
Kariva and missed period

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Avatar f tn Last Wednesday I got my period, and I began taking Kariva Birth Control. On friday, My boyfriend and I decided to have sex, which was dumb, but we used a condom with spermicide on it and in it. After a little bit, the condom popped and he pulled out immediately without ejaculating at all. Then we were finished. I know that people say that girls can get pregnant on their periods, however, i was only on the 3rd day of my cycle and i highly doubt that i could have ovulated so early...
Avatar f tn Hi! My husband and I have decided to try and get pregnant. I had been on birth control since I was 18 (so for 4 1/2 years). I was orginally on Depo-Provera for 1 1/2 years (never had a period), switched to Seasonale (major nausea), then switched to Tri-Sprintec (my chest got huge on this pill), and then to Kariva (was great!). I was on Kariva for 10 months. I never took the placebo week, so I never had a 'period'.
Avatar m tn I took plan b (the one pill version) between th 48 and 72 hour mark. It has been 2 weeks since and my period has been a couple days late and very very light (dark brown). I know that the plan b causes disruptions in menstrating and so does missing pills but id like to lnow if im just overly paranoid. I know i took a lot of precautions but is it not actually a lot? Please let me know!
Avatar n tn really stressed out that I had an irregular period last month and have missed it this month? I am still taking my birth control religiously and I just started my new pack yesterday...
Avatar f tn I realize I probably should not have done this and today I feel bloated and almost nauseous and out of it. Anyway, on my pack it says to continue to take my pills and restart a pack Sunday (I'm a Sunday starter). Is this enough or should I take the 'morning after' pill also.
Avatar f tn Anyway, I have now almost finished my first sheet and I am up to the White suger pills which bring on your period, but the thing is I have now had my period for over two weeks (the whole time I have been taking the pill) and I am worried as to why? I had sex a week before I went on the pill but I don't think I'm pregnant? I need so advice please.
Avatar f tn Hi- I am a 17 year old girl and I have been on birth control pills for a little over a year and a half now. I was originally prescribed Ortho-Tricyclen Lo but was switched to Kariva in May of this year because it was said to be the "less expensive generic brand" of Tricyclen Lo. I always felt a little more irritable and noticed my skin got a little more sensitive when I originally started taking the pill, but nothing too bad.
Avatar m tn To whoever can help, it'd mean a lot. I'm a 21 year old who just stopped the pill after 5 years of being on it consistently. In October I was switched from Azzurette to Kariva, just a generic brand switch. I hated it and decided to go natural and stop the pill all-together around November 13. I got my "withdrawal period" right after.
11728532 tn?1451774466 Hi there, I'm an 18 y/o female and I have taken birth control ( Kariva -- to be specific) since I was 15 to treat PCOS. About a month ago, I had intercourse and afterwards I bled heavily and had cramps for a week. I should not have gotten my period for another two weeks according to my pills. When I took the pills that started my period, It was very light and ended two days early. We used a condom but I'm scared.
Avatar f tn hi my period is due but no signs im going to start. I have been having un protective sex with my bf and my period is due but i havn't had any signs i'm going to start. i have some pain on the left sign kinda like a slight pull feeling. i'm tired all the time and pee often. been nauseated often. i'm also more hungry then usual and find the only comfable way for me to sleep is on my back and i always been one that slept on her belly or back.
Avatar f tn Im two weeks late my period and iv taken a test and it said no and today i went to a fortune teller and she told me i am ??
Avatar f tn Ok, so I took a First Response test.. the one that detects pregnacy 5 days before you even miss a period (and I'm 5 days overdue i guess) and I made sure I followed the directions carefully... The results were not pregnant =) When should I retest? (I guess thats why they gave me two?) Can I breath yet? Am I relativly safe Or is this common and I'm still prob pregnant?
Avatar f tn I have been very bloated, nauseous, sore and swollen boobs, certain foods and smell bother me that has never bothered me before, missed period obviously, and my cervix is high, soft and closed, headaches, and constantly going pee seems to be every 5 minutes. I have taken multiple pregnancy tests and they all have come over negative. Could there be a probability of me being pregnant?
Avatar f tn I had sex twice in June but we used protection and the condom did not break or anything. I read that many factors can lead to a missed period and during the past month i have been havin troube sleeping and i have been going to bed really late. Also have been takin weight loss pills that decrease the appetite and I havent been eating much and I have been exercising on an off but this has neva happened before.
Avatar f tn ive already took three pregnancy test and they all came up negative. me and my boyfriend have had sex during my ovulation period and he has ejaculated as well... ive token one test on friday and two test today and the came up negative and i am never late for my period. i am confused i have no symptoms really and still have yet to started my period. can some one help me please?
792377 tn?1237311068 i have been having pretty regular periods and have not been under any more stress than usual. my last period was in january and i have had pregnancy symptoms but i just took a at home test this morn and it was negative. i am confused and queasy.
Avatar f tn My period has never been this late. My bf and I are trying to conceive and we have been keeping track of my fertile days and ovulation day and last month we had intercourse during those days, could we just have hit the spot?
Avatar f tn (talk of fibromyalgia, lupus, lyme disease, parasitic worms has flown around as well). I was due my period 4 days ago and it seems as though I have missed it all together- I saw the tiniest drop of blood once and that was about it. I am NOT pregnant i assure you- it wasnt likley anyway and I have done 4 pregnancy tests to be sure.
Avatar m tn Hello, my name is Allison. I am 14 years old and I am 48 days late on my period. I am so confused. I have all the pas symptoms. I am bloaty, I have acne mostly on my back and a little on my face, and I'm cramping in the lower area. I have had sex before. I feel like I'm not pregnant but what could be the problem here? I have been stressed a lot and worried. That my be why but. I am wishing someone could explain this all to me. Thank you!
Avatar f tn and ive missed my last period and this one is now a week and a half late. Ive done 2 tests and they have both been negative...
Avatar n tn m now past 3 weeks late and still no signs of my period. I always started with cramping a few days before my period started, and now nothing. I can't get in to see my doc for another 2 weeks. Just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem or has some advice. I'm stumped, and want to know why I haven't gotten my period!
Avatar f tn Hi Ladies I'm new at this but I'm 7 days late and have taken 3 test and all are negative. My cycles are on average 27 days and use 2 different apps and they're 99% accurate +/- 1 to 4 days. I called the health department and have to call back Thursday to make an appointment. Any other suggestions?
Avatar n tn But Im still alitle confused because I have to missed my period I am almost a week late? And I have been having bad cramps, alot of vaginal discharge and my stomach is bloating really bad where my cervix is???? I dont know it did that to me when I was pregnant I had those exact same syptoms but I have taken 3 home pregnancy tests they came back negative and I went in to family planning and community health clinic and took just a regular pt and it came back negative too?
Avatar f tn I've missed my period for 2 months now, and I've been to my local sexual health clinic, and I have had 3 pregnancy tests, all coming back negative, I don't understand why my period hasn't come, I've been sexually active for about a year now, and I've had quite a few sexual partners?
Avatar f tn hi i was supposed to have my period monday january 3rd and i havent had it yet and i have taken pregnancy test and they all said negative but me and my husband are trying to get pregnant we want to have a baby and i have had cramping and darkening nipples says my husband and i been dizzy and i was wondering if i could be pregnant.
Avatar f tn hi, i missed my period by 12 day and on e the 13th day i woke up and had spotting in my underwear and when i wipe had lil blood look like spots, this countied for 2 days and then went soon after this a started to have brown discharge when i wipe, hellp could this mean im pregnant??? ive gone a test but NEGATIVE! what else could be a matter with me ??