
Jaw pain after dental work

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain after dental work


Avatar n tn sudden neck gland pain after dental work?
Avatar f tn i am in alot of pain my bridge teeth are much longer than my other teeth when i bite down the bridge teeth cover my lower jaw teeth and it seems like my jaw is out alignment now i hear popping when i open my mouth and i am having pain on my bridge side of my face neck shoulder back and arm pain is this normal?
Avatar m tn I too have dizziness after lower jaw dental work. I think that if you get enough drug in the injections to numb your jaw it also numbs your ear and causes dizziness. The ear nerves just can't give you the feedback to feel stable or something, (but what do I know?). I suspect this is fairly common and I don't understand why Dentists don't discuss it. It is a creepy feeling and I need to have someone drive me home after a lower filling. It goes away after a few days.
Avatar n tn Oh my God, i am so happy to find this sight. i am desperate. I too had major dental work done and I am in excrutiating pain. Pain meds don't work. The dentist can't find anything wrong. Today I'm going to see my GP. I'll show this forum to him. I have never had pain like this before. Has anyone found relief after the diagnosis?
Avatar n tn I, personally, have had a block injection where the Dr injected into my muscle and I had jaw pain instantly (intense pain) and then numbness on that whole quadrant for almost two weeks. Your tongue and the roof of your mouth may feel that way because of the lack of "feeling" in your tongue, so the texture feels different. If it continues much longer, I would schedule a follow-up visit with your Dr for this reason.
Avatar n tn I have posted previously about pain over my front teeth after after having a porcelain crown over the second to the rear back tooth. I have recently examined my mouth and gum areas and am fairly certain that my right front tooth is now sticking up and has shifted slightly. They are tight together and when I tilt my head up I can see easily where they are no longer aligned. I clearly remember my teeth being straight before. Is this at all possible?
Avatar n tn Extensive dental work can cause irritation of the pulp, which can lead to discomfort or headaches, especially the closer you get to the pulp. This can be further aggrivated if the temporary is leaking anywhere (the tender gums make me think its the temporary). The longest any of my patients have any discomfort is about 2-3 days, but I specifically spend extra time making sure they go home with a well made temp.
Avatar n tn If I am not mistaken, there is a nerve series that runs on the side of the face from approx. the temple to the jaw bone that can become inflamed with dental work/infection, and for reasons unknown. I believe this is seen more often in people with MS. There have been treatments successful in relieving the pain. I cannot recall the name of this pain as the word is a little lengthy. You really should not have to live with pain. Perhaps Google, facial nerve pain or dental, facial pain.
Avatar n tn So after dealing with a dentist induced TMJ and tooth pain for 2 months I visited the emergency room. Since Jaw pain is part of the TMJ and also may indicate a heart attack is brewing I wanted to play it safe. ER Doc. Said he believed it's all dental related until my blood work came with showing Troponin at .26 so I was admitted... X-ray, ekg, echo, CT Scan, BP, heart rate and blood work was all normal... after 4 days in Cardiologist basically told me he has nothing and discharged me.
Avatar f tn Even though if you still having pain then you can use jaw strengthening exercises or jaw stretching exercises to get relief from jaw pain.
Avatar f tn I had a partial root canal done and just got an infection. I got amoxiclav antibiotics, took two of them and now I'm in a lot of pain and my bottom jaw/cheek is hard as a rock. My dentist appointment is in 2 weeks but I want to know how long for the swelling to go down and how long for the pills to start working? Please help, and hopefully I can get an answer soon. Thank you!
5792451 tn?1390934690 If you remember, I had had a filling done, after which I developed severe jaw pain, a locked jaw and neck and shoulder pain. Several months later, I developed swollen joints in my fingers, toes and severe foot pain. This was accompanied by chronic migraine headaches, muscle pain and severe fatigue. I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease by my cardiologist, but by then I had already had it in my body for perhaps 10 years or more.
Avatar f tn For the past week now I have been having some pain in my jaw. The pain wasn't too bad and I took some motrin and it would go away. Last night the pain was almost unbareable. And it got worse everytime I would lay down. Nothing was helping not even the motrin. The pain seems to start near my ear all the way to the front of my teeth on the lower left side. What can this be? There is no swelling just agonizing pain.
Avatar f tn For years i had right jaw pain i am thinking tmj cause of bad dental work done and now i have horrible aching jaw and worst of all dull tight pressure temple pain. This ache worrys me more than the jaw. I am hoping its from the tmj. i have never been diagnosed seems like no doctor or dentist is interested in helping but is it normal to have the dull aching pressure in the ear and up to the temple and would a antiflamatory pill work to release the tense dull pressure.