
Lexapro vs seroquel

Common Questions and Answers about Lexapro vs seroquel


Avatar n tn I have a borderline personality disorder, but I'm not bipolar (as far as I know) and I'm taking Seroquel (don't know why) and Lexapro (for anxiaty & depression). I've read Seroquel is for bipolar, maniac depression and schizofrenia but I'm not sure which of this three aplies in my case. I cut myself, have burned, starve, binge, make myself throw up, have anxiaty atacks and I am generally depressed.....
Avatar f tn hi i take lexapro too, but also take seroquel and seroquel xr as mood stabilizer
809366 tn?1238749581 I had problems sleeping and my pdoc put me on ambien, then lunesta then to valium which none worked so now he put me on 50mg of seroquel this made me sleep and then some. I am feeling like I am drugged and scared to take the next dose and scared not to as well. My pdoc is new to me and never gave an emergency number, he will not be back in his office till tuesday and also this coupled with my lexapro put me in a mixed state and feeling slighty suicidal this happens when I cycle rapidly.
Avatar m tn I am on 200mg Lamictal and 20mg Lexapro. When I was on Lamictal and Seroquel, I asked the doc to take me off the seroquel because I gained 30 lbs. in 2 months, it made me very tired all the time, and my hair started to fall out. The Lamictal/Lexapro combination seems to work best for me.
Avatar m tn I have been diagnosed with bipolar and have been prescribed Seroquel and Lexapro. They both have worked and have brought my symptoms under control, but with a lot of side effects. I have an incredible hunger for sweets every day and have had much weight gain. I am too sluggish and tired to work out at the gym or even walk around the block. This has aggravated by sleep apnea which I was recently diagnosed with.
Avatar f tn I have SEVERE anxiety and panic attacks. It's genetic. I'm 5 weeks pregnant on Lexapro and Hydroxyzine. I'm only taking the hydroxyzine as needed. (3 times a week) at 25mg. Do the benefits outweigh the risk? Please help. I'm a first time mom.I am worried that it will. Wise defects to the baby. But me being under stress can cause even bigger issues.
527657 tn?1214051850 Bedtime medications: Seroquel 25 mg, Lexapro 20 mg, Lithium 150 mg, Tylenol 500mg, Colace 100 mg, Senna 2 tabs, Flexeril 10mg. Family member is experiencing hallucinations. Is there a drug interaction here?
584628 tn?1218598371 I have never ever been the type of person whos weight fluctuates. About 3 months ago I started taking 20mg lexapro at night with the 50mg seroquel. All I know is i used to be a size 4...ive been a size 4 for the past 8 years probably...NOW, i am a size 10 or 12...and all the weight is in my stomach(with a little in my hips/butt). Im not pregnant...I exercise...I eat pretty healthy...but im confused as hell. has ANYONE had a similar situation with this drug(s)?
966217 tn?1274049093 I've been on Klonapin for 15 yrs. my most current dose is 1/2 mg in the morning and at night. There's a new DR. here and she decided that I shouldn't be on it anymore. She prescribed Lexapro and Seroquel,because apparently she's hard of hearing and didn't pay me any attention. When I told her that I don't like to take alot of meds. and if i'm not allergic to it don't fix it. Now I don't know what to expect. Has anyone ever had withdrawl from this.
Avatar n tn My question is sort of 2 fold. I've been taking Lexapro at a dose of 40mg and also Ativan PRN for the last 5 months. Before that, I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar disorder and was being treated with 800mg of Seroquel XR daily, 4mg of Klonopin, and 150 of Effexor XR both daily as well. I went through Hell going cold turkey off the Seroquel, while weening from Effexor. I traded the Klonopin off for Ativan and weened it down from 2mg daily to now taking it as needed (generally .
Avatar n tn The medications, first seroquel, then switched to abilify then back on seroquel, left me feeling really tired and more depressed. If I were bipolar, wouldn't one of these medications have worked for me?
Avatar f tn I'm taking a LEXAPRO 30mg, KLONOPIN 5mg and SEROQUEL 25mg cocktail everyday for my Depression/Panic Disorder/Anxiety and I can barley stay awake. I feel like a zombie. True I don't want to kill Myself anymore. But I don't really feel alive anymore either.
1926604 tn?1322961405 Yeah, odasi is right. If you're bipolar and you don't take a mood-stabilizer like seroquel to keep you from getting "too up", lexapro on it's own can make you very manic. Mania can cause things like anxiety, lack of sleep, not being hungry and losing weight. If lexapro has been helpful in the past when you were depressed, you can keep taking it, just take it with something that prevents mania.
433485 tn?1321813390 I am on 30 mg of lexapro and 1 mg of klonopin 3 times a day ( klonopin) we switched to lexapro several months ago as I was on prozac and was a mess! So far I have been doing better, just a little anxiety when I first wake up. Not sure if this was normal or not.
Avatar f tn I thought I remember a while back someone posted that they were doing OK on Lamictal but when the doc increased the dosage, the person started having anxiety attacks. Is that true? I recently went up to 200mg/day and I've started having anxiety and now wondering if I should ask the doc to decrease the dosage. He also discontinued the Seroquel but now I'm having major depressive episodes.
Avatar m tn He performed a neurological examination on me, which was normal and perscribed me lexapro for anxiety. I kept my appointment with the other neurologist, who is more well known. He performed another neurological examination on me, which was also normal. I asked him if another M.R.I. could be done, which he was kind enough to order on my cervical spine. This was also normal.
Avatar f tn m on Celexa now but am wondering if maybe Lexapro would be better since anxiety is my biggest concern. Has anyone had suggest with Lexapro. Also does Lexapro cause weight gain like Celexa?
Avatar f tn I have sleep apnea and depression and anxiety. I was put on Seroquel and Lexapro. These last two helped lessen the depression and anxiety but made my sleepiness and fatigue much worse. Also, I was putting on a lot of weight due to a strong craving for sweets every afternoon. My psychiatrist had told me if the fatigue got really bad I could cut the Lexapro in half, from 10mg to 5. I just started doing this 2 days ago.
Avatar f tn hello, i was put on abilify after falling into a severe depression when my father passed away. within a few days i could feel the depression lift and did ok for a few months. then i crashed into another depression for no real reason. increasing the dose did'nt help.i was taken off and put on wellbutrion and seroquel and decreased the lexapro to 10mgs. i'm feeling somewhat better. but i don't like the seroquel. and really don't know why i was put on it.
3166043 tn?1514260018 So I recently started using [Dalacin T - topical treatment]( again for my acne now that I have drug coverage. (Previously used it 2009-2012 after a severe ance breakout) I have severe health anxiety and I remember that diarrhea is a side effect from using it so when I had a loose stool last night and just a hour ago i'm pretty sure I have C-diff. I have severe health anxiety.
3166043 tn?1514260018 So I recently started using [Dalacin T - topical treatment]( again for my acne now that I have drug coverage. (Previously used it 2009-2012 after a severe ance breakout) I have severe health anxiety and I remember that diarrhea is a side effect from using it so when I had a loose stool last night and just a hour ago i'm pretty sure I have C-diff. I have severe health anxiety.
3166043 tn?1514260018 So I recently started using [Dalacin T - topical treatment]( again for my acne now that I have drug coverage. (Previously used it 2009-2012 after a severe ance breakout) I have severe health anxiety and I remember that diarrhea is a side effect from using it so when I had a loose stool last night and just a hour ago i'm pretty sure I have C-diff. I have severe health anxiety.
Avatar n tn Hello, I just switched from Lexapro to Wellbutrin. I was originally taking lexapro for anxiety which I have had for the past 10 or so years. After my daughter was born, I was then taking it for both anxiety and depression. I normally am not a depressed person. Now I switched to Wellbutrin because of the sexual side effects of Lexapro. My concern is that I have felt really dopy the last couple of weeks.
689327 tn?1240229164 Hi lyerhc. I was on Lexapro for only 3 full weeks. What you described, is the very reason I too decieded to talk with my doctor and have him take me off. At 2 weeks, I was becoming more and more dull with each passing day. I could not cry, even when I wanted or needed too. I did not care to carry a conversation with anyone; nor, did I care to listen to one.
Avatar f tn I started taking 50mg of Seroquel in December for sleep. Shortly after I began to feel as if I couldn't breathe. I went to the ER and they checked me out and told me it was anxiety. So I saw My nurse practitioner and she prescribed Vistaril 50 mg 3x a day. I room it for a week. Still had the same symptoms. I figured out It was The seroquel. I tried to call the nurse but they are never available so I did not do my homework on this med and quit it cold Turkey.
Avatar f tn Hi Cocolei- I have taken Seroquel for years. At one point I did take a small dose of Seroquel during the day -50mg. At night I have taken as much s 600-800mg. When I was in the hospital, there were some people taking as much as 1000mg at bedtime. You didn't say how much total Seroquel you are on. But I do know that the Seroquel really helps stablize my moods. Talk to your doctor about this medication, it sounds like maybe you are not on enough at bedtime.