
Kariva low dose

Common Questions and Answers about Kariva low dose


Avatar f tn I was orginally on Depo-Provera for 1 1/2 years (never had a period), switched to Seasonale (major nausea), then switched to Tri-Sprintec (my chest got huge on this pill), and then to Kariva (was great!). I was on Kariva for 10 months. I never took the placebo week, so I never had a 'period'. However, if and when I missed a pill or took it a little late, I always had spotting for a day or two.
Avatar f tn Hi- I am a 17 year old girl and I have been on birth control pills for a little over a year and a half now. I was originally prescribed Ortho-Tricyclen Lo but was switched to Kariva in May of this year because it was said to be the "less expensive generic brand" of Tricyclen Lo. I always felt a little more irritable and noticed my skin got a little more sensitive when I originally started taking the pill, but nothing too bad.
1063764 tn?1272821064 I started taking thyroid hormone levothyroxine 50mcg (smallest dose) on March 15, almost a two months now. I noticed about 4 weeks after I started taking it that my acne was beginning to flare up. I had it under control for many months by that point, and I'm trying to figure out if the levothyroxine is the cause. My endocrinologist told me that my thyroid function was normal without the medication but I am taking it because I have nodules (the medication slows down their growth.
Avatar n tn 6 which is above the norm. I also take Kariva as a birth control. What I am worried about is whether I really need to take this thyroid medication. I am not an anti-medicine person, but I certainly don't want to be taking something I don't need to take. Please, advise. Nat.
Avatar f tn Last Wednesday I got my period, and I began taking Kariva Birth Control. On friday, My boyfriend and I decided to have sex, which was dumb, but we used a condom with spermicide on it and in it. After a little bit, the condom popped and he pulled out immediately without ejaculating at all. Then we were finished. I know that people say that girls can get pregnant on their periods, however, i was only on the 3rd day of my cycle and i highly doubt that i could have ovulated so early...
Avatar f tn orthotrycyclinn made me have two cycles a month but every pill they gave me did that instead of makeing my periouds lighter it made me have more and heavier ones, plus i lost a lot of weight on birth control i was on kariva, low loesestrin fe, abri, orthottycyclin, and two other ones all of them did the same thing they helped witht he cramps but i had more cycles than i was suppposed to.
Avatar f tn Do you think my body is adjusting to the low dose eventhough I was just on it the end of March (Loestrin 24) and April (Ortho Lo)? I'm confused and don't know if I should POAS. Oh and btw, YES I do have unprotected sex with my one and only loving partner and he does ejaculate in me. HELP PLEASE ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE WONDERFUL!! Thanks.
757137 tn?1347196453 Is it possible to be come addicted to a low dose of Xanax? I take half of a 0.25 mg. pill in the morning and the other half in the evening, It is most helpful but I worry that I will need increasing doses as time goes by, or that I will suffer withdrawal if I quit. Does anyone have information on this subject?
Avatar f tn s 100mg, to put that in prospective when you take aspirin for a headache you take 600mg.
Avatar f tn Anyone heard of low dose immunotherapy for treating lyme and co-infections? Specialty Natural Medicine in WA state offers this treatment for lyme. A detailed description is on their website. It's supposed to divert your immune system away from the bacteria. The thinking is that your body's immune response to the bacteria is what is causing your symptoms and that it is fighting a losing battle. It's a new treatment they say it has great success.
Avatar f tn //www.cortjohnson.
683167 tn?1302879300 the problem with low dose naltrexone is there are no real studies been done to prove its affect ......... I know one person who started to take it and she said it took a while before she noted any affects about 6 months i think my memory isnt good any more. IF it makes you feel better after taking it could it mean that the drug makes you feel worse when you are taking it if you get my meaning? Sorry not very clear even in my head lol. This is a good web site all about it. http://www.
808815 tn?1254301881 hi just wanted to ask peoples views on this medication i have just come across through the press, LDN low dose naltrexone if you dont know about it please look it up there has been so much people getting great results from it over the years it was developed for addicts and given in a much smaller dose some people realised it was really benaficial to the immune system, i live in scotland uk and have a chemist who prescribes it in glasgow will speak to my nuerologist about it tomorrow dont expect
428506 tn?1296557399 I was wondering if anyone else has experience with low-dose (5 mg/day) oral hydrocortisone. Below I describe the role it is playing my treatment. My LLMD Rx-ed this based on my persistent, sometimes disabling, fatigue. At first I didn't take it because I was worried about potential immune suppression, since this is a steroid. But in a follow-up I was assured that this is a super low ("sub-clinical") dose. Plus I am still on abx.
Avatar m tn I am on Kariva birth control. I missed 2 or 3 pills the week that i had sex. We used protection everytime except penetration once for like 30 but he did not ejaculate. I took plan b (the one pill version) between th 48 and 72 hour mark. It has been 2 weeks since and my period has been a couple days late and very very light (dark brown). I know that the plan b causes disruptions in menstrating and so does missing pills but id like to lnow if im just overly paranoid.
Avatar f tn i know all birth controls are different, but they have a lot of similar side effects. i was on yasmin, seasonique, kariva, and now sprintec. the first two that i mentioned: i had my period for about a month. sometimes it just takes a while for your body to adjust. for me it eventually regulated.
11728532 tn?1451774466 Hi there, I'm an 18 y/o female and I have taken birth control ( Kariva -- to be specific) since I was 15 to treat PCOS. About a month ago, I had intercourse and afterwards I bled heavily and had cramps for a week. I should not have gotten my period for another two weeks according to my pills. When I took the pills that started my period, It was very light and ended two days early. We used a condom but I'm scared.
Avatar m tn m a 21 year old who just stopped the pill after 5 years of being on it consistently. In October I was switched from Azzurette to Kariva, just a generic brand switch. I hated it and decided to go natural and stop the pill all-together around November 13. I got my "withdrawal period" right after.
Avatar f tn holly i am really glad you started this forum so people can talk about issues directly relating to methadone use, i wanted to contribute to this forum today while i was here just some hints so people can learn from my mistakes, my clinic started me on 35mgs and then i just kept going up and up and up until i was on a daily dose of 240mgs, i would also buy peoples take homes the best advice i can give is to stay on a very low dose, by the end of it all my body was so weak i needed help getting i
4530502 tn?1360540494 The way LDN works is it basically works like serotonin which makes you feel good. It is basically like taking an antidepressant that is why it works for so many things. It is a low dose of a drug used to get people off drugs. You can't take narcotics while on it.