
Kariva missed period

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Avatar f tn Last Wednesday I got my period, and I began taking Kariva Birth Control. On friday, My boyfriend and I decided to have sex, which was dumb, but we used a condom with spermicide on it and in it. After a little bit, the condom popped and he pulled out immediately without ejaculating at all. Then we were finished. I know that people say that girls can get pregnant on their periods, however, i was only on the 3rd day of my cycle and i highly doubt that i could have ovulated so early...
Avatar f tn Hi! My husband and I have decided to try and get pregnant. I had been on birth control since I was 18 (so for 4 1/2 years). I was orginally on Depo-Provera for 1 1/2 years (never had a period), switched to Seasonale (major nausea), then switched to Tri-Sprintec (my chest got huge on this pill), and then to Kariva (was great!). I was on Kariva for 10 months. I never took the placebo week, so I never had a 'period'.
Avatar m tn I am on Kariva birth control. I missed 2 or 3 pills the week that i had sex. We used protection everytime except penetration once for like 30 but he did not ejaculate. I took plan b (the one pill version) between th 48 and 72 hour mark. It has been 2 weeks since and my period has been a couple days late and very very light (dark brown). I know that the plan b causes disruptions in menstrating and so does missing pills but id like to lnow if im just overly paranoid.
Avatar n tn really stressed out that I had an irregular period last month and have missed it this month? I am still taking my birth control religiously and I just started my new pack yesterday...
Avatar f tn Okay, so I am a seventeen year old girl and I recently started the Yasmin Birth Control Pill. My doctor told me to start taking the Yellow pill (hormone pill) on the first day of my period which I found a little confusing as it is meant to stop your period.
Avatar f tn Hi- I am a 17 year old girl and I have been on birth control pills for a little over a year and a half now. I was originally prescribed Ortho-Tricyclen Lo but was switched to Kariva in May of this year because it was said to be the "less expensive generic brand" of Tricyclen Lo. I always felt a little more irritable and noticed my skin got a little more sensitive when I originally started taking the pill, but nothing too bad.
Avatar m tn m a 21 year old who just stopped the pill after 5 years of being on it consistently. In October I was switched from Azzurette to Kariva, just a generic brand switch. I hated it and decided to go natural and stop the pill all-together around November 13. I got my "withdrawal period" right after.
11728532 tn?1451774466 Hi there, I'm an 18 y/o female and I have taken birth control ( Kariva -- to be specific) since I was 15 to treat PCOS. About a month ago, I had intercourse and afterwards I bled heavily and had cramps for a week. I should not have gotten my period for another two weeks according to my pills. When I took the pills that started my period, It was very light and ended two days early. We used a condom but I'm scared.
Avatar n tn Some women don't test positive on a urine test for a few weeks after their missed period. Make sure you are testing with your first morning urine for the most accurate results. I agree with GordonBaby too, wait a week and test again if you have not started your cycle and follow up with your doctor. Good luck!
Avatar f tn Me and my fiance had sex on the 13th of march today is the 26 I normally have my period around the 23-24 and it last about 3 days I have yet to get a period he did not "***" in me also I have been off of the depo shot for about 5 months now should i buy a pregnancy test or should I wait it out I really don't want to waste money I'm really stressing about it and don't know what to do even though I'm only 2-3 days late
Avatar f tn So I missed my period on Saturday and still havnt gotten it I been taking test everyday and still shows up negative.. Could it be to ealy???
Avatar f tn hi to all girls here!.. I have a question about my period. My last period is August 29 until now I don't have my period yet. Should I wait to do a Preg.test?or just wait if my period will come..?
Avatar f tn I seen your one comment on someone else post so I hope his helps . I missed my period marcH 17 didn't start at all this month (april) I am , so just take a prego test!
Avatar f tn m 14, I started my period 4 months ago and last week I was having dark brown discharge but this week I missed my period... Does this mean next month it will be any different or is there any problems ??
Avatar f tn im 17 years old have had my period regularly for the past 3 years i am not sexually active i dont smoke or drink but i have missed my period for the past 3 months and my lower abdomen is tight should i see a doctor
Avatar f tn I'm 14, Ive had my period since I was 10, and I missed this month. Or I'm very late. I've never missed my period before, except when my body was irregular at the beginning. Ive been under a lot of stress lately, and I heard it's normal to miss your period then, but I just wanted to make sure it's normal and that nothing bad is going on with my body. So is it normal or should I see a doctor?
Avatar n tn t get a period. Your cycle is longer rather than skipping a period, if that makes sense. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Stress, illness, weight gain or loss, issues with thyroid, changes in routine, etc. I'd wait to see if you get it in another 15 days and if not, see your doctor to determine what is going on.