
Medroxyprogesterone and breast feeding

Common Questions and Answers about Medroxyprogesterone and breast feeding


1906894 tn?1321873567 Hi ladies, I just wanted to add to this thread here, my practicioner had also perscribed me to take medroxyprogesterone for 10 days to help regulate my cycle, and amongst it doing its job I am also a 34b and have also noticed breast tenderness and swelling with it but i am assuming it was to be expected after my practicioner explained the effects of the drug to me.
Avatar f tn Hi. I took my first medroxyprogesterone (provera) pill last month. I asked the same question about it also. From the day of my last pill it took 4 day to start spotting and then additional 2 days to have my official AF. I am going to ask my RE to start me on clomid for my next cycle. I am currently doing the OPK, but not sure if it will work (I'm on CD17). Good luck with the medroxyprogesterone pill. I had some horrible cramping, breast tenderness and mood swings.
Avatar f tn More information is that I was on birth control for about 8 years and have been taking medroxyprogesterone for about a year now. I take 2 pills per day for the first 15 days of every month.
Avatar f tn Hi, My doctor put me on medroxyprogesterone to give me my period (I hadn't had one for over a year). It took a full week after taking the last pill to get it. I started Clomid on cd 5-9 and started testing using ovulation predictors on cd 10. I'm now on cd 15 and still no LH surge. Could I be getting a false negative? Thanks!
777396 tn?1329787551 t ovulate. Recently went to a infertility specialist and he is putting me on medroxyprogesterone followed by clomid and femara. That is supposed to jump start the ovaries. Did the vaginal ultrasound that diagnosed me with PCOS, had an MI for my pituitary gland , and a lovey HSG test for the uterus and tubes had a mucous plug but that is about it for now. Keep you updated.
Avatar n tn I haven't had period since Sept 28 so my Dr put me on medroxyprogesterone 10 days 10mg, but my period came down on day 4. should i continue to finish medroxyprogesterone so should i take metformin???
Avatar f tn Thanks alot ladies I did take a test and I'm not, I am definitely using confirms and working in getting birth control me and my husband don't want anymore babies right now..
408496 tn?1269603350 Okay - Who is breast feeding and who is bottle feeding? I think I am going to breast feed for a few months (have to go back to work after 8 weeks) and then I might pump for 1 month at work, then gradually make the switch to formula. My sister breast-fed her little one until she was one. She did not pump - she just sumplemented with formula while she was working, which is an option too.
Avatar f tn Yes exactly what she said.
8489354 tn?1405627762 Any tips for both breast feeding and bottle feeding your baby? I've heard some babies don't do well with switching back and forth. Any suggestions on easing the transition of back and forth?
Avatar f tn Ok I plan on breast feeding and am taking my pump to the hospital to pump while I'm there to help with labor but also so my boyfriend can feed him too has anyone breast and bottle fed successfully I plan on going back to work as soon as my paid maternity leave is up as well soi won't be able to strictly breast feed I'll be pumping and bottle feeding then but I want my boyfriend to have that bonding time with our son before then
Avatar f tn I finished taking a 10 day supply of medroxyprogesterone 9 days ago and still no period. Should I be concerned? Can I still get pregnant this cycle using iui? Or should I wait for one more cycle after this?
Avatar f tn Breast feeding is better both for you and the baby. Also formula is expensive and babies from my personal experiences tend to be crankier and cry more. Everyone has their own perferences. Try it out and if it dont work for you then it didnt work.
Avatar f tn I would recommend strictly breast feeding, it's the best thing for your baby. I was only able to breast feed my daughter for 3 months before I dried up, if I hadn't I would still be breast feeding and she's 8 months now.
Avatar f tn t cross into breast milk and are completely safe to take while breast feeding. Just make sure the doctor knows you're breast feeding so they can give you the correct one.
Avatar f tn I planned on breast feeding, but I did buy a sterilizer and bottles anyway (will need them eventually) and I couldn't breastfeed so im thankful for having tjem already, my other half had to run out and get formula after a few days of trying. So much easier when everything already done. And I had my bottles already clean just in case.
Avatar f tn First, congratulations on breast feeding! Pumping is definitely a chore and you're to be commended for doing it exclusively. As for pregnancy, the hormone produced by breast feeding shuts off your period. As long as you don't have a period you're safe. Pumping should work as well in that regard as regular breast feeding deos. Whenever you stop pumping or slow down considerably, that's when you should start using protection again.
2075737 tn?1379447682 I am planning on breast feeding I just have not decided if I am going to pump all the time and use the milk in a bottle or do both breast and bottle(with breast milk) I work at a hotel and sometimes we work 9 10 hours at a time. But I am going to make it work.
Avatar f tn s capacity. sucking helps to stimulate more milk production. exclusive breast feeding( breast milk ONLY) can also be considered as family planning though (but only for less than 6 mos.
Avatar f tn I could be wrong....but if I remember correctly I read somewhere that the thc could be transferred through the breast milk and that you shouldn't smoke weed while breast feeding!!!! I was curious about it cause I wanted to smoke with my bf after baby got here...I'm going to breast feed as we'll but since I read that I will just wait til I'm done breast feeding.
5793136 tn?1375294504 From what I've read things like alcohol and nicotine and medicine etc all pass through breast milk.. do you'd probably want to either not smoke or formula feed. But I'd definitely do some research or ask your doctor. I was unable to breast feed my son six years ago so I'm just going off things I have read since then.
9442948 tn?1406816451 Is it the same thing? Either way baby is getting breast milk right? I want to pump so my husband can feed baby also but i want the benefits from breast feeding also, For example will pumping still shrink my uterus size & help lose weight like breast feeding does? And will baby still get the vitamins from it?