
Laser eye treatment for cataracts

Common Questions and Answers about Laser eye treatment for cataracts


1157141 tn?1262451698 My other eye is now starting to do the same thing, but the eye has to get to a certain point, the same as with your original cataract for the laser treatment to be effective...Was then told that this should not have to be repeated again... hope this helps....
Avatar f tn Do you recommend the use of N-acetylcarnosine drops for the treatment of cataracts?
709537 tn?1232584855 There are surgical and laser treatments for glaucoma as well as eyedrops. Usually, eyedrops are the first form a treatment. Is there a reason that drops cannot be used? Dr. Feldman Sandy T. Feldman, M.D., M.S.
Avatar m tn l am thinking of laser treatment, is that effective , also what about surgery to replace the liquid in the eye , is that very risky?
Avatar n tn Hi Doctor, - Two years back I was diagnosed open angle glaucoma in RIGHT EYE and now I am using Xalacom & Alphagan P to lower eye pressure. - 6 months begore I started feeling blurry near vision problem while reading newspaper, books, reading from near. I visited Optometrist doctor and he informed me that I am presbyopic and he gave me new bifocal prescryption which I am using now.
1260255 tn?1288654564 I am holding off on having my prescription filled for new eye glasses, as I have noticed that the reading vision in my right eye is next to nothing. I can only read print when focusing through the inner part of the progressive lens on that side, whereas with the left eye, everything is in focus and I can clearly see the print. I will be asking the ophthalmologist about this.
Avatar m tn I would not recommend laser treatment for area of retinal thinning. Get a second opinion from a retinal specialist. Dr. O.
Avatar f tn Second there is no good treatment for floaters. Vitrectomy is expensive, risky and always causes cataracts to for and grown. Yag laser break up of floaters has not been successful. There is a new laser and laser lens but its new, untested, doesn't always work and some parts of the eye and some types of floaters can't be treated. Better precious time, money, resources and research be spent on the major causes of poor vision and blindness.
Avatar m tn I too had yag laser last week and i have the piece of capsule hanging in my pupil area and my doc said it may be there for a couple of months.
177275 tn?1511755244 In a second study of complications of this treatment page 973 complications reported with laser treatment of floaters included: glaucoma, cataracts, retinal tear, retinal detachment, retinal bleeding, blind spots, damage to the lens requiring surgery and INCREASE of floaters. It is something that I have NOT recommended to my patients with bothersome floaters as of the date of this posting. John C.
Avatar n tn Is the Capsulotomy dangerous? I understand the capsule is shrink wrapped to the eye in the laser process. Can't this damage the inside of the eye, retina or vessels?
Avatar f tn Do you mean that ALL laser spot will leave a blind spot in my eye sight post laser? In that case, my eye sight is pretty normal. After laser, i will have disadvantage of a blind spot in certain areas. The advantage is i would reduce my risk of retine detachment. 5. As a generalization laser treatment of lattice, holes, thin areas, tears is NOT ultra-serious and carries with no where near the risks of the eye having a retinal detachment. a.
Avatar m tn Only a real in person exam by an Eye MD could tell you for sure.
Avatar f tn Ok Thank you, I was concerned about the laser treatment would be worse. What are the possible side effects from the laser treatment.
Avatar m tn obesity, heavy smoking, heaving alcohol use, heavy sun exposure, + family history of cataracts at young age, prolonged steroid use. Glaucoma is NOT one of them. If you have any of those risk factors treat them to slow the cataract down and live healthier.
Avatar m tn I have had cataracts done for both my eyes many years ago. Now my left eye has been diagnosed with PCO and my doctor has recommended YAG laser. I understand during YAG laser they will punch a hole approximate 12 mm diameter more or less through the posterior sac of the capsule which holds my IOL. My only fear is this : I am into martial arts. Would my active martial arts training dislodge the IOL through this hole created by YAG laser? What if I get hit in the head? Thanks.
749258 tn?1233186337 Thank you for your suggestions & commments. I find the floaters irritate most when reviewing scaled down drawing prints and when working on-screen with AUTO CAD ... otherwise it receeds into oblivion when concentrating on other work. Its during the most stressful moments that this phenomina seems to appear to add to the negative stresses ... will keep advised.
Avatar m tn Like you both, I have very high myopia as well, and I have read a lot about it ant talked with several ophthalmologists about this disorder and what, if anything, can be done. Vahid1366, although there are several genetic factors that may be linked to high myopia, it can't be proven that if you and another high person with high myopia have a baby that the child will have it too. The incidence of myopia is increasing very fast in many countries around the world.
Avatar m tn I know there is some evidence to suggest that vitrectomies can accelerate the growth of cataracts. I experienced this in my right eye. My question is can the laser used to repair retinal tears cause cataracts as well? I had a retinal tear repaired by laser last October and another one repaired last January in my left eye. This was done in the doctor's office without the vitrectomy and now I have a cataract on that eye impairing my vision.
Avatar n tn There are debates among surgeons over whether for the typical patient using a laser for the surgery provides a benefit (or a benefit worth the added cost). However I heard from someone with an advanced cataract who researched the issue and discovered there seems to be credible evidence that laser cataract surgery is useful for someone with an advanced cataract which has caused the lens to become harder.
Avatar n tn Is the laser treatment less invasive then the injection and how does the treatment actually work and what are the risks?
Avatar m tn I noticed some cloudiness in my left eye in 2016 and it was assumed that this was caused by Posterior Capsule Opacification and I had YAG laser treatment. This made little difference and I returned to my surgeon who, after tests, said it was the Mplus lenses of both eyes that were exhibiting opacification. I wrote to Oculentis in Germany who replied asking for the lens serial numbers, which I supplied. I have heard nothing more from Oculentis in spite of writing to them a further three times.
Avatar f tn BP=normal; blood glucose=normal), but are also very nearsighted. I just recieved laser treatment for a retinal detachment, and they also discovered a catarac in the same eye. Question: What is the cause of a catarac in a relative "young" person.