
Lyrica and ibs

Common Questions and Answers about Lyrica and ibs


Avatar f tn Thank you so much for the advice, as I have been diagnosed with fibromalgia and IBS and am sure that the headache and diahrea is related.
Avatar f tn I take 300 mg of Gabapentin 3 x a day and it helps my fibro quite a bit..I can't take lyrica, my hands and feet swell, I also take meloxicam 7.5 mg 2 x a day ...
131817 tn?1209529311 , although he warned me I would be sleepy as I upped my dose of Lyrica. I now beleive him and am upping it a pill at a time. Yep, I am sleepy, but at what cost? I won't have the debilitating pain. Yes, it will be debilitating to not be awake and functional for awhile, but what is my choice?
Avatar f tn I was given my first dose of Lyrica last night and I slept brilliantly for once, today I've been very sleepy and when I took a nap I couldn't stand up when I awoke because my hip just flared up so badly I couldn't even walk. Luckily I am in hospital, so they gave me morphine straight away and its feeling much better. I really don't know very much about Lyrica and I'd like to hear what some people have experienced with it.
299889 tn?1257339377 said they would subside and they did. Started a bit more Lyrica (think I need more and am in a flare of FM) and am sleepy again. They work so well! I really can't complain. I felt so much pain before I started the lyrica, almost quit b/c of the sides. I didn't quit and continued, so glad I did! I am now in school and am getting my life back. I believe I am having another flare up and need a bit Dr told me so. I told him I felt well and didn't want more of the drug.
Avatar n tn I have a major sleep disorder which started with insomnia and led to a narcoleptic state, severe IBS, widespread muscle aches. My moms thyroid quit working when she was a teen and she has all of my syptoms except the sleep disorder. She did have extreme fatigue before getting on thyroid meds.
1274661 tn?1301868321 I seen my GI doctor today for stomach pain and he told me he thinks it's IBS. I also have had acid reflux for years. I noticed that a lot of you also have digestive problems and wondered if any of you have ever tried Bentyl? That is what he gave me today and noticed that it has some scary side effects. He told me I might notice being tired and dry mouth, but of course I have read there are many more. Like dizziness, headaches, rapid heartbeat and anxiety.
Avatar f tn I had surgery on my foot in 2013 for plantar facitis, and surgery on my bladder this year for incontinence, and i have IBS and my balance is awful, i fall and trip over thin air and stairs are my nemesis, any opinions?
Avatar f tn I am too nervous to take it now after reading the side effects. And I also have some IBS issues (which now I am seeing it is from CM) and do not want to aggravate that more. Even the Motrin seems to upset my stomach and it's barely even touching my excruciating pain so that's pointless too. Thank you all for your suggestions!
Avatar f tn Have had to stop taking all pain meds except tylenol because of stomach upsets which is causing UC flares daily. Had to quit Lyrica due to heavyconcrete like pain in legs and severe swelling of feet and legs. Cannot take any antiinflammatories due to stomach pains. All pain meds also cause stomach pain. Besides stretching exercises, heat, medicated muscle rubs, music,pet, imargery and deep breathing what can I do? I am seeing psychiatrist who wants to tweak my meds.
Avatar f tn Which antibody was high? I went to a dr. and he diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and it was BS! I am 31 female and it turned out I was low on Vitamin D and Ferritin (iron storage) which caused nerve pain, shooting pains, muscle pain, head pressure and hypothyroid caused the muscle pains in hands & feet. Don't fall for the fibromyalgia dx!!! It takes time figuring out what the real problems are and in the mean time they just label it something else!
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed several years ago with hypermobility (7/9 on Beighton scale) but I now have excruciating joint and muscle pain for which I take Lyrica. My hips are very lax and slip in and out very easily, I'm forever spraining and twisting things... I also have scoliosis and have had osteoarthritis since I was 18, and degenerative disc disease since my adolescence. I have chronic IBS, acid reflux and swings in blood pressure (unexplained by other tests).
Avatar f tn and my balance is awful, i fall and trip over thin air and stairs are my nemsis
956292 tn?1334054869 When she had her hysterectomy they trapped a nerve for her in her stomach and she is in pain all the time, but the lyrica works well. AND BELIEVE it or not she had chronic IBS and has not had it since taking this stuff, and when i did research they are finding that lyrica can work wonders with IBS she feels even better. The thing is how can they give you this stuff for nerve pain if you have migraines only ..... Nerve pains are neurological in design......
1069827 tn?1296650628 All had side effects or made me sick because of UC and IBS. Right now only doing 5mils of Fexeril at night, 20 mils of Tranxene 3 times daily and tylenol. Helping with sleep problems, eases pain just a bit and keeps me calm. Problem though is sleepy, loopy minded, and balance is bad. If you do not have stomach problems Flexeril might help you if you take several doses daily. Can cause sleepiness, loopy mind, and balance problems but not nearly as bad as Lyrica. Check with your dr and see.
Avatar m tn But please tell you doctor all about you and not hold anything back. Tell him your weakness and strength and your plan. Youll be ok if you take action now.
Avatar m tn This was an excellent choice, as it helps with my anxiety, I use less clonazepam and I feel less drowsy. Lyrica did give me blurred vision and extra paranoia at the start, and that was indeed awful for the first couple weeks as I upped my dosage! After the initial troubles, I found that it really was better than gabapentin for me now. I have not gained weight, but remain the same weight I call my meds weight. I just try to remain active and not pig out.
Avatar n tn When I was about 13 or 14, I was put on a combination of prozac and dexadrine (ritalin substitute) and I had a bad reaction that ended up putting me in the hospital with extremely high blood pressure, IBS like symptoms and widespread pain. I'm 26 now and I've still had the pain and IBS the whole time since, and the pain gets slightly worse over time and has gotten almost debilitating.
712802 tn?1274645485 Cymbalta has also had reports of causeing suicidal thoughts and on a molecular leval has a lot of simularities with lyrica so be catreful and stay in close contact with your doctor and us. I take lyrica 150Mg 3x per day and have never had that side effect but I keep a close watch. I also take an antidepresant called trazodone whitch is an older drug but one that is very easy to get along with. Best of luck and God bless.
Avatar n tn I have taken both Lyrica and Neurontin, cousins to each other, and that takes care of the discomfort. When you see your gynecologist, ask her about Lyrica, docs often will have samples around and you can try it out. Also, call and ask that the abdominal scan results be forwarded to your gynecologist's office, if she doesn't already have it, and ask her to look at the pictures and report, and then give you her thoughts on any other problem she thinks it might be.
Avatar m tn My Dr was going to prescribe me lyrica for shingles pain but I was hesitant and refused at the time. I did some research on it when I got home and actually found that lyrica is approved in eroupe for anxiety. I also read reviews of people taking it for other things and found that it helped with their anxiety. Glad to know it is working for you. What dosage are you on?Where your prescribed the lyrcia for anxiety or something else? Hope it continues to help you.
Avatar f tn I have been suffering for years with burning pain all over, neck pain, popping of joints, aching, deep muscle pain, migraines, insomnia, repeated kidney infections, bone spures and calcium deposits on spine, GERD, IBS, cysts, itching from a pins and needles feeling that moves from place to place all the time and about a year ago chronic sacraliliac pain and floating or dislocating which creates a "tck" noise and about the same time started having high blood pressure.
394774 tn?1235070839 You can get addicted to lyrica, it is a controlled substance. but if they work for you and take away the pain and you know you are gonna have to take them the rest of your life, who care.
Avatar n tn I am in the same position with my husband. He is taking Lyrica and we would like to try having our first child. I know this was two years ago, but did your husband end up going off the Lyrica before you conceived?
Avatar f tn Ive been on lyrica and nuvigil fro fibro pain and fatigue, and just found out I'm pregnant. I'm just wondering if anyone else has taken either one of those while pregnant. I've stopped them for i was on only 50 mg of lyrica and about 100 of nuvigil. but I'm still worried, and i feel like I've been hit by a train once again, the pain is almost unbearable, i know my doc personally, have an appt. with him for the 12th.
483733 tn?1326798446 I am taking 300 mg of Lyrica a day. I am having heavy swelling in my hands, feet and ankles and doctor put me on Lasix. It is helping a bit but still uncomfortable and pain. I've put a lot of weight on and am also having bad memory problems (can't find my words) and blurry vision. Is there anything that can be done that doesn't require me to get off of Lyrica? it really helps my pain. If I have to get off of it what is the best way to do so?
1985289 tn?1328579594 my question is the dr. prescribed lyrica for me and yesterday when i took it, i was feeling pretty weird and didn't really have the feeling of needing to take my methadone (35mg.), but i took it. Today i thought i might try not to take it. has anyone ever heard of lyrica for methadone withdrawel. it is very expensive at 300.00 a month, but i pay 420.00 month for the clininc. if anyone has heard is lyrica addciting?