
Medroxyprogesterone and breast cancer

Common Questions and Answers about Medroxyprogesterone and breast cancer


Avatar m tn idk, i would ask drs, not a online forum. When i had to take that medication my dr told me i could be pregnant if i didn't start my period. Then she gave me two weeks and told me if i hadn't started come in for an ultrasound. I got my period adn wasn't pregnant. Have you tested for pregnancy?
1906894 tn?1321873567 Hi ladies, I just wanted to add to this thread here, my practicioner had also perscribed me to take medroxyprogesterone for 10 days to help regulate my cycle, and amongst it doing its job I am also a 34b and have also noticed breast tenderness and swelling with it but i am assuming it was to be expected after my practicioner explained the effects of the drug to me.
Avatar f tn Hi. I took my first medroxyprogesterone (provera) pill last month. I asked the same question about it also. From the day of my last pill it took 4 day to start spotting and then additional 2 days to have my official AF. I am going to ask my RE to start me on clomid for my next cycle. I am currently doing the OPK, but not sure if it will work (I'm on CD17). Good luck with the medroxyprogesterone pill. I had some horrible cramping, breast tenderness and mood swings.
Avatar f tn More information is that I was on birth control for about 8 years and have been taking medroxyprogesterone for about a year now. I take 2 pills per day for the first 15 days of every month.
Avatar n tn She has been taking estrogen for HRT and progesterone for the prevention of breast cancer. However, some of her friends have advised her not to take the progesterone because her cervix has been removed. This has left her wondering if she should take the progesterone or not... Does anyone have any experience with regard to this matter. Your advise will be much appreciated. Thank you.
2051102 tn?1330317633 Medroxyprogesterone is also used to bring on a normal menstrual cycle in women who menstruated normally in the past but have not menstruated for at least 6 months and who are not pregnant or undergoing menopause (change of life). Medroxyprogesterone is also used to prevent overgrowth of the lining of the uterus (womb) and may decrease the risk of cancer of the uterus in patients who are taking estrogen. Medroxyprogesterone is in a class of medications called progestins.
Avatar f tn Hi, My doctor put me on medroxyprogesterone to give me my period (I hadn't had one for over a year). It took a full week after taking the last pill to get it. I started Clomid on cd 5-9 and started testing using ovulation predictors on cd 10. I'm now on cd 15 and still no LH surge. Could I be getting a false negative? Thanks!
777396 tn?1329787551 t ovulate. Recently went to a infertility specialist and he is putting me on medroxyprogesterone followed by clomid and femara. That is supposed to jump start the ovaries. Did the vaginal ultrasound that diagnosed me with PCOS, had an MI for my pituitary gland , and a lovey HSG test for the uterus and tubes had a mucous plug but that is about it for now. Keep you updated.
Avatar n tn I haven't had period since Sept 28 so my Dr put me on medroxyprogesterone 10 days 10mg, but my period came down on day 4. should i continue to finish medroxyprogesterone so should i take metformin???
Avatar f tn I finished taking a 10 day supply of medroxyprogesterone 9 days ago and still no period. Should I be concerned? Can I still get pregnant this cycle using iui? Or should I wait for one more cycle after this?
Avatar f tn Your doctor should have explained all this. Unfortunately, many do not and women end up with an irrational unnecessary fear of cancer. What did your doctor tell you?
Avatar f tn It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar m tn This is used in cases where men feel that they cannot control their sexual impulses. The Medroxyprogesterone acetate will control urges and also may diminish pre-occupation which should make it easier to practice self-control.
Avatar f tn I was bleeding for 3 months straight and my obgyn put me on medroxyprogesterone to make it stop. I started it the day before I was predicted to ovulated. I have been off it over a week and was told when I stopped I should spot and then my period should come normally. I have been having unprotected sex and I am 3 days late on my period. I have no clue what is going on. My questions is has anyone taken this and had this problem?
Avatar f tn Hi I'm 27 years ago and I have a 7 year old daughter. Me and my fiance have been ttc for 3+ years now. I was prescribed medroxyprogesterone 10mg for 10 days. I started taking this medicine on the first of March and had a regular cycle on the 19. I didn't take the medicine in April due to me being on antibiotics. I didn't have a period in April and haven't had one so far in May. I'm usually regular with my cycles being off a few days.
Avatar f tn My boyfriend and I decided we wanted to start trying for a baby. I have pcos and I dont get my period unless I am on some type of medication. My doctor started me in medroxyprogesterone to induce my period then clomid for ovulation today is my last day on it. Just wondering how many women actually get pregnant from this and how long it took. Im pretty new to all this so any helpful insight would be greatly appreciated!
Avatar m tn s CARE) done between 1994 and 1998 showed there was no increased risk of breast cancer in current or former users of birth control pills. Two newer studies (2011) confirm that oral contraceptives are not associated with breast cancer–specific or all-cause mortality. In general, most studies have not found an overall increased risk of breast cancer due to the use of oral contraceptives.
Avatar n tn Hello, I just was given a 10 day cycle of medroxyprogesterone and it has been several days since I finished taking it and I have yet to bleed! Has anyone else had this happen? I am very queezy and feel like I am going to throw up but don't actually, ever since I stopped taking the medicine. Again, no bleeding at all has occurred. I am getting worried on why that is. Anybody know what to do?
Avatar f tn I am on Medroxyprogesterone. & i had un protected sex then i took a plan B pill & i am not 2days late with my perios.
Avatar f tn Residual infiltrating lobular carcinoma of breast. fibroadenoma of breast, fibrocystic changes of breast including fibrosis and apocrine metaplasia, Estrogen and Progesterone positive and HER2/Neu positive. Predictive marker at 2+ and fluorescence in situ Hybrization fish report not amplified. Biopsy pathology said: Insitu and invasiave well differentiated carcinoma with mixed features of ductal and lobular differentiation.
Avatar f tn Two nights ago I started to get a pain down my left arm and tingles in my left hand. My mum has both breast taken off to breast cancer. I am very frightened that I have this. What do you think?
Avatar f tn Congratulations on your eight years! I hate to be the one to say this but there is no such thing as "out of the woods" with cancer, I wish there was. What you've done is reduced your risk for another estrogen positive breast cancer and ovarian cancer. But that doesn't mean you won't get a different type of breast cancer in the remaining breast tissue or another part of your body. But you know as well as I do that each year we are NED with cancer is better for our odds.
Avatar f tn I am 55 years old had recttal cancer removed 4/o8, and luckly no bag and no treatment. I have dense breast with micro calcification. Had a biopsy of right breast 2 years ago and was fine. Went for mamo and sono this past Monday and they saw microcalcification that they say is suspicious. So next friday I go to the hospital for yet anothet biopsy. My question is, for my surgery in april for the rectal cancer I had a chest cat scan and a full body pet scan. Both came up good.
Avatar f tn m really scared. If I do have breast cancer how much will the treatment cost and how long do I have to be on treatment? What is breast cancer exactly? Please help!!!
Avatar f tn What is the difference if any, between BREAST CANCER STAGES and BREAST BIOPSY GRADES I, II, III. Are Breast Cancer stages the same as Grades? Thank you all !
Avatar n tn No, she does not have breast cancer, but you should have it checked out if this continues.