lots of information. You have a lot to live for and you obviously know what is important in life.
Avatar m tn I started abusing methadone off and on for a few years and finally quit altogether last august. I used when I could get it but most of the time it was only once or twice a week with some gaps due to unavailability. My usual dose was 20-30mg but i'd taken around 50mg tops once or twice with benzos on top. Anyways, I quit in august and fully detoxed in a week or 2 it seems, most if not all symptoms were gone and it wasn't a horror story like I'd heard and read about.
Avatar f tn I would be reluctant to go off any opiate while on interferon therapy; the risk of depression from the interferon is quite high, and the opiate withdrawal could precipitate a very serious depression that requires stopping treatment for the hep C. There are a number of reasons people have trouble stopping Suboxone; the biggest reason is because it is hard to stop ANY opiate, including Suboxone.
Avatar f tn I thought it would help me live a normal life, while getting high on 5 bucks a day methadone. I am now living ,married to a methadone clinic ,and treated like a frickin drug addict by my doctor. Why did i think this would help? Anyone thinking of getting on Methadone......forget it, u will be sorry. I guess my question is how can i get off this **** (is there something that will help the pain i am thinking of putting myself through), How long will it take>?
Avatar n tn HI well you made it threw the gauntlet it should be a down hill ride from here forward you went threw a typical methadone withdrawal/post withdrawal I tell everybody expect about 90 days b/4 you start to feel well again it is the longest lasting of all the narcotic withdrawals I answered the message you sent me so look in your e/mail hope it helps but time and God will takew it from here just know you do retun to normal im at 769days now and im threw it and recovered but I wouldent want to do
Avatar f tn im curious because ive been taking meds for a couple years substituting vics for methadone and so on and so fourth anyways im on day a two here just want too know if anyone could help me out here
Avatar n tn I have been an opiate abuser for the past two years. at my high point last year i was doing up to 400 mg of oxycodone per day. i did detox and rehab and wasn't doing too bad til i started a new job that gave my access to narcotics approx 4 mo ago. i was clean for approx 2 months prior to that. over the past 4 months i have been taking anywhere from 6 to 18 perc per day. 2 days ago the only thing available was methadone, so i did 10mg in the am and 10mg in the evening.
Avatar f tn at nighttime OTC sleep aid, lorazapam n a flexeril for sleep...i knw what methadone withdrawal is..ive done it twice. and ive done morphine withdrawal. im jus curious if lm really masking these horrible withdrawals or r they gna catch up to me whn i run outta hydros, etc? even still ive had a whole day friday of tremor type things whr i had to mve my arms n such n it was hell. anybody else ever done this? used other drugs for a short period of time to get off a bad one?
Avatar f tn Please fill me in on all the withdrawal symptoms of methadone. I'm only on 40 mgs a day but after being off it for only two days, I'm so sick and depressed!!! Is depression normal? I mean, I cannot stop crying!!
Avatar f tn Well that went on until September 2011 started taking methadone. 40mg and day from September 2011 - June 2012. I came clean to my grandmother & stayed with her for about 3 weeks. She helped me so much. Slipped a few times and found myself on the hydrocodone again :( I'm so tired of this!!!! I love my daughter more than anything in this world & I want us to have a good life. I have the most amazing family.
Avatar f tn Only slow tapering at a rate of 5-10mg/month which can be supported by a good Vitamins and Mineral supplement and most importantly Clonidine and possibly a bit of carefully monitored Klonopin (a broad spectrum anti-depressant can also be of use in many cases) is going to give you anything coming close to a significantly reduced pain and anxiety withdrawal from methadone. Even a bit of oral marijuana can help, I say oral to eliminate the lung damage from smoking it.
Avatar n tn never know though its different at every clinic as for the depression it comes with tapering it all part of the withdrawal but it is safe to mix antidepressants with methadone...I was on them both for 6 1/2 yrs and it helped with the depression ...your b/f really need to get involved with some sort of aftercare N/A is good and the clinic should have free cosoling you need to be hooked up with something when trying to get off the methadone...
Avatar m tn The magority of my withdrawal symptoms were gone or barely noticable after 14 days. Depression was longer lasting about 30 days. I thought the withdrawal symptoms were all gone after 30 days but then just last Thursday so a week ago, I began to have tremors in my arms and legs and severe stiffness in my legs. My family doctor said it is Withdrawal Tremors. What I don't understand is why did those 2 symptoms start at the same time and start so late in the withdrawal process?
Avatar m tn Hi there! I don't have any personal experience with Methadone, but there are a lot on here that do. The thing about Methadone is that it has a really long half life and is stored in fat and tissues of the body. It takes a lot longer to fully detox and get it out of your system than say Vicodin. I'm sure the detox will be unpleasant, but I would imagine it won't be anything like jumping off at 90 mgs. That's a crazy high dose to jump from!
4833242 tn?1359860948 The methadone you took is slowing down the withdrawal. You will be feeling it by monday, but not severe. Half the last methadone dose will still be in your blood after 60 hrs. That's about how long it will be by monday morning. If you want to speed up the detox, a sauna might help flush some of the methadone and the other opiates you where on before. Drink lots of water and soak in hot baths, to relax and flush the methadone. It's kind of a waiting game, every body is different.
Avatar f tn I applaud you resolve to stay clean, but want to caution you that methadone is a long acting narcotic and your withdrawal symptoms will stick around for quite a while. You will feel rotten for as long as four to six weeks. You can try asking a physician to prescribe you some Requip for restless legs, Clonidine for blood pressure and general anxiety control and maybe get some over the counter Valerian for sleep and sedation.
Avatar f tn I went to rapid detox and when I came back I felt awesome for about two weeks, I was doing everything I wanted to do and then I started feeling the withdrawal from the methadone something fierce, it continually got worse each day and I made it six weeks and still felt like total death. No sleep and nothing but cringing when I moved from the air hitting my body. I would have never thought after six weeks you could still feel like day one of withdrawal.